Chapter 25: Ishtar Collective

"Um, I wish you would check on me before making insane promises," Nolan said.
"Pfft," I said. "Please, that's not even close to insane. Have you met me?"
"Look, before we catch a Vex Gatelord, we're gonna want to understand these things and where they come from. So let's pick the biggest Vex, pull out its brain, and see what we can learn from them.
"Look," I said. "all ya gotta know is that, they're robots, they hate me, and want to destroy/conquer the world."
"Doesn't that apply for all the Darkness we've fought so far?" He insisted.
"More or less," I reply.
Upon landing on Venus, I summoned my Sparrow and drove to where Nolan pinpointed the coordinates of a giant Vex signature. When I was near, I spotted what is identified as a Cyclops; a turret type of Vex. When it spotted me, it shot a pink blast, like the one in my dream. I dodged out of the way and countered back immediately with my Golden Gun. It was destroyed. I walked up to the remaining debris of the Cyclops. Nolan scanned the area and retrieved the artifact. "Okay, let's head to that research station," he said.
I summoned my sparrow and headed farther up north.

Eventually we pasted by an area called the Waking Ruins. "This structure flows through the course of a few billion years," he says calmly.
"A few billion?" I asked.
"Yes, and Vex are coursing through them." I stopped my sparrow and stared at the vault door entrance.
"Huh," I said. "So, if they can go through time anytime they want, then why have we not been taken over by them?"
"Because we are in our own timeline," he replied. "They don't change our time, they can only jump into their own."
"Fair enough," I added.

When we arrived at the research station. Nolan scans an accessible computer as I lay down on the floor of the dome shaped station, staring at the skylight. Nolan started going on about the Vex and how they work, I decided to not care. "Isn't this amazing, Crimson?!" He said amazed.
No. One. Cares!!" I joke. "Oh whatever, you just lack brain cells," he snaps.
"Hey! I don't not!" I said. "I'm just stupid that's all."

He stares at me without question.

I'm probably the most childish person there is. I can see how Indigo can say that now. Oh well, I embrace that now. I will always be a child at heart.

+ + +

"I'm telling you, we should play doubles against them!" Carolina said.
"Look, I don't hate them," I said. "Besides, Crucible is not my thing." I lay down on my my bed and stare at the ceiling. "I can tell you're a very forgiving person," she complements.
"Is that so?" I ask. She implies I am. Now that I think about it, I really am.

Carolina called me a Glowstick and a Bitch, and Indigo stole my crush. And after all of that, I didn't care.

"Well my stepmother told me that kindness is a gift," I said. "It is, I wish I had it," Carolina replies. I sit up, facing the other direction away from her. "Yeah. But I feel like being too nice can get people hurt. And I don't want that to happen." Then I had a thought. What if I faced Indigo and Felix in a Doubles match? "Maybe I can stop feeling bad by actually fight them. (Not sure if I'll win, but I'll give it a shot) Carolina slaps her laps. "I literally just said that!" She exclaimed. "Oh you did?" I asked? "I wasn't paying attention."

+ + +

The next day I checked out the Crucible Quartermaster to use Bannerfall for a my use for the hour. Tomorrow. "Who ya fighting?" Cayde asked behind me. "Just a friendly thing, nothing personal," I lied on purpose. "I know you're lying," he said. I turned around. Before I could say anything he told me that he didn't care enough to know why and walked off. Good thing he didn't ask. I don't feel like explaining.

I went to my room and I started sketching a schematic for an upgrade for my Celestial Nighthawk. For now, I listened to music as I sketched. The music I was listening distracted me and got me off my chair. I started humming and dancing to the music. Then I twirl and jump around the whole dorm. Next I vocalize the electronic sounds that played through. When I finish another spin, Felix was there staring at me. I put my headphones down. "No wonder why you're such a great Bladedancer," he said smiling. I narrow my eyes at him, like a pissed off cat. "And you're here because?" I ask.
He looks around, hesitating.
"Well, I wanted to say sorry. For everything," he said.
"Cute," I thought.
"You are going to forgive him, right?" Nolan said concerned in my thoughts.
"Maybe," I replied.
"And. I wanted to ask, if you wanted to go to the dance with me?" He asked awkwardly.
"I'll pass," I said. "But Indigo seems good for you."
"I'm asking you this because I feel bad," he said
"You shouldn't," I replied. "I knew I was never gonna go to the dance. Besides, I'll just stay single for the rest of my life."
He sighs deeply. "Okay. Are we still friends?" He asked.
I nod. "Yeah." He reaches his arms out for a hug. As he hugs me, I just stand there standing straight without hugging back and groan faintly. When he lets go, He walks out the door.
"See you later," he said.

"Bye," I replied. When he left, I shut the door. "Now that he's been dealt with, where was I?" I said out loud. "Meh, probably didn't matter."
"You were dancing," said Nolan.
"Oh yeah," I said, belly flopping on my bed. "Too tired to dance. Im'a nap now."
