chapter : 75 pain

Jungkook POV.

"Jin hyung!!!"

I shouted as I saw him , I don't know how to describe this feeling but I'm so happy and releaved to see him all safe and fine but wait where is my tae?....


Hobi hyung ran to his mate and immediately took her in his warmth ..... He wrapped himself around her weak body tightly as tears ran through his cheeks......

"I'm so sorry love, I failed to protect you. I'm sorry..."

Hobi hyung whispered with low yet broken voice, making us all to feel the pain he's going through,
He was holding his mate for his dear life , he literally couldn't left her even for a sec. He started to examine yoonji noona if she had any wounds but find nothing, Other than her hands... He kissed those wounds of her and kissed her head lovingly....

"Hobi, please don't say that, I'm so lucky to have you my love..."

Yoonji noona said with a weak smile, she looked very tired... I hope she's healthy and no damage happened to her pup,

"How are you feeling love? Do you feel Any pain or something?"

Hobi hyung asked with concern while gently stroking noona's baby bump . Guess he's worried about the baby too just like me....

"I'm fine hobi, just tired .Thanks to all of you for saving me and my pup"

She said as he touched her tummy with a soft smile on her face...

"I hope you doing well my little one"

She whispered to her tummy as if the pup inside can hear and understand her...
We all cooed at her cuteness while hobi hyung giggled with tears in his eyes,

We all were releaved and happy but still I haven't seen my pup yet .... Where is he?


"Where is tae?"

Before I ask about my love, yoonji noona asked on behalf of me,

".........He's with leo"

With a heavy sigh, Jin hyung answered and immediately yoonji noona's smile disappear from her face,

"What?! Why?! Why did you left him alone with that monster?!"

She literally shouted while panicking, we all got worried about her health and my tae....

"Love , why are you so tense? Is something wrong?"

Hobi hyung asked calmly, trying to make noona calm as well but it only increased noona's concern,

"What's Wrong you say?!! Every thing is wrong !! It's wrong to leave tae alone with that evil leo"

She said loudly while panting hard... She was already exhausted and now the stress was too much for her to handle, it was making her weak.......

"Calm down yoonji , it was our plan. You see tae just trying to distract leo so in the meantime we could save you"

Hobi hyung explained but noona just shook her head violettely ,

"No he's-  he is sac-"

Yoonji noona was having difficulty to even speak , her body was too tired to do anything and so, before she could complete the whole sentence, she fainted in hobi hyung's arms....

"Yoonji!!! What happened? Hey open your eyes love, please don't scare me like this. Yoonji .... Hey...."

Hobi hyung was calling his mate desperately and started to tap on her cheeks softly to wake her up but nothing seems to be working...

"Hobi stay strong, yoonji is fine.... She's just tired. You take her home immediately____ she needs rest"

Joon hyung told hobi hyung to leave with yoongi noona and he too agreed to it , he carried noona in her arms securely and carefully.... Not wanting to hurt her precious even a little ,

"Wait, jey hyung and Jackson  , you both go with them , they'll need you too"

Jin hyung said softly but jey hyung wasn't ready to leave....

"I'm not leaving Jin , we still have to defeat leo and I will finish him with my own hands , that bastard had killed our parents I'm not leaving him be!"

Jey hyung denied and sawed his anger and hate towerds leo....

"Hyung please understand, right now yoonji is more important than that monster! Hobi and she needs your protection, who knows how many more Leo's men are out there .... They need your strength hyung, they need you! I promise, we'll defeat leo but please.... go with them now ..... please...."

Jin hyung tried his best to convince jey hyung and finally after looking at yoonji noona's condition , he agreed to leave with them.

"Fine but you guys better come home alive, namjoon tack care of my brothers"

He said as he ruffled my hair and gave a light kiss on my and Jin hyung's fore head  , then he squished jimin's cheeks with a 'be careful' and with a first bump with yoongi hyung he finally left with hobi hyung and Jackson with yoonji noona in hobi hyung's arms...

"Let's go guys, tae is alone with that evil .... We must hurry"

Namjoon hyung said with concern and we all headed to where my pup and Leo were...

"Jin hyung, why did you leave tae alone with leo in the first place?"

I asked him being little irritated,

"I didn't wanted to , he ordered me , I didn't had any other option"

Jin hyung answered simply but sounded somehow hurt and sad....

"What do you mean he ordered you? He's not your master or something, why would you follow his words?"

I said as he stopped at his place and looked at me dead in the eyes.... He was literally giving me death glare ..... Then without even a single word he again started to walk and I didn't had enough courage to ask him again, he looked scary...... So so soooo scary,

We were walking and all of a sudden I felt unendurable pain in my chest as if some one was digging daggers in my chest again and again, the pain was unbearable... My breaths started to stop and I was panting because of it, so suffocating and it's hurts like hell,


I winced in pain and drop down on my knees , jin hyung and joon hyung tried to hold me but before they could, a loud growl left from my throat,


It's hurting, my chest..... Again I felt a sudden pain in the middle of the chest , it's like someone has shoved an iron rod in my chest....

"Ahhhhh ahhhhhh"

'What is happening? What is this pain? Where is it coming from? Wait this isn't my pain.... It's - no no no.....tae! my love!'


I screamed out of my lungs and ran as fast as I can to my mate....

When I reached there I saw the most painful view in front of me..... And My whole existence shaked with agony,

There, my mate ..... My love was standing while pull of  blood dripping down from his body, a silver sword digging inside in the middle of his chest ...... He was coughing blood and his body was covered in
lots of deep cuts,
He was standing there lifelessly while leo was sucking out his powers____ absorbing his energy, I can literally see the power force coming out of my tae's body and leo was taking it all in him.... He looked like his eating my tae's soul!!!




See you in the next chapter •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀(⁠个⁠_⁠个⁠)

Borahae 💜💜💜💜
