Chapter 35: A Hero's Return

"For centuries we feared the forces of Darkness massing against us. We sought to hide and cower beneath a broken god. No more. These Guardians showed us what we are, what we have always been, and we will be again. We are what remains of the Light, and we will not be stamped out."

I heard that part of the speech from the Speaker as I walk to the hanger side of the Tower. After that, it was faded out. I went to the hanger and see the Stranger, waiting for me. I hop over the fence and walk up to her, as she stares at the Traveler.
"It's a day for pretty speeches and medals," she said. "But we know the real fight takes place out there."
She then picks up her rifle and hands it to me.
"Take this," she said.
I take it and get a feel of it.
"There's so much more, Crimson. I've seen terrible things born out in the Darkness. Every moment brings them closer." She takes a step forward. "All ends are beginnings... out fight is far from over." She turns to me and then says, "I'll see you in another time," and then disappears into Vex energy.
It makes much more sense now.

+ + +

Later that day, the Tower and the City celebrated, as I rested in my room on my bed.
"You're lucky that I had transmatted you with just enough Light. Any less Light and you would've stayed dead," said Nolan.
I roll around my bed to Carolina's side.
"Speaking of which, what did happen?" I ask curiously.
"You uh... I don't know. Your Light got stubborn and directed its energy to your helmet and Last Word. You fired a Golden Gun shot that had the power of 6 shots. More damage than anything I've recorded."
I thought about it. "My helmet?" I asked for confirmation.
"Yes," he confirmed.
I stood up, took off my helmet, and stared at it.
"Celestial Nighthawk," I whisper. "How..."
"I bet you I can answer that," a voice said, traveling across my room and the main room.
I look at the front door. Mother.
"What are you doing here?" I ask in a perplexed face.
She walks in and sits next to me. She takes the helmet from me and stares sternly at it.
"Your mother was a Warlock, but she forged something that was made for a Hunter," she said. "I don't know how she did it, but she made this for you. Not in remembrance, but in power."

I stared down and thought about it. I wanted to ask her if my mom actually is still alive, but I wanted to keep believing she was rather than the truth, whether if she's dead or not.
"What does it do?" I asked. "The helmet. It's Exotic ability."
She looks at me with her calm, burning eyes.
"This helmet was designed to ignite the Darkness to its core. So far that it would reach a planet's bedrock level," she answered.
My face was in shock. "Whoah what!?" I said in excitement.
"Listen, Crimson. This is a power of potential extremity, not to be meddled with," she warned, staring and grinning at me with her deathly, sharp-fanged eyes. "I don't even know how you activated it. But whether if you do or not how to, be careful with this. A gift from your mother is special but powerful. You understand?"
The way that she stared at me was like nothing before. Almost like as if she was at least close to scared or worried. Triggered much?

"Okay," I nod my head. "I understand."
"Good," she says in a better mood. "Now, I'm going to go. I'll see you later." She stood up and walked out, closing the door. I went to go grab my helmet. "Wait, where is it?!" I said.
She has it! I ran out the door and stopped my movement immediately. She was right there in front of the door with my helmet, twirling it with her finger, smirking at me. She laughed so malevolently at me. "You'd really think I'd get away with this?" She taunted.
I narrow my eyes at her. She gave it back to me and walked away, watching her many loose-ended hair waving.
"To be fair, you did let her walk away with it," Nolan commented.
"Enough with the 'you did' things!" I complained.
I put my helmet in the closet and went up to the Plaza. When I see the Plaza, it's filled with Guardians, the City's people, the Vanguards, and Crucible Vanguards.
I see Cayde talking to the other Vanguards. I can't understand what he's saying, but it looks like he's bragging or something. Once we meet contact with each other, he directs his attention to me.
"And there she is!" He tells the others. "My new best friend! And you say she doesn't study." He hugs my shoulder and walks me to the Vanguards. I stand there awkwardly, as they stare at Cayde and I.
"I don't," I commented in a squishy like voice.
"We never even mentioned about her studies," said Ikora.
"Don't worry she's just mad because you proved her wrong," Cayde whispers to me. Ikora rolls her eyes.
"Solrac, when I first met you I thought you were eluding your true Light. But you have proven me wrong," said Shaxx.
"She would be a great warrior of Light in the Iron Banner," a voice spoke from behind Ikora. We turned and see Lord Saladin. I heard about him, but have no idea what he is really. All I know is that he hosts a competitive tournament in the Crucible called the "Iron Banner," which then again, have no idea what that is.
"I think we should qualify her," Shaxx added.
"Well I think we should let her decide," said Ikora.
They all stare at me. Ever get that feeling when people speak for or about you to certain extent, and then they stop and let you decide the big decision and half of the time you don't even understand? Not only that, you're not even sure what to choose, but because the way people say things makes you feel overpowered, and whether if it's true or not, your mind the same time tells you to not be overzealous? If you've ever gotten that feeling, that's what I'm feeling right now.

I smile awkwardly, close my eyes, scratch the back of my head, tilt my head, and chuckle.
"Sure, why not?" I say in an obvious voice.
"That settles it," said Shaxx. "A game of Rumble perhaps? I'd love to see a young Huntress alone in the hounds of war."
The rest of the Vanguards agreed.
"Remember, Solrac, the Iron Lords will be watching," said Saladin.
I had no idea who they were. But I cared enough to be a bit hesitant.
"I understand," I replied.
He and the rest of them left off to take care of their usual business while I went back to my room. The second I open the door, people out of no where jumped in front of me inside and cheered, "Surprise!"
"Eeek!" I screamed, as I lift my leg up in fear.
"Cheers to you, love!" Said Indigo, handing me a strawberry cupcake with a single candle lit in the middle. Everyone else in my Fireteam, including Athena's Fireteam was here. The icing spelled out, 15 on the cupcake.
"You- you remembered?" I ask softly; putting my leg down.
"Of course, chap. How could I not? We're like sisters. I can't forget."
I smiled and teared up a little. I take the cupcake and set it aside and gave Indigo a nice, warm hug. I held her tightly and cried a little.
"Thank you," I break up.
"Aww, no need to cry," she said, rubbing my back. "Just make a wish."
I let go and hold the cupcake in front of me. I close my eyes and said my wish in my thoughts. I inhaled and blew away the candle. Everyone applauded and cheered.
They gifted me with new Shaders and Engrams. Athena had hid something behind her back as she approached me.
"Hey there, partner," she says, giving me a light punch at my shoulder.
"Hey, partner," I wave.
She reveals what she had behind her.
"It's the least I can do, since you know, what you've done for me." She holds the dream weapon I would die for.
"I hope you like it," she says, handing me Ice Breaker.
My stomach drops in excitement. My eyes open wider. And my face is in shock. I shriek in the highest pitch I possibly could, probably the most I've done.
"Ow, again," she said.
I hug her so tightly that she drops the weapon.
"I'll take that as a thank you," she says, struggling to breathe.
"Thank you thank you thank you!" I repeat over and over.

+ + +

Tired and worn out, I went to bed after the birthday party. Classic clothing for bed, a tank top and short short pants, which look like panties, but when did that ever bother me? I snuggle in bed and thought back to everything we've done.
"You did make the right choice," I said to Nolan. "We did it."
"I did, didn't I?" He said.
"And yes, we did it. Sepiks, the Shrine, Gatelord, Draksis, Skolas, Aksor, Valus, the Three Minds of Time, and the Black Garden. All defeated by a Huntress and her friends (Mostly me)."
"So, what now?" I ask.
"I guess we wait until the Traveler is ready to be able to help us once more to recreate another Golden Age," he said.
"What do we do then in the meanwhile?" I ask.
"That's a good question," he replied.
Neither of us couldn't think of any thing, so I decided to change topics and say something to him that I've been wanting to say since we defeated the Black Garden.
"Hey, Nolan?"
I take a breather and speak from my heart.
"I just wanted to say thank you. For everything."
"You don't have to thank me," he said. "I'm just doing what the Traveler built me to do."
"I'm just glad I can share an adventure with a fun companion," I smile.
"You think I'm fun?" He wonders.
I nod my head against my side of the pillow. "Yeah, despite the fact I make fun of you every once in a while, you always have been there for me. And I love you for that."
He appears in front of me, with his glowing blue eye. "You care about me that much?" He asked in front of me.
I smiled and giggled a little at him.
"Of course I do. And I mean that."
"Well, I guess it's safe to say that I love you too," he said.
I tear up and pull him gently to my collarbone, hugging him.
"Awww, that's so sweet," I say, as my voice breaks up a little. I curl myself into a ball in bed as I cuddle with him to sleep.

Throughout this whole adventure, from resurrection to now, it's been amazing. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else than Nolan and my friends. My friends always have my back and will always be there for me. Whether if it's in battle, or just for someone to talk to, they'll be there for me. Nolan will always be my best friend at heart. I love him so much. He's adorable, caring, and so fun to tease him. I don't know if this will be the end, but I do know one thing. It's that whether if it is, or isn't, there will be a new beginnings and new challenges in life. When I think of that, I think back of that talks I had with Felix at the Plaza. Life is devious and strange, but that's why we're here, to explore it. I've dug into this world's crust, and I've merely met the mantle, which is why I'm hoping that life throws another challenge at me soon, so I can learn and become the best I can be. Child or not, dream or reality, I will not stop becoming who I want to be. Who will I become? I think it's obvious at this point; Legend.

And that is my story of the Black Garden.
