Chapter 31: The Garden's Spire Part 1

The next morning, we accessed the Cabal vehicle bay and gained coordinates to the lieutenants. According to Nolan, he said that the lieutenants booked out a Goliath Tank. That's not good. All 6 of us went inside the Cabal base next to us and listened for anything inside. Nothing. It's silent, usually they're active here. We walk up the ramp towards a large door.

"Feels like a trap," said Nolan.

Right as he said that, Cabal ambushed us, jet packing out of cover.

"That's because it is!" I shouted.

Indigo Nova Bombed the Cabal soldiers in front of me. I stepped back and opened fire on the others Cabal soldiers. When one wave was finished, another wave arrived and attacked us. We gave half of our supers at them and killed them. When we reached the entrance we realized that this was the Spire's entrance's Door was unlocked.

"You guys go find Valus, I'll go to the Spire so we can be in and out quick," I said.

"You sure?" Asked Indigo.

"Yeah, just stay stealthy, don't let them catch you."

She nodded and lead the team to the other pathway. Nolan appeared and started to beam the controls.

"Be ready for whatever is behind this door, you know what happens when I open doors," he warned.

I step back and activate Golden Gun, aiming down its sights. When the door opened, Phalanxes stood guard in front of the entrance. My bullets over-penetrated the shields they had, going through them and combusting into solar ashes. I run forward and follow the path. Eventually, the path led me to the outside interior part of the base. There's a bridge that leads to what I think it should lead to. I sit down at the beginning of the bridge and wait for Indigo and all of them to access the Garden's Spire.

A few hours later, Mars was dark once more. I slept with the gun on my hand, sitting. The static that went off in the comms woke me completely by surprise. I jump out of my skin and listened for any voice in the comms. At first, it was static, then it was clearing up.

"Crimson, are you there?" Said Indigo.

I shake my head to wake myself up even more. "Yeah yeah, I'm here. What's up?" I asked.

Indigo grunted in frustration. "Well, this Valus lad is a bit a beefy challenge, and he's getting me a bit minged (pissed) off. But we almost got him!"

I can hear the Nova Bombs being released from Violet and the Gold shots from Felix.

"Oh wait! We got him!" She said. "The Spire will be up in a bit!"

I stand up and start walking across the Spire. The Cabal ambushed and locked down the other side of the bridge in front of me. A giant Cabal soldier, a Colossus, with a heavy machine gun stood on the roof of the exit side of the bridge and opened fire with limitless pauses. I took cover and opened fire on the minor minions, psions. I killed them and waited in cover. I called in Indigo and told her that I need everyone to assist me in this situation. She replied saying that she'll be there in a few minutes. She better hurry.

I tilt out of cover to see if I can get a shot from him. I tried to bring my weapon out, but the Colossus shot pretty accurately at me, despite the range he was far from. I growled and couldn't think of another plan. Until they arrive, what can I do?
