chapter : 38 control the beast

Jungkook pov.


Hobi hyung screamed when tae was about to bite my neck but I didn't let him as I kept my hand in between , now his wolf was chewing my hand like some thick meet__his sharp fangs were already sink in to my arm and that was hurting like hell ,

But what's more hurtful was to see him in this condition___mouth drooling with saliva, fangs ready to tear me apart, eyes dull and empty without any emotions and the painful growling....I know he's in pain too but I can't help him much , it's hurts__hurts so freaking much to see my precious angel turning into a mindless beast.

I know it's not his fault , it's his first time forming his wolf after he grow up and that's why he isn't used to his wolf form yet, he's just too confused and scared with this new body of his that he's unable to think straight or understand anything, and on top of that he's powerful so does his wolf so it's hard to get control over it...but I know my pup is more stronger than this he will get control over his inner beast and I'll do everything to help him with that.

I was still struggling to get free when I saw hobi hyung and jin hyung approaching me for my rescue but I told him not to since I don't want anyone to get hurt and especially from my pup cause I Know once he regain his right mind he will surely feel guilty and sad if he hurt them, even when it's unintentionally or when he's out of control and I don't want him to feel sad , so I started to call for him___hoping that he would listen to me,

"Pup look at me , it's me your Koo... ugh!"

I groan in pain as pup started to bit my hand harder causing to make deep cuts and mess of blood of my hand,

"Tae your hurting him please leave his hand!!"

Jin hyung cried out as he can't see me in any kind of pain but right now his unable to do anything since I already told him not to interfere in this ,

"Hyungie I'm ok , didn't worry about me I'll take care of it you guys go inside I'm fine"

I tried to assure them even tho I my self doesn't know if I'll be ok or not,

"Are you out of your mind we're not leaving you like this when you're literally gonna be a dinner of your mate!''

Jin hyung said annoyingly with done expression trying to look normal but I can see worry in his eyes but me being me couldn't help but to chuckled at his words ,

"This boy gone crazy hobi look at him laughing in situation like this"

Well jin hyung isn't wrong tho I might gone crazy, I mean who in their right mind would laugh when they almost get their head chewed by their own mate.

In all these things I noticed how the grip on my hand loosen as taewolf leaved my hand a little , I think his regaining his senses!

"Tae? Pup? Can you hear me?"

I asked carefully and he just started at me as if trying to figure something out there was complete silent at that moment just me and him staring at each other,

I thought he was in control but I was wrong___oh so wrong when he loudly growled at me___now being more aggressive and his eyes they weren't empty anymore but was filled with anger ,

My throat became dry as my eyes got teary when our eyes mate , I know his not in control but still it's hurts to see anger in his eyes for me , I can't take him looking at me as if I'm some kind of thing which he hates ...

"Tae please try to fight it I know you can do it"

My voice crack a little as my tear started to flow from my eyes__I was losing my hope__what if he won't be able to control his wolf?! no no that can't be please no..,

"don't let it control you love"

I saw how his eyes soften for a second when I call him love , that means he can hear me I still can bring him back,

"I love you tae___I love you so much, I don't want to lose you like this please...."

I cried as I close my eyes__no longer able to meet his fire eyes , I didn't care anymore if he really hurt me bad I just want my baby back , I was waiting if he'll bite me more but the next thing he did made me so happy,

He started to lick my face as if trying to wipe my tears away and soon he did same to my wounded hand,

"It's ok pup I'll be heal soon"

I said softly and he finally looked at me with his adorable puppy eyes,

"You can talk to me you know , with our mind link"


"Yes love..."

"I'm so sorry I don't know what happened to me , everything was blur and I couldn't think or listen property , there was only black shadow and I felt my self in danger I didn't know I was hurting you Koo I'm sor-"

"Clam down love I know you didn't do anything intensionally , now tell me how your feeling?"

"I'm feeling so good , feel so much stronger and energetic"

Saying that he started to run in fresh grass like a little puppy, but he was way too faster than any wolf I ever saw he's speed was insane ,

The way his gray fur is shining in the sun making him look so beautiful it's look like wind is ruffling his fluffy fur softly with so much care .


After that day he never lose control , he had full grip on his inner beast , we started to train him in his wolf form some fighting moves and in just three days he was a pro in this like seriously he's just too special, now he had full control over his powerfulwolf__his inner beast.


Hope you like it

Our Tae tae is so strong and fast learner (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
