chapter : 24 date

Jungkook pov.

Today is our first date and I'm really excited for it , I'm gonna make his best day ever.    He's gonna be so happy ,

"Common pup why are you taking  so much time?"

"Coming!! just a minute"

"You're already so beautiful no need to do anything , now come fast "

I told him as I'm waiting for him, outside of his bathroom from God knows how long , he's  making me wait for him so long

"Koo! I'm ready"

"Feww~ finally you're read- wooh "

I couldn't speak anymore as I see my angel, he looks so ethereal I was  mesmerized by his beauty___lost in his deep  ocean  eyes

"Koo.... Koo ....hey are you listening? Jungkook!!!"

"Huh ? Wha-what happen ?!"

"I'm calling you for 10 minutes but your not listening and just staring at me"

He complained with little pout  I immediately kiss that pout away and he blush cutely

"Sorry pup but I just couldn't look away you're looking so.. .."

"So?? I looking bad ? I never really  did something for my looks before so ..... umm i-i know I'm looking weird an- mmmmm"

He was keep on blabbering  so I kiss him to stop  and gosh did I ever mentioned how sweet his lips tests I can kiss him all day - all night they're so soft and plump , the  twinkling feeling I feel every time when I kiss him is just so good I'm literally addicted to his lips , after a long sweet kiss we move away and I cupped his face caressing his cheeks with my thumb softly  ,

"Pup do you have any idea how beautiful you are , you took my breath away the moment you came out , I just couldn't take my eyes of you and about your looks___you are  perfect the way you are so don't you ever feel insecure about it ok!?"

He shyly  nodded  with his rosy cheeks ,

"Ok so let's go or will be late yeah?"

"Hmm but Koo where are we going ?"

"It's a surprise but I'm sure you'll love it "

He just nodded with excitement he looks like a baby who's getting his first toy...... so adorable


Jungkook pov.

"Koo~ why are we here ?"

"Well we didn't eat anything since
morning so..."

"But why at our cafe ? It's close today"

"My angel I know that and I also know that you don't like crowded places so I'm gonna make something for us by my self"

"Really!!! you will make food for me by your self ?"

"Yup! now stay here on chair and let me make something real quick"

I was making his favorite cake , I had already prepared every thing at night so there's not much to do , now the cake was ready and I was making hot chocolate when I felt soft hands wrap around my waist and hot breath on my ears , my pup is hugging me like koala he really loves cuddles



"I'm hungry"

"It's done pup, now come let's eat"

"Can you feed me ?"

I chuckled at his cuteness and put him on my lap

"Off course love here say aaa__"

After our delicious meal we headed to our next destination



Pup shouted excitedly at the front view , yes it's kinda childish that I bring him here for our first date but I Know my pup won't be happy if I'll take him to some fancy restaurant he's more like a kid who loves to play around and have fun with his love

"Koo how did you know , I always wanted to came here  I love this place"

"from jin hyung, that you wanted to come here but couldn't you like it ...."

"Like ? I love it!! now let's go"

Saying that he pulled my hand and started running

"Slow down pup or we will fall"

"Koo let s ride that first"

He said pointing at the rollar costar,

"Are you sure you wanna start with that we can start with little rides first"

"Noooo I wanna ride that first"

He whined like a baby he is___my baby

"Ok my big baby let's go"

We were on the costar  and the ride has started I saw at my side to see tae if his scared or not but he looked really happy he was enjoying this very much I smiled at my pup thinking I was able to make him these much happier

"Koo that was so much fun"

"You like it ?"

"Yup now let's go there"

Just like that we ride almost every ride without any break and now we were exhausted

"Pup let's sit here for a while"

"Yeah I'm tired"

He sit beside me and rest his head on my shoulder , my hand subconsciously find its way to his hair and I started to stroke hid hair lovingly he close his eyes from the feeling and lean in more at my touch

"Did you had fun?"

"Yup !!!! So much! .......thank you Koo"

"No need for that"

We were having our best time, enjoying moment when I saw something

"Hey tae wanna have some cotton candy?"

"Yes please!!"

"Ok stay here I'll be back"

I was buying some cotton candy when two girls came and kinda started to flirt I didn't really pay attention on them ,I just got my candy and headed to my pup



"What is it ?you look gloomy , you didn't like the test?"

I asked worried as he was behaving little odd

"I'm fine and it's good"

"You sure?"


..........       ..........     .......... Silent~ ~ ~ ~

"Ummm Koo?"


"What were you talking to those girls?"

"Huh? I didn't-"

  wait is he getting jealous ? Now I get it why he was gloomy owww my cutie , hmm let's tease him a little

"Oh that, nothing just casual talk"

"What talk ?"

"Well they were telling me how handsome I look and wanna spend some time with me you know normal hangout"

"And you agreed to it?"

"Yeah I mean why not they were looking pretty so-"

"So you will go out with any one who is  pretty?"

Ok his tone of voice has changed and he's growing a little too did I take this too far ?

"Listen here Jungkook just because I'm being sweet , doesn't mean I'll let you flirt with those bitches don't make me show you how mean I can be if I want to"

Saying that he grabbed my collar and smash his lips on mine kissing me hungrily wooh he never let me forget that he's a  alpha too and we alphas are really possessive for our mate

"Wait mmm~ ouch!"

He literally bite my lips harshly and it's freaking bleeding,

"Pup that hurts !!"

I said that but it comes out little loud and after that he started to walk away from me more like running

"Hey wait pup !! Tae!! Wait !!"

I catch him as I hold him by his wrist,

"Leave me alone go to your pretty girls I won't stop you"

"Clam down my jelly baby I was just kidding I didn't even talk to them I was just messing-"

I couldn't complete when he turned around with glossy eyes

"Hey why are you crying ? I'm sorry i-"

"Stop playing with me"

"What ? I would never I swear pup I didn't even look at them"

"You stupid idiot bunny don't joke around like that I almost hurt them"


"Nothing and don't talk to me I'm going home "

"Wait !!!  Hey , come here Look at me"

He refused but I made him by holding his chin up__ his eyes were still glossy and tears were treating to come out ,
it's hurt my heart seeing him sad, God I'm such an idiot

"I'm sorry"

I said as I kiss his eyes and kiss away his tears than I get closer to his ears and whisper 

"I love you and only you"

kiss his  ears  nibbling it gently,

"you're the only one for me"

kiss on his cheeks ,

"I love you so much"

kiss on his head

"please forgive me"

kiss on his nose  , by now he has closed his eyes and his breath became heavy I came close to him lips and whisper  slowly

"please love don't be mad at me"

because of our closeness our lips were lightly  brushing with each other and that was killing me inside I really wanna kiss him so bad,

"Fine but don't do that again or I- mmmm~"

I wested no time and kiss him he too kissed me with same passion we totally forgot that we were not in our room but in the middle of so many people we were so lost in our kiss when suddenly a little kid shouted

"Mom look they are doing pervy  stuff"

Hearing that we part away and we saw some eyes on us, well I don't really care but as you know my cute little pup is shy he immediately hide his face in my chest hugging me tightly I can see how his ears got red I bet he's looking like tomato right now

I cooed at his cuteness well WE cooed as the people around us where smiling at us warmly

"Ahh I just love you so much tae"

I squish him a little in my arm,

"Mee too"

His voice muffle as he was still hugging me

"Hmmm? I can't here you"

"I love you too"

He said breaking the hug with his shy face I can't believe he's the same person who just bite my lips furiously minutes ago


In their sweet moment they didn't realized that someone was watching them with suspicious eyes

"Did I saw him or is it just my mind playing  tricks with me ? Was it just my imagination?I have to keep my eye on that boy"

With that he disappear in the crowd


Hope you like it

Keep reading and enjoy

(✷‿✷)。◕‿◕。◉‿◉(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)
