chapter : 67 plan

"I have a plan..."

Jungkook POV.

My love said as he gathered everyone's attention towards him,

"What plan tae ?"

Joon hyung asked with concern, I have noticed this many times that he always became worried or concerned when it comes to tae , I have this feeling that he knows something that I don't and it's
extremely related to tae .....

"I think we should split into three groups , one will enter the mansion from the hidden path way , the second group will enter from the back and the third one will go straight from the front door"

Tae said as we all looked at him being little confused,

"I understand the first group and the second group that will enter in the mansion secretary by hidden pathway and back door but what about the third group why from the front? won't leo find out about it? If you go literally from the front, that to between his security and wilde wolves he'll definitely know about your presence"

Jey hyung asked with raised eyebrows, totally being confuse,

"That is the point hyung, I will be the one who will lead the third group , seeing me like that , leo won't stop me he wouldn't be able to stop his greed for powers and will easily let me inside, thinking that I finally Surender ..... Meanwhile the first and second group will sneak into the mansion and search for yoonji noona , untill you finally find her I'll make sure to distract leo and will take his all attention on me"

Tae finished explaining and hyungie's were loving the plan but I was still a little unsatisfied with the whole thing,

"That's a really good plan tae , make groups and decide who will be in the first , second and third groups"

Jackson hyung said in excitement, too excited for the upcoming war,

"Wait a minute, pup don't you think it's risky for you to go directly to him , like that is what he wants and you'll be giving yourself to him , I don't think it's a good idea"

I said with the anxiety that building up inside me , there was some kind of fear in my chest that I could not understand.....

"We don't have any other option jungkook and don't worry about me I'm not the old weak human , I'm a moon child___strong and powerful creation of moon goodness The Moon Child "

Tae said as his voice became deeper and deeper , he said that with the confidence that I no longer could deny his plan,

"Ok then I'll be with you in the third group"

I said and he just took a deep sigh, looking irritated for some reason,

"No you can't"

He said calmly but strictly,

"What?! But Why?!"

I almost screamed my question to him but held my self back , not wanting to anger my baby anymore...

"Because you will be in the first group, see jungkook, me, you and jey hyung are the most powerful here so each one of us needs to be in the different groups so that our groups can have enough strength and power we need"

My pup explained to me with soft voice and I nooded with a defeated sigh , he's right we have to be in the difference groups for everyone's safety and security,

"Ok so who will be with you? In your group?"

Namjoon hyung asked with the same concerned expression ,

"You will, we both will be in the third gro-"

"No , I will be with you in the same group"

Tae was speaking but Jin hyung interrupted as he wants to be with tae in the group,

"But hyung..."

'No but! it's my duty to protect you _____ protect my moon child as I am your moon guard , you can't stop me from fulfilling my responsibility.... and I can't let you go to that monster like that I'm coming with you and that's it!!'

Tae was speaking but stopped when Jin hyung glared at him, are they talking with links? But why? Why everyone is hiding things from me ?!!

"Pup wh-"

"Fine , Jin hyung and I will be in the same group"

I was about to ask what and why are they talking with links but before I could finish my words tae agreed with Jin hyung,

"What about others?"

Hobi hyung asked, too eager to find his mate..

" jimin , jungkook and joonie hyung will be in the first group, jiminie know about the whole mansion and it's hidden pathways so he will lead you guys with it , jungkook will take care of the wild wolves if there are any in the way and joonie hyung will protect jungkook and jimin"

He said... more like ordered us , he is ordering us like a pack Alpha , just as in ancient period there was a Alpha leader in every pack.... he is our Alpha leader .....

"About the second group, jey hyung, hobi hyung, yoongi hyung and Jakie hyung will be in the same group, we need more people in this one because it's more risky. Entering from the back door won't be easy as there will be Leo's men too , it will be more powerful if there will be three Alphas and one bita in the same group"

Everyone agreed with him and finally it was time for separation , All the mate were in the different groups....

We all did a group hug and shout 'fighting' and 'we'll be safe' ....

Jimin hugged yoongi hyung tightly while whispering a sweet 'tack care' while yoongi hyung gave a soft kiss on jimin's lips and murmured 'you too' and both said 'I love you' at the same time

Joon hyung kissed jin hyung passionately and gave butterfly kisses all over his face, making Jin hyung to giggle sweetly, they both took each other's warmth with a bear hug and broke it with 'be safe' and 'I love you'

Hobi hyung and Jackson hyung were looking at them with a soft smile on their faces while jey hyung seems to talk with his mate trough the mind link....

I looked at my mate , hoping for a hug even though he was mad, he didn't even looked at me so I gave up on the hug and was about to turn around when I felt my self being pulled into a warmest love was hugging me tightly while burning his face in my chest,

"Koo, I love you so much.... I swear I'll come to you no matter how long it takes, promise me you'll wait for me "

Tae said with his honey voice making my heart to flutter but the same time I felt pain too , don't know why....

"Pup , why would you say that? Of course I'll be waiting and don't worry this separation is just for some time right? soon we'll be together again and I love you more"

I said with a smile and he just started at me with his loving gaze as if he was savouring my whole being in those crystal purple eyes ....

"Of course You have to wait because I still haven't forgiven you keep on trying and don't ever give up "

He said with an adorable pout on his soft lips and I kissed his pout away, the kiss was short but filled with love and only love...


Hope you liked it (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

Borahae 💜💜💜💜
