Chapter 7: The Hive

"We've woken the Hive!" He exclaimed. "You don't say!?" I shouted over the gunfire. "I got this!" I took cover behind a rock and opened fire. The Hive opened fire as well aggressively. Guess they don't like trespassers. I laid down with my sniper and shot the Knights that were in my way. Then went hand to hand combat with the Thralls.

When I was finally in, my Ghost told me that he can pick up the Dying Light of a Ghost inside. We have to save him. Acolytes and Thralls were trying to slow me down but they couldn't.

When I saw the small light glaring at me from the Ghost, I reach out to set it free until a Wizard came from ground and attacked me. I took cover and attacked back.

After defeating the Hive and the Wizard, I brought the Ghost back to life and set it free. "I was only able to read some of the memories, not that much," he said. "Well that's fine, either way... There's something else that's has my concern."

I didn't wanna say what it was. "What would that be?" He asked. I hesitated and looked around nervously. "Oh nothing," I said awkwardly. "Anyways, lets go. The last thing I need is Felix lecturing me, AGAIN, about missing class." Now that I think about it, I feel like that's his way of flirting with me.

When we headed back to the Tower, I unpacked my gear in my room, and head down to the Hall of Guardians to talk to Cayde about the mission. I told him about the Guardian and the Ghost and of how the Hive are planning something.

"Good job kiddo. Now I'd get some sleep if I were you," he said. I nodded my head and walked away.

When I opened my dorm room, Felix calls my name from the hallway. "Hey, Crim, where were you?" He asked. Now there's no point in keeping it a secret now. "Went to the Moon, why?" I said. I told him like it was no big deal.

Felix: Wait, you went to the Moon?!

Crimson: Yeah, nothin outta the ordinary.

Felix: And you didn't tell me?

Crimson: Well, it was either that, or listen to you giving me another lecture.

Felix: I do not!

Crimson: *Scoffs* Okay if you say so. [Enters Room with Felix]

He seemed fascinated at me, which made me feel kinda special. I liked it. "So what'd you do there?" He asked curiously. When I tried to answer, I made the most hesitation anyone could do in their lifetime. It felt like I froze for a minute.

I was so nervous that I felt a hot breeze from my shirt. I scratched the back of my hair and smirked a fake smile. "I uh. Um... Just..." Then I sat on my bed and sighed. "It was nothing." He sat next to me closer than normal. "Is there something bothering you?" I couldn't stop smiling after he said that. When I try to lie, the pitch of my voice gets higher, (Like it was already high enough) and when I replied, that's exactly what happened. "Nah! There's nothing!" I said.

Suddenly I felt his hand on top of mine, then both of our hands interlocked. "I just want to make sure you're safe Crim," he told me. I was trying to fight back the tears that were watering my eyes but couldn't. I exhaled heavily with a smile. "I'm fine," I said softly. He smiled back. We stared into each other and had this moment where we just didn't say anything.

Feeling a human is new for me. I mean, did you think I was human? If you did, nice try. I'ma Awoken. My skin is light blue (ish), my eyes are white and so is my hair. Enough about me though.

After we had our moment, he told me that he needed to prepare for tomorrow and get some sleep. I gave him a hug and said goodnight.
