chapter : 63 comfort place

Jungkook pov.

"Joon hyung, please let me go. I have to speak with tae , he's mad hyung... please"

I literally begged joon hyung to let me follow my love but he just shook his head with pitiful expressions,

"Jungkook, give him some space, it's not the right time to talk with him ....he needs that space"

"But his-"

"Don't worry, Jin is with him... he'll be fine"

Joon hyung assured me with a gentle smile___making my heart at ease a little,

'Pup, please don't hate me.... I'm sorry my love..... please forgive me...'

I thought to myself and took a deep breath, trying to collect my broken self...

"Don't worry kook, I know my soulmate. he maybe doesn't want to talk to you right now but he'll forgive you soon, he's a kind hearted person he'll surely forgive his mate "

Jimin said with a small smile but I couldn't return the same smile back,

"But truly kook, you shouldn't have done that . It's really hurts when your own mate break your heart by doing such a thing, I know your a good person and your intentions weren't bad but think about tae , how he must have felt when you literally risked his life , you could have get hurt and that too by him....he must have felt so miserable and helpless, the only thing that he asked for you was to wait.....wait for the right time and you just...."

He said with tears sliding down his chubby cheeks, he couldn't say anything else as a painful sob brok out from his throat, yoongi hyung quickly wrapped his arms around jimin and pulled him into his chest____letting the small one cry on his chest and wetting his shirt with those precious tears ,he started to rub his back while whispering sweet nothing....he was fast to react and was trying his best to make Jimin stop from crying....

I understand jimin's pain , it's hart to see our loved ones in pain , he's worried for my pup and why wouldn't he... tae is his soulmate afterall,

"I'm sorry jimin-ah , I made you cry I'm sorry that I hurted your soulmate.... I'm really sorry I'm such a bad person"

I couldn't stop my self anymore but to cry, joon hyung hugged me softly and ruffled my hair, giving me comfort that I needed....

"Hyung, he hates me pup hates me"

I sobbed loudly on his shoulder as he kept on caressing my head and back,

''No koo, tae can never hate you, he's still choosing you instead of himself"

Joon hyung said, making me confused on his words...
I slowly pulled away from him and asked him,

"What do you mean by that hyung? What do you mean by he's choosing me instead of himself?"

He looked puzzled after I asked him that question as if he doesn't know how to or what to answer,


"It's nothing kook don't think much , just remember this....tae loves you so much___ more than anything...more than himself"

He said with a smile that didn't reached his eyes, he looked somehow sad , what is it? I'm feeling like, there's something that joon hyung and tae is hiding from me or am I just thinking too much?

"Hyungie wh-"


On the other side with tae and Jin...

Both tae and jin were running in wild forest in their wolf form, their silky smooth fluffy fur were shining with the sunlight____literally glowing with sun...

From the view you can see , two majestic huge beutiful creation of moon goodness wondering in the woods while crushing the grass by their high speed, wind was blowing on their faces and making their heart at peace....

Soon they stopped and Jin lay down on the frash green grass while tae snuggled up to him like a small puppy, tae was resting his head on Jin's tummy while Jin was licking his head with affection..... it was looking like mama wolf was grooming his baby pup.....

They were snuggled up to each other looking so adorable, two cute fluff ball cuddling under clear sky...

After some time they changed into their human form and put on the clothes that Jin has bought,

"Tae , say something bear , I know you're hurt"

Jin hyung started the conversation with his soft voice and patted tae's head , encouraging him to communicate with him and express his feelings....

"Jin hyung, why koo is doing this, it's already so hard for me control my powers and yet he..."

He said with a big sigh ,

"I know my kook , he can be a little stupid sometimes but trust me tae he didn't had any bad intentions....he is just afraid to loose you"

Jin hyung said softly caressing tae's hair, trying to make him feel better,

"I know hyungie, I know he didn't mean any harm to me but it could have harm him , if I couldn't have return to my senses.... I don't know what would have happened? you know how worried I was? I thought I - that he- I can't even say that he could have di-"

Tae was panicking and shivering just by the mare thought of his mate being hurt or worce....he was breathing heavily, he was looking so pale and scared.....Jin noticed his panicked stat and immediately pulled him in his warm embrace...

"Shhhhh, nothing will happen to him. We all are here to protect him and you too Tae. You don't have to take everything on your self, we are all with you , calm down"

Jin hyung assured tae with sweet words and keep him in a warm hug....

Just like that joon and Jin were comforting this pure souls , both tae and kook were like their own babies, Jin has literally raised jungkook while joon was with him in his puberty teenage days , teaching and turning him into a good person.......
Tae was like their second baby, so soft and adorable, the moment they meet with this angel they felt the need to protect him and now both joon and Jin were being their comfort place....... being loving and caring to their little ones....

"Hyungie, can I ask you something?"

Tae asked after some time,

"Ofcourse baby , you don't have to take my permission for that"

Jin answered with soft smile,

"You're not a bita right? You're a ....."


Hope you liked it(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡

Borahae 💜💜💜💜💜
