chapter : 45 I missed you

Jungkook POV.

It's been two days since my pup and Jay hyung started with the training and no one came out from that room ,
Ughhh I'm sick of this __I wanna meet my pup right now.

"Where do you think you're going Koo?"

Not again ! How in the world jin hyung always find out whenever I try to sneak in that creepy room,

"Hyungie please let me~ I miss my love so much"

"Aww we all missing him but you have to be patient for him , you don't want him to be in trouble right?"

"I don't but.......I just want bad"

I looked down as I feared I might actually gonna cry and that would be sooo embarrassing,

"He will be back in no tim-"

Jin hyung couldn't even finish his comforting words when we heard the door bursting open of training room,, I west no time and run to meet my pup,

I saw jay hyung coming out with his shaky legs while his body was radiating smock , what the hell just happened in there?

We ran to him and jin hyung was fast to hold him while I was searching for my pup.


I heard his voice , so deep yet so gentle just like ocean . Oh how much I missed his voice__how much I missed him calling my name ...God I thought I might get insane if he didn't had came out right now.

"Koo , what happened ? You look so lost_ is everything ok?"

He asked as he tilted his head adorably and looked at me with those cute puppy eyes__those eyes holds my whole galaxy in them and those plumpy pink lips ....I have no words to describe how ethereal he is.

I was so lost in him that I didn't realize the chaos that was happening around me,

"Jungkook come out from your fucking head !! Jay hyung is unconscious , I don't know what happened to him"

Jin hyung said loud enough to make me and my all hyungies to hear as they too came rushing to us with worried yet shocked expression,

"Hyung listen -"

"Oh no what we gonna do now!? He's not opening his eyes"

"Hyungie!! Listen!!"

My baby shouted as jin hyung wasn't letting him speak ,

"Tae what's wrong with him? He's not-"

"Hyungie please calm down he's perfectly fine"

Tae said as he made jin hyung to sit on the couch , yeah we were now at the living room since jin hyung literally carried jay hyung on his shoulder all the way here ,

never underestimate out jin hyung he can do anything and everything , it's really cool and scary at the same time.

"Hyungie he's just exhausted , my powers were so unstable at the beginning and was affecting the candles so he was making sure that I won't burn the house"

Tae said as he awkwardly scratch on his neck , must be feeling little bit guilty,

"I'm sorry because of me jay-"

"No need to be sorry baby it's not your fault , now don't feel like that and go get some rest you must be tired too right? We'll talk care of jay hyung"

Jin hyung said with his sweet voice making sure to make tae feel ease and less guilty , as expected it worked and my pup smiled while nodding his head.

He's smile is the most beautiful thing in this whole world , the way his eyes disappear just a little and his cheeks puff up like a fresh bread___ugghhh it's just too much for my heart... it wouldn't be lie if I say I could kill just to see his smile...


My pup came to his room and of course I followed him here ,


Before I can say anything he literally jump on me for a bear hug and who was I to refuse him ? I too hugged him. I could hear our heart beats , it's so amazing how our heart beats at the same time in one rhythm as if it's singing a sweet Melody..

"I missed you Koo"

"I missed you more pup"


Here , I'm sitting on bed while my pup is on my lap__wraping his hands on my sides as he's head resting on my chest.....ahh this is the best feeling ever , did you ever feel the peace in your heart ? Well I did right now in this moment....

"Pup you smells so good , I can't describe how happy I am that you're back"

I said as I inhale his sweet addictive scent and burry my nose more to his neck and he giggled oh so cutely...

"Koo stop it tickets and btw it's only been two days how can you miss me this much"

He asked with amusement___still giggles in mid sentence,

"I can't even live without you for two minutes and it was whole two days of course I can miss my baby this much"

I pouted and in one sec. he kissed my pout away,

"Your being so cheesy"

"But you like it tho"

"Hmmm and what if I do?"

He said as he wrap his hands in my neck , woow I can't believe how fast he got so comfortable around me I still remember the first time we mate , he was such a shy like kitten and now a confident deadly tiger ...but I know how to handle my naughty tiger tho...

"Koo let's cuddle please I'm tir-(gasp)"

A gasp escape from his sweet lips as my fingers find it's way in to his shirt as I caressing his sides gently ,

"K-koo what are you-"

"Hmmm you don't like it love?"

I asked as he shack his head as no while panting a little , I love how much of an effect on him just by my little touches,

"Why your hands are so cold?"

He asked when my hands started to travel every corner of his upper body___making sure to press and pinch those sensitive spots,

"I was at garden awhile ago"


I started to gave him wet kisses on he's neck and shoulders as I know he loves to be kissed on that spot, I went little down to his collar bone and bite it not so hard and give a firm lick on his sweet spot ,by now he was moaning not loud just little meows...

"You know pup, you have no idea how hard it was for me to stop my self from broke that door and wrap you in my embarrass , please don't leave me again____ not even for a second"

I said looking straight in to his eyes , he smiled at me and cup my cheeks__pinching a little..

"I would never bun"

Then he connected our lips in sweet long kiss___ pouring his love in to it , a moan escaped from my lips as he took control over the kiss and oh the way his lips are moving on mime and the way he's nibbling on my bottom lips___and the way he's tongue dances in my mouth ahh feels so good, he give a last few licks before travel his lips on my neck bitting and sucking on it hardly then going further down to my coller bones then chest and down____every were that his lips can tack him and paints my upper body with his marks and I was literally whinnying for more and more....

You see our way of showing affection is deferent , I like to be gentle and soft while he like ruff and wild .....well I'm not complaining tho I like him bitting on me___sucking on my skin while he leave his love marks all over and he likes to be treat gently with care, so we're like perfect for each other-made in heaven.....


Hope you liked it

And if you guys are confused about who's top and bottom so don't forget they both are alphas

So they'll be switching time to time

( ͡°ᴥ ͡° ʋ)U^ェ^U
