Chapter 20: Time And Space

I lean on the railing on the top floor of the Tower, staring at the dark cold night at Bannerfall. Childish, please. Asking me to not be childish is like asking me to stop breathing.

As my cloak flows along with the mild wind, I hold my hands together and close my eyes, like a prayer. I'm able to sense any thing, or anyone near me. Something only certain Hunters learn. I was born with it. I don't know why or how, but I knew that I had it since I was little; before I was resurrected. I asked my father about it. Unfortunately he didn't know. He said that it had to do about my mother, Faith. She was pretty cool.

My mother was the most unique type of Guardians to ever exist. She was a Warlock, but she was able to understand how Hunters wield Light... And use it herself. She taught me how to be a Hunter. But one day, before she left on her last mission, she gifted me a special Exotic Hunter class helmet she forged. The Celestial Nighthawk. I've wore since she gave it to me, and never forgot about it. It's a nice looking helmet. Eagle eye vision, perfect for snipers. The only downside is that she never told me its Exotic ability. Before she left and never came back.

Exotics are questionable. Forged by elder Guardians. Made either for themselves, or made to pass on to the newer Guardians. Some Exotics were even made to be combined with an Exotic Armor or Weapon. But my Exotic Weapon, The Last Word,  is based on my Subclass. Gunslinger. But most Exotics are generic. Which are Exotics that aren't meant to be compatible with a Subclass, Weapon, or Armor. Like Ice Breaker, or SUROS Regime. It's very rare to find compatible based Exotics. Only true warriors of the Light are able to forge things like that. But it requires a lot skill and materials.

As I continue to have my eyes shut, my senses tingles something near me. Who would it be? Carolina? Indigo? No, I don't think so. I've been picking up on Carolina's scent frequency, and I already know Indigo's. It's coming closer. I keep my eyes shut and remain still. It's probably not a threat, but I still wouldn't move. My nose twitches to the scent like rabbit, smelling food. A finger taps my shoulder twice gently. I grunt quietly.
"Hey," a female voice says. Wait, I know that voice. It's the Stranger. Why is she here? Oh wait, I totally forgot about meeting at Venus.

"And how exactly did you find me?" I ask curiously without moving or opening my eyes. "I have my ways," she replies. "Besides, I knew you would be here instead of meeting me."
"Was that an insult?" I ask.
"Not entirely," she answers.
"Everything has to be not entirely to you, isn't it?" She doesn't answer back. Instead, she switches topics. "We have to talk," she says. She puts her hand on my shoulder like I don't know she's there. I turn gently but swiftly enough for my cloak to whip back.
"You're right," I snap calmly. "Tell me why you need me to destroy this so called, 'Black Garden' and why you can't do it yourself."
"You know, I liked you better when you were always doing what you were told to do without asking questions," she says.
"What are you talking about?" I scowled.
She takes a deep sigh and sat down on the grass, next to a bonsai tree. "Sit," she said calmly. I still had a dirty look, but I sat down anyway.

"Now, when we first met. I told you there are enemies out there you would not believe," she said. I slowly nod my head.
"Yes," I say just as slow.
"Well, these enemies... They somehow tie up with you," she says with doubt.
"What do ya mean?" I ask. She sighs again.
"I can't give you the exact details. However, your main situation is the Black Garden." I had a hard time believing her. To be honest, I had a hard time understanding her.
"After destroying the heart, the Darkness of Time will be weakened. That's your chance to assault the Vault of Glass."
"Vault of Glass?"
"It's located in Venus, at the Waking Ruins."

I may or may not have read about this before. If I'm right, the Vault of Glass was sealed to keep the Hezen Lords from leaving. It's never been opened since. No one has dared to try.
"In the Vault, there is a relic that can resist what the Darkness throws at you," she says.
"Wait wait wait wait! If you're so worried about this, why can't you do it?" I ask again.
"I'm not worried! I'm telling you this because this is in your fate!" She snaps. Then she calms down. "Besides, I can't help. It's like I said, my path's my own."
I exhale in stress and look down.
"The only way I can help, is to lead you to the right path," she says. I look back up.
"And if you don't?"
"Then you will be forever lost in the dark corners of time,"she warns.

That caught my full attention. I stare at her in slight fear.
"But I'm afraid that..." She trails off.

"Afraid that what?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just destroy the Black Garden, and the Vault of Glass," she says. She gets up and stretches. I start thinking about how I'm going to do this. Before I fell into full daydream, she says my name.

"And Crimson," she says.


"You should spend some time with your father tomorrow. I bet he'll love to hear your adventures so far in the Moon... Just a suggestion." Then she walks towards me.
"And take this." She hands me a white handle that could be used for a blade of some sort.
"Why are you giving me this?" I ask.
"Let's just say it's from someone special to me," she replies.
I hum in acknowledgement without looking at her. She turns away and teleports away the same way as last time. I continue to sit and stare at the ground as I daze off.

+ + +

After returning back to the Tower, I went to my fireteam room. As I walk the hallway, I recalled on why I left. Childish. I still remember that. That's all I can hear. If Indigo can't accept who I am, then I'll be different. I'll be someone she's never experienced. When I made it to the front door, I looked at the time. Everyone is probably asleep by now. I twist the doorknob gently. I push it open just as gently and stare at the pitch black room. I close the door gently, but the door slips from my hand and it shuts loudly. My face reacts scared and a light flicks on. My eyes were blinded for a second, but after I could see I saw Indigo on the second floor, leaning on the wall between the dinning room and the hallway.

"Crimson!" she whispers. The mood on my face doesn't change. Serious.
She runs silently down the stairs.
"Where were you?!" She asks.

"Don't worry about me," I reply.

I cross my arms and start walking towards my room ahead of me. "I'm fine." She puts her hand on my shoulder to stop my walking.
"Wait, everything alright?" She ask curiously. I shrug my shoulder, removing her hand.
"I'm. Fine," I whispered annoyed. She lets go with a frown. I walk into my room, closing the door. I face plant on my bed, groaning. Why do I feel like there is a force crushing me with pressure. At least I have something to occupy myself. Meanwhile, I ponder on this "thing" the Stranger gave me.

+ + +

The next day I stayed in bed all morning. It was the weekend so I had nothing to do. I stare at my window curtains, thinking. I hear footstep moving around the whole dorm. Having enhanced sense is a gift, but also a curse, hearing things you don't want to hear, like annoying footsteps. After listening to those footstep for about five minutes, someone opens my bedroom door.
"Crimson?" Indigo says gently.
I don't turn.
"What?" I ask stolidly.
"I was hoping maybe you want to have a meal with me and Carolina?" She said.
"I think I'll pass," I reply. She says nothing for a moment.
"Look, if this is about Carolina, she wanted to apologize. She says that she'll have to accept that you're better than her and that she's been harsh. And if this is about what I did, I'm sorry too. I didn't-"
"No," I interrupt. "It's not that. I just want to be left alone."
"Oh," she says softly with innocence. "Okay." She closes my door quietly.

A few minutes later, my door is opened once more. I quietly pick up the scent of who it is. Felix. What's he doing here?
"Hey Crim," he says. I turn forwards towards my bedroom door.
"Why are you here?" I snare at him.
"I just wanted to know if you were okay," he answered. I turn back towards the window.
"I'm fine," I reply. "Why is everyone so concerned about me?"
"Because you've never been like this before," he replied.
"Well, let me be!" I raise my voice a little.
His footsteps are coming towards my side. He puts himself in my vision. I scowl at him.
"Are you sure you don't just need a hug?" He asks with a smile.
"Are you trying to joke with me?" I snap. "Why can't you just leave me alone!"
"Because I care about you!" He levels his voice with mine, dropping his smile.
"Well it's annoying and needs to stop!" I shout. He freezes and takes a step back. I didn't mean that, but instead of telling him that, I keep gazing at him. He walks out the room with shock.

I didn't mean for it to happen like that. But I just wanted to be left alone. Now that I had both of my best friends on edge, I stayed in my room till dawn. Throughout the time, I thought I was harsh with Felix. I walked outside to stretch. And realized something vital. My Ghost. I had him deactivated since I spoke to the Stranger. I'll reactivate him later. I bought a rose flower as an apology.

I walk down the dorm hall, reading the numbers for Felix's room. Found it. I knock on the door. No answer. I open the door. I don't see anyone. But I hear faint sounds in one of the bedrooms, like laughter. Without knocking, I opened the door and see Indigo and Felix. In a way I thought I would never see them like. Indigo was sitting on Felix. They had their hands held together. And now they stare at me. My face was straight and stolid.
"Very well," I said. "I'll just be on my way."

Felix and Indigo separate from each other.
"No, we didn't mean it like this!" Indigo stammers.

"No," I wave my hand. "I understand."

I placed the Rose gently on the right hand side table next to me. Then turn and walk away.
I really feel like my life should be left alone. Maybe that's what a Hunter is meant to be. Well, with the exception of Felix I guess.

Maybe it's just my life. I walk down the hall with my eyes closed with my hands in my pockets. Suddenly I picked up Carolina's scent. I opened my eyes and stop, posing in self-defense. She stands there in a non-threatening way. "Hey," she says. "Crimson. Right?"
My stance returns to normal slowly. "Yeah," I reply boldly.
"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for my actions."
"Out of everyone, why me?" I ask with determination. She pauses and stammers at first. Then she answers.
"I just had a bad experience with Hunters like you." She said it she didn't want it to sound it like it seems.
"Don't take it offensively. Hunters that are carefree and wild were the ones that I had trouble with."
"What do ya mean?" I ask. She exhales softly, crosses her arms and leans against the wall.
"My sister, she... She was killed by Hunters."
My mood was negative and cold, now it's curious.
"She was the best. She taught me what was a Titan was like."
"Was your whole family Titans?" I ask.
"Yeah, why?" She replies.
"Your personality and scent is strongly Titan-like." I said.
"And what does that smell like?" She asks. "Pretty much like Iron, and probably some other things that mix," I said.
"What about the others?"
"Well Warlocks are weird, can't really explain. It's like one of those candies that weird smell that nobody eats. And Hunters smell like the environment, like jungle."

+ + +

Carolina and I had a great conversation till night. We are now friends. It's weird. I've never seen a Titan and a Hunter befriended before. We relax on the railing of the Tower.
"I'm sorry for what happened with your friends too," she says.
"Nah it's fine," I said, rest my cheek on my hand, depressed. "I don't mind being single for the rest of my life without knowing what a kiss or true love feels like."
"Now that was just depressing," she said. I snicker softly. "Well, I always thought I was the total opposite of emo," I said.

After having a talk, we left to our dorm and slept. The next morning I left early to go see my dad and sister. I before I summoned my sparrow, I realized I still didn't activate my Ghost. I sat on my sparrow right out side the Tower and activated my Ghost. A bleep sound went.

"Hey Nolan," I said, speaking to him.

"Nolan?" He asked perplexed.

"That's your new name," I said, leaning on my sparrow.

"You didn't give that up, did you?" He said annoyed.

"Nope," I said. "I didn't." I blazed off to my father's house, and see why the Stranger suggests to go see him.
