Chapter 2: Devils Lair

As I'm the first one at the entrance, I hear Hive and Fallen fighting. "Hive and Fallen," Ghost said. "Let's hope we can avoid the crossfire." As Felix and Indigo make it, I tell them to move silently. As we move slowly, we can hear the gunfire burst and Hive chanting. Once the crossfire was past us, we kept moving forward.

"Alright well, let's keep going," I said turning around. "Watch out!" Felix yelled. He threw a knife at a thrall that almost scratched me. I hesitated in the meanwhile. "You got to be careful, Crimson," He demanded. "What, I'll be fine!" I exclaimed.

Once on the move, we hit a dead end. Our pathway is blocked by lasers. "Fallen blocked it off," Ghost said. "But I can get it open." I summoned my ghost from my hand and he started to hack the mesh generator. "Like I said, I can get it open, but I'll need some time," ghost said. Well the place is clear so I sat down and relaxed. Felix looks at me and says, "Really?"
         "What?! There's no one here!" I replied. Then he turned around and stood guard. Indigo was examining an artifact nearby.

"Hmm. These hive markings are not something I've seen before," she says. She puts her hand on it, but before she could, a captain came out of cloak behind her and picked her up by her neck. I reacted, I picked up my sniper and pointed it at the captain. I couldn't get a clear shot because he was holding her as hostage. Then Felix came behind him and came out of cloak as well and drilled a knife into the captain's neck, causing him to drop Indigo. I pulled Indigo back opened fire. The captain retreated, but had company with him.

"Uh, we got a problem, Crim," he said. I looked around and saw Fallen surrounding us, with Felix, Indigo and I back to back. "Let's do this," I said. I pulled out my hand cannon, The Last Word, and emptied out the rounds and filled it with Solar rounds, Activating my Super ability. "Crimson, what are you planing?" He questioned. "Watch and learn," I reply. I draw my weapon and shot it at three targets in the blink of an eye. It was so fast that the fallen was perplexed. But the ones I shot incinerated and exploded at a big radius. Everyone was burned.

I blew on the barrel of the gun and said, "Piece of cake." Then the ghost was done with the mesh and to move forward.

Once we stood in front of the gate to the Lair, we learned that there's no way getting through. It had to be opened from the inside. Then suddenly a fallen Skiff flew down and dropped some spider tank that nearly crushed us. The three of us split up and seek cover. "Where the hell did that come from?!" Felix radioed. "Doesn't matter, we're gonna take it down anyway," I replied. Moments later we cornered the tank and destroyed it.

After that, the door to the lair opened as a miracle. We looked at each other and entered in. The whole way there had stockpiles of skulls and the smell of death. Indigo started making vomit noises. "Ugh, I gonna bloody throw up," she said. "Well don't, because if you do, you'll end up throwing up in your helmet," I reply. That'll probably give her a motive to not do so.

When we got to the room before the main room, we prepared ourselves. Then the door opened. We saw Fallen bowing down to the machine God, as it receives their power. Sepiks awakens and clinks it's armor together, staring at us. My confidence was overwhelming me with power. Being a guardian is something I love.
