Chatper 1: A Guardian Rises

Destiny: Become Legend
Based on and Inspired by The Game, "Destiny."

"Guardian? Guardian, Eyes up, Guardian," A faint voice said, I looked up, staring at a floating cube drone with a blue eye and Formed With Polygons. "It worked, you're alive!" He exclaimed. "You don't know how long I've been looking for you!" I look down to my reanimated body and hands as he introduced himself.

"I'm a Ghost, actually now I'm 'Your' ghost. And you've been dead for a really long time, so you're gonna see a lot of things you won't understand." My mind is starting to reboot itself. My memories, I remember when I was a child. That's all.

Suddenly I heard a monstrous shriek out in the open distance. The Ghost turns around towards the sound and back to me. "This is Fallen territory," he said, "we are aren't safe here, I have to get you to the City. Hold still." He flew towards me and Disappeared. I felt a small shock in my head. I thought it was my reanimation side effect. "Don't worry I'm still with you," he said in my head. "We need to move, fast." I stood still and attempted to speak, but my brain was too young to process it.

"I didn't bring you back just for you to die again," he warned. "We have to move." I ignored him and kept trying, but couldn't. "You can hear me right?!" He said impatiently. "We are going to die out here!" Then his voice becomes lower and calm. "I need you to trust me on this, we'll be safer inside." Then I realized I had no choice. So I went inside and followed a catwalk.

"Ok, I need to find you a weapon before the Fallen find us," He advised. I nodded my head and kept walking. Just before I turned the corner, in the wall was a creature climbing up on the other side of the torn wall like a spider. I jumped and fell back. I got up and kept walking until I was in a big area of dark fog. I couldn't see what was a foot ahead of me.

My Ghost appears and flies to the dark as I watch his blue light fly with him. "Hang tight," he said. "Fallen thrive in the dark, we won't, we need more light." As he flies around the dark, I sense something watching me. I look around the dark and see blue eye looking dots on the walls.

When the lights came on, crackling sounds start sparking and now the whole canvas is clear. The blue dots I saw were the creatures' eyes that dropped down and are now going to kill me. "I may have over done it!" He shouted flying towards me. A cage opens next to me. "Here! I found a rifle, grab it!" The weapon was a rusty auto rifle. "I hope you know how to use that thing,"  he added. I've never used it before, at least not from what I can remember.

As I carefully walk down the hall with my guard and focus, I see a faint shadow who is around the corner. "What was that?" He asked. Suddenly a circular radar appeared on the top left of my vision, I think my helmet is doing that. "Eyes peeled, watch your motion tracker," He showed.  "Oh," I thought.

As I walk around the corner, two creatures appeared from the walls and pointed their guns at me. I fired carelessly with a firm grip and closed my eyes. When I open them back up again, they were dropped to the ground. "I did it?" I said. Right after saying that I realized I was able to talk again. "Lucky," he commented.

There were about a couple dozen Fallen I've had to kill now. As I walk across a bridge, my Ghost indicates something on the other side of the bridge. "A loot cache," he said. "Let's see what's inside." When I opened it, there was a sniper and a shotgun. "Your choice," he said. At this point I remember when my father took me to the firing range and allowed me to test different guns. Shotgun and Sniper were my two choices, therefore I picked up both.

"Um, are you sure about this?" He asked. "Don't worry, I got this down," I confidently say. I started running into the next room until I heard a moderate beaming sound and a red laser half a centimeter from my face. "Tripmines!" He warned. "Don't touch them." I crouch underneath them and keep moving. Halfway, Fallen crept from the vents and walls. "They just don't give up." I complain.

After going through the wall, I was tired. "These Fallen have a tighter hold on here than we thought," he said. "Just a little bit further, let's hope there's something left out here."

When I see the sky and environment, a sudden Fallen Skiff teleported on a building and crashed it down. "Fallen ships, this close to the surface?!" He said surprised. "Move!" I ran towards the next building, and killed any Fallen on the way.

When I made it and killed them all, I felt a burning sensation. Usually fire hurts, but this is different. I stopped and looked at myself. I saw the solar energy rush through my body.

"Your Light," Ghost said. "You're improving immensely."
"Is that good?" I asked stupidly.
"Yes, it means that my revival was effective on you," he replied. "Anyway, I'm detecting a old jump ship in the hanger. Maybe it's still usable."
"Let's hope so," I comment.

When we found it, Fallen were trying to scrap the whole thing so I opened fire and killed all but one, an Archon. He brutally knocked me down and almost beat me to pieces. That is until an unknown shot the Archon, causing it to wince and retreat. I looked around and canvas the area and couldn't find the shooter. Who was that? I didn't have enough motivation to figure that out.

My Ghost flew towards the ship to inspect it. "It's been here awhile," My Ghost inspected. "We're lucky the Fallen hadn't completely picked it clean."
"Will it fly?" I ask. He looks back at me and answers, "I can make it work." He teleports inside it and causes the ship to power up. The whirling sounds and the humming overwhelms me. "It's not gonna break orbit," he says, "but it might just get us to the City."
"Good!" I reply, trying to out sound the noise of the ship and winds. Suddenly I heard the Archon coming back. Before I was gonna prepare for whatever he has against me, my Ghost teleported me in the ship. "You can come back for them when you're ready, let's get you home," he said.

Minutes later, our ship flew us to a tall building that had a giant white planet looking ball across from it. "Is this the so called, Tower you were talking about?" I asked. The ship flew down close to the top floor of the Tower. I teleported off the ship, and set foot on the Tower. "Yep, Welcome to the last safe city on Earth -- the only place the Traveler can still protect," he said. "The. Traveler?" I asked confused. "Yes, that thing is the reason why you're alive." The sight was beautiful. The city is underneath the shadow of the Traveler. I was 14 at this time, and didn't understand much at the time, but with the help of the Vanguards and my Ghost, I was able to recollect and reflect on my memories. The memories on my family, and how I died. I'm 14 years old and have a father and a mother. The names were, Faith Saber and Shin Malphur. My father lived in small, unruled village/city called Palamon. It's a place not too far off the city. I decided to go there a few days after my arrival at the Tower. My mother whereabouts were unknown. There's no record saying that she's anywhere or evidence that she's dead.

I used a Sparrow to drive there and knocked on the door that my father lived at. No one answered at the time. An older lady then walked up to me and told me that my father was on a mission and that he wouldn't be back for a few months.

"Thank you for letting me know," I said to her.

After that, I summoned my sparrow and drove off to the Tower.

When I got there, I hop off my sparrow and received a notification on my phone, I looked at the transparent glass screen, It was one of my teammates calling me. I didn't pick up. "Aren't you going to pick that up?" My ghost said. "Nah." I said it like I wasn't worried.

My ghost is able to communicate to me inside my head, or become physically visible and speak there. He is also able to prevent me from permanent death, after dying. Also known as, "Resurrection Mode." Every Guardian has one, just annoying when they talk to you in your head. The good thing is that if he's talking to me in my head, I don't have to physically speak so that way I don't look like some weirdo who talks to themselves.

The minute I get to Felix's dorm room I open the door gently and see Felix flapping his foot on the ground repeatedly. "Look, before you get mad," I said smirking. I was trying to hold my laughter, but I couldn't. So then I quietly burst out in laughter as he stands there with a serious face.

"Really?! How is that funny?" He said.

I didn't feel like explaining him, but what I was trying to get at is making up something, but I was just too dumb to make anything up.

"You missed a whole day of class for that?" He asked. "You could've gone after class?"

I shook my head with no care what so ever,

"Nah." Now I couldn't drop my smile for how stupid I am.

"Crimson, we have a Strike tomorrow. Not only that, the Vanguard wants yo-"

I interrupted him "Wait, we have a Strike tomorrow?" I asked surprised.

"Yes, but of course you wouldn't know that because someone wasn't at class today," he teased.

I growled at him and said goodnight to him. After that, I went to my room.

When I entered my room, I took off my gear, jumped into bed and went to sleep.

The Next morning, I woke up at 8:47. When I saw the clock I jumped out of bed as fast as I could. "Shoot! I'm late!" I whispered. I put my gear on, activated my ghost and headed to the Tower Plaza.

As the elevator I'm in goes up, I ask my ghost the time. He said, "8:58." I was impatient to wait, and eager to run out the elevator once the doors open. The second it opened I sprinted through the Plaza, and towards the Hanger. I saw Felix and Indigo at the ship, waiting for me.

"Where the heck were you?!" Demanded Felix.

"I- I woke up a bit late that's all," I pant, bending down.

"Well hurry up chap, we leave in one minute," Indigo rushes

"I'm ready," I said, pulling out my gun.

"Alright, let's go," said Indigo.

As we got to the ship and flew off, One of the Vanguards, Commander Zavala, briefed our mission. "The Fallen will continue to claw the walls of our city unless we strike them down. Beneath the ruins of a Cosmodrone, in the shadow of an old colony ship we located the House of Devils lair, and the high Servitor, feeding them their strength. We must destroy this machine God, and send their souls screaming back to hell."

"So a giant Servitor that is gaining strength by the fallen. All we have to do is destroy it? Easy enough," I listed

"Don't get too ahead of your self Crim, we don't know if they'll be waiting for us, and if they aren't, they could have layers of enemies," Felix warned

"I Agree," Indigo jumped in. "Crimson I do also want to end this, but you must be aware of your surroundings."

"Yea yea, fine," I mutter.

When the ship lands and drops us off, I Summon my Sparrow and blast off the hideout of Devils.
