chapter : 46 bond

Jungkook POV.

"But did you find out everything?...."

I asked in confusion and he answered with big sigh,

"Because of the baby ..."

"Wait you mean the baby told you that , he/she was in danger ?"

Jimin asked , little shocked at tae's words,

"Technically yes. you see me and the baby has this unknown special  bond between us which always made me understand it's feelings , I can communicate with the pup by our mind link and mostly with our hearts,

So when that wild wolf was about to attack yoonji noona the baby felt big threat and he got so scared , at that time even tho I was in deep sleep I clearly felt like something is wrong with the pup and rushed to hobi hyung's room , luckily I was on right time ..

And about that wolf , I think I can sense anyone's powers and capabilities now. maybe because of the training my inner abilities are awaken"

After listening to my angel everyone gone silent , trying to process what was going on.

"So tae do you know who this wolf was or why he was behind my mate and pup?"

Hobi hyung break the silence by asking a question,

"I don't know hyung but we can figure that out!"

"Really? How?"
"Really? How?"

Jin hyung and  jey hyung asked at the same time with curiosity,

"Chimi can do that"

Saying that he made an eye contact with jimin and he immediately understand tae , so basically they were communicating without words___just by their know soulmate thing.....

Jimin bend down and place his hand on the dead body of that wolf and closed his eyes____lookes like trying to read his memories , luckily we didn't throw the body  yet  so it's good I guess....

"Wait isn't he dead already , how  jimin can read his memories?"

That Jackson asked to my baby with his big mouth,

"He can't read all of his memories but he sure can read the recent ones"

Before my pup can answer , yoongi hyung did and I'm thankful for that.


Finally after some time jimin opened his eyes and stand up___looking rather worried and sad.

"What's wrong jimini ? Did you find out anything ?"

Joonie hyung might noticed his change of mood too as he asked him in concern,

With a big sigh he answered ,

"It's leo, he's the one behind all of this"

He said  with sadness , I noticed one thing this days he stopped calling Leo as his father, poor boy ...... but wait it's Leo's doing than does that mean he know about us ?

"So he knows-"

"No he don't.....not yet , he order to bring every pup to him so that he can observe their souls___it doesn't matter to him wether they're born on not , he just wants to take powers from them even if he has to kill them or their moms"

By now jimin was already crying , you see omegas are very sensitive and delicate creatures and they became extra emotional when it's come to babies. Knowing his own father is doing something so cruel to those innocent pups made him so sad and guilty , he was crying because of his father___he just couldn't understand how someone related to him can be so heart less but then again not everyone have a pure heart as he does .

"Mimi don't cry baby , see tae has already killed that wolf___he won't be able to hurt  those babies any more"

Yoongi hyung took jimin in his embarrass as he was caressing his hair gently in a soothing way,

"I'm g-glad tae k-killed him before he
c-can hurt any baby , Noona's pup was the f-first target B-But  i-its good

Jimin couldn't say any further as he started sobbing and coughing , it became hard for him to say anything,

"Baby please stop crying , look at yoonji how strong she is___you should calm your self too"

Yoongi hyung said in softest voice possible and it's seems like that worked as jimin started to wipe his tears , he went near noona and held her hands ,

"Noona I'm so sorry because of my father your-"

Before he can say anything noona took him in a big bear hug ,

"Don't worry jimini , I know it's not your fault___you don't have to apologise"

"She's right chimi so don't cry anymore"

My baby said with sweet smile and went near them,

"Noona you don't have to hide your emotions  I know you're  so scared right now but trust me I won't let anyone hurt your baby"

Noona smiled at tae's words with teary eyes,

"Wait the baby wants to say something too"

Tae said as he bend down of the level of Noona's tummy and press his ear on it gently as if trying to listen something,

"The baby says , mummy don't worry too much your pup is soooo brave , just like mummy and dada , I trust you mummy you will protect me , please don't be sad I don't like when mummy sad , I want mummy happy happy!!"

He said in a cute baby voice looking so adorable.... and hearing him yoonji noona smiled widely as he caress her tummy,

"Don't worry my baby, mummy will always protect you no matter what and I'm no longer sad___i'm happy happy just like my baby wants"

After this cute interaction with baby , all of our faces were decorated with beautiful smile , the heavy atmosphere vanish in thin air,

Jin hyung took noona and jimin to take some rest while we others were still there discussing how to make our security more stronger and more,

"Btw tae, did my pup really said all that?"

Hobi hyung asked and tae just giggled at this, gosh finally my baby smiled for real...

"Hyungie your pup will take lots more time to speak , he didn't said all that but I didn't lie ether. I just convert his feelings in words"

"Thanks to you my yoonji smiled and felt lot better , you really made her happy and all  her worries  fly away"

Tae didn't said anything and just hugged him tight,

After some time we all decided to head to our rooms and hobi hyung order their guards to be more careful and gave other interaction,

We were about to leave when tae stopped   abruptly  looking horrified,

"Pup what happened? Are you ok?...."


Hope you liked it

What do you think what happened to  our tae tae all of a sudden?

Let's find out in next chapter V●ᴥ●V●ᴥ●V

Borahae 💜💜💜💜
