chapter : 55 ......... betrayed you...

Things where looking normal from outside but something was fishy going on with the Jeon couple,
They were planning something...... something very big that changed the whole world of little koo and his hyungies.

Day passed everything remain as usual, whenever little koo get hurt___his two hyungies would come to his room and treat his wounds.....heal him by their own love ,

But one day, suddenly Jin was send away from home in the name of training and now only jeywan and kook was there .

Little koo was so innocent to understand things but jeywan immediately felt something wrong, he suspected that something isn't right with the situation....

At the time Jeywan was with koo , trying to comfort his baby brother who was crying since the morning......well he was missing his Jin hyung so much but couldn't meet him as he wasn't in the mansion,

"Calm down koo jinie will be back in no time i promise!!"

Jeywan assured the little one as he wiped his tears and give a soft squish on koo's chubby cheeks, baby koo looked at his hyungie with his big puppy eyes and sniff cutely looking like an adorable pup which melted jeywan's heart ....

"Hyungie, koo is sleepy.....can I get some cuddles please..."

Baby koo said with cutest tiny voice and jeywan immediately lay down and pulled koo in his arms , trying his best to make him feel safe. no time koo was in dreamland,

Jeywan decided to sleep with koo but a voice stopped him , it was his mother.....she was calling him from mind link,

When jeywan reached his mother's room he took a deep breath and opened the door,

"Hellow mothe-(slap)"

Poor boy couldn't even complete his words and get a hard slap on his right cheek,

He looked at his mother with questionable eyes which were filled with his fresh tears .....

"What do you think, we didn't know about your and Jin's secret meetings with jungkook? "

She said with calm voice but her eyes said the different story , her eyes were filled with anger and jeywan knew he was in big trouble,

"I'm sorry..."

He said as he looked down,

"I do not want your apology, just do as i say and everything will be fine"

Jeywan wasn't sure what the hell does she wanted from him but when he knew, he completely disagree with her, She wanted him to behave rudely with kook ......

"I won't do that"

Jeywan said as tears started to slide down on his face,

"Oh you will or else......"

She come closer to him and whispered in his ears,

"I will send him far far away from here with father and you know how tough it will be for jungkook to train alone with him"

She said and jeywan froze on his spot, he knows how bad it can be. He's father was a ruthless alpha who had no mercy even on his children, he was a worrier and will train kook like one without any hesitation.... even if kook's body wasn't ready to take that kind of hard training,

"Why are you doing this?!!! Don't you have any heart in you? Why are you hurting my brother?!!!!"

He asked in anger as tears never stopped from his eyes ,

"It's all for his own good , jungkook is an alpha and he must have to be as strong as others ......even more , we must train him hard to make him become a real alpha no matter how ruff we have to be with him"

She answered with cold eyes and jeywan just cried at how helpless he was infront of his perants,, he knew Jin is send away because his parents find out about their little happy world , he was relieved knowing that Jin doesn't have to go throw this hell for some time but now from tomorrow he has to act cold towerds his precious baby brother just to make him safe.....

End of flashback

Jungkook POV.

I was shocked after knowing the truth and somewhat relieved that my jey hyung never was a bad brother, nor he's a betrayer but i felt so guilty of my actions towards him....

"Hyung I'm sor-"

"I never betrayed you koo , i never betrayed my baby brother...... please don't hate me anymore i can't take it...."

I felt pang in my heart when jey hyung said those words with painful sobs , i wested no time and hugged him tight....... whispering again and again that i don't hate him i never did , i was just angry at him but now that i know the truth behind all these .......i love him even more,

"Hyung why you didn't tell me anything before?"

I asked when he calm down,

"I wanted to but couldn't as when i was searching for you at the night, i heard those wild wolves and rushed to their direction......i saw you were fighting with them but they were too strong... even for me, you were injured badly......i had to do something fast so did the first thing came up in my mind and that was soul art"

"You idiot hyung what would have happen if you couldn't make it work?"

I asked him as i playful punched his arm softly,

"But it did worked right?"

"Yeah yeah....."

"Jungkook, our perants maybe was wrong but never bad .....they realised their mistakes after this incident"

Jey hyung said and i just roled my eyes,

"Yeah sure, that's why they left me there alone dying, if it wasn't for Jin hyung i would have died"

I said as he sigh,

"Kook, they didn't know you were there, when they came to the place every were was fire and i was middle of it so it was easy to see me but they couldn't find you couses you were oposite side of me and far too. The impact of soul art was so big that it literally few you away from the burning place,

They thought you ran inside but when they find out about your condition, they felt pain they were ashamed of them self to treat you like the way they did and wanted to apologise but before that you and Jin ran away, they knew where you both were but never interfere in your life as they felt that they don't have any rights to do that, it was their punishment to stay away from their children and about me,...... i was a coward .....i though you would hate me after my bad behaviour so i never tried to find out where you were nor i asked our perants"

After hearing hyung i just nodded at him , i really don't know how to react to these ....

"Woow! jey hyung is a real hero"

Jimin said with amusement and i look around finding every one looking at us with warm smile, for some time i totaly forgot about my surroundings.....that every one is here with me...

'Wait but where is my tae?'


Hope you liked it (⁠灬⁠º⁠‿⁠º⁠灬⁠)⁠♡

Borahae 💜✨✨✨

Have a good day sweet readers (⁠っ⁠.⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠っ
