Chapter 4: Restoration

I woke up not too late this morning and headed down with just causal clothing, to the mess hall and left with a coffee cup filled with hot chocolate. I don't drink coffee. I just don't like it. I walked to the Plaza and downstairs to the Hall of Guardians.

The second Cayde saw me, he said, "There's my best friend in the whole wide world!" Then I took a sip of my cup and said, "I think you still have a few screws loose there, Cayde." He laughed and told me I was funny. It's that much of a insult because he's an Exo, or Robot I guess.

As Cayde explained the mission, I leaned towards the wall behind me and drink my hot coco as I listen. "So we sent a guardian to the moon to investigate an ancient hive fortress. Your mission is find him." I stood straight in awareness. "Um, but we don't have a warp drive, without it we can't jump to any planet or moon," I said.

"Well today's your lucky day, not far a ship crash landed on the Steppes. Maybe he has one... Come back when you have those two tasks completed," he said.

I nodded and walked back to my room to equip my gear. But on the way, Felix caught up with me and asked me what I was doing with the Vanguards. "Just a salvage mission," I said. I didn't want him to know that I was going to the moon and stuff cause then he's gonna worry about me and he'll want to go with me.

We talked the whole way to my room and while I was equipping my armor. He seemed bored. I can tell because the way he was talking. When we got to the hanger, I told him that I'm leaving. "Okay, but be safe," he said. I gave him a hug and flew off.

When I passed the Last City's Walls, I saw the small smoke and ashes from the crashed ship. I landed near it and headed over there. When I got there, Fallen were tearing and scrapping it apart, I shot my sniper at the sky to scare them off, they ran away afterwards.

The Ghost examined the ship and said that it was salvaged already. But he said that we could find it by locating it's GPS tracker by gaining access to the radar underneath the Steppes. We walked down and activated it's tracker.

It's where the hanger bay is at nearby. As I got closer the Ghost had bad news. "Scanning for the Warp Drive. Bad news, it's already in Fallen hands."

This isn't good. "It's in the building over there," he said, looking towards the direction. I dashed ahead towards the building and searched for it. Eventually, there was one last room. "This is the last one," I thought. "I hope you're ready for this," Ghost replied.

When I got to the room, there were a group of Vandals and Dregs. By surprise, I shot them all down and search their bodies for the Warp Drive. When I was almost done, my Ghost told me that he doesn't think it's here. "Hold on, I'm almost done," I said.

"Um, Crimson?"
"Wait!" I demanded. "It's in the walls!" He exclaimed. I turn around and there was a hole on the wall. In the hole, a Archon crawled out and stomped on the ground, causing me to fly on the other side of the room. The same one the first time I was here. I shook my head to snap out of dizziness, and prepared to fight.

I pulled out my hand cannon, The Last Word, and opened fire. He was too slow to keep up. Then when I had him weak, I emptied out the the bullets from the cycle, then the bullet slots form from 6 to 3, making it open for golden shots. That's what makes the Golden Gun. I shot the fire rounds at the head and was incinerated.

I searched the remains of him and found the Drive. "You just killed an Archon, and we got a Warp Drive! This could cripple the Fallen!" Ghost said. "We need to see the Speaker."
