Chapter 23: The Friendly Vandal

After class, I realized I haven't seen Randal for a while. I left the Tower, Summoned my Sparrow, and drove to the Forgotten Shore. He lives in a cave near the ocean. When I get there, I look at it from the outside. I walk slowly inside the cave. "Hey, Randal," I said. "Where are ya?" I see him in the corner, loading his weapon. "Ayy!" I yelled. I jumped onto his back and hugged him tightly. "There's the best Vandal in the world!"
He makes shrieks as his language.
"By the way, thanks to you, I got an A on my essay," I said. He nods as a reply. He gets up and puts the weapon on his back, staring at the light from the opening. I lean on him as he put two of his four arms on my back. Feels weird, but weird has never stopped me. "Think you'll go back to being a part of a House?" I ask. He shakes his head with a lower shriek.
"Hmm," I say, Staring with him.
We stared for a moment, then something caught both of our scents. He reacted by pulling out his weapon. "Wait," I say, pulling my hand in his path. I recognize that smell... Why is she back? "Don't worry Randal," I said. "It's just an old friend." I walk out of the cave and suddenly instead of her usual teleport, she flung out as if she was thrown in the process. "Hey, Stranger," I said leaning on the rocks. "Literally in fact." She brushes her clothing from the dust and says, "It would be the fate of all fools to believe that history wouldn't repeat itself at this point."
"Do I even want to know what you're talking about?" I ask. She says things like this as if she's been somewhere familiar.
"So what's next?" I say with sarcasm.
"Speak to the queen of the Awoken, Mara."
"You mean, go to the Reef?" I say.
"Yes. They can help you get to the Black Garden... Well, more or less." I stare at her with doubt. "Look, it's your only chance of saving the Traveler."
"Why do you care about the Traveler if you're not a Guardian?" I snap gently.
"Because, weather if I'm a Guardian or not, we will all be doomed."
"By who?" I cross my arms.
"People 'we' have a trust on," she replied. "People who keep others in the dark for their own good."
"Do you know who it is?" I asked.
"Yes and no, which is why I need you."
Suddenly I was furious at her.
"You do this but yet you're the one keeping me in the dark!" I snap. "If you want me to help you, tell me the outcome of this!"
She stares at me, locked to my eyes still.
"Okay," she answers softly. My fury diminished quick from that answer.
"I am from an outerdimensional construct of Time and Space. I'm able to fade in and out of timelines. I was ordered by someone you know to protect you."

"Why protect me?" I ask.

"Because you are special," she replied. "That's all I can say."

"Of course," I muttered.

+ + +

When that was over, I sparrow off back to the Tower and find Tracey at the Plaza. I walk up to her. Her first reaction was pinching her nose. "Why do you smell like soggy dead Fallen?" She says. "Because I hugged one." I smile. "Wait, you what?" She reacted. "Meh," I flop my hand. "Don't worry about it."
I watch her sigh in disappointment. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"We saw your exams," she replied.
"Uh huh," I replied. "Don't know how exactly I got it."
She stares at the view, leaning over the railing, with a slight frown.
"What about it?" I asked. She sighs again. "I just thought I would be on top. I know, it sounds selfish and I understand if you hate me for that," she said.
I pat my hand on her shoulder. "You're fine," I said.
"Maybe I'm not as smart as I thought I was," she sighs.
"Oh, don't be silly!" I smile. "I may not know much about you, but I believe that you have the Light in you that you can learn everything Humanly and... Awokenly possible!"
I made her laugh.
"You're pretty funny," she says.

After cheering her up, I decided to go finish my blueprint update on my helmet. I gathered some tools from Holiday, went to my room, and got to work. I used lasers to patch some things up. Suddenly the door from room 384 that's connected to our room opens up. "Hello?" A gentle voice says. I put my things down, got up, and walked to the hallway between the TV and my room. "Yes?" I replied. The hallway I was in is a short hallway that leads to room 384. And there's only one door in the hallway.
It was a man, holding the door open. "Are you the other half of our fireteam?" He asked. I hesitated then jumped when it came to me. "Oh yeah!" I replied, closing my eyes smiling. I forgot that a full fireteam consists of 6 Members, but we have 2 rooms to share. Their room is pretty much the same, just mirrored. "I'm Marcus," he greeted. I walked to him and shook his hand. "Crimson."
"Cool name," he complemented.
I smiled. "Thanks."
"In my room, I have a guy and A girl, Felix and Violet," he said. "kinda scares me a bit though."
"No, Violet, she's super quiet and kinda scary looking."
"Wish I could help," I said.
He sighs.
"Well In my room, I have two girls," I replied. "Wanna switch?"
"I'm good, I'm kinda scared of girls," he said.
"What about me?" I asked. He takes a moment to think. "Well, you don't seem flirty, or scary, or annoying."
I think that through my head. "Wow, okay. I dont know if I should take that as a complement, or an insult," I said. He jumps his words back at me nervously.
"Complement, that's what I meant. Sorry."
I smile and laugh softly. "I take it that you're the awkward type huh?"
"Yep," he answered.
"Me too."
"Well, I better get back to studying. Besides, I'm pretty sure you have better things to do anyway," he said.
"I wouldn't say it like that, but I am kinda busy at the moment," I replied. "But hey, if you need anything, lemme know."
He nods his head. "Okay." He closes the door and I head back to work. "Nice guy," I thought.
