The Fanfic Lore: The Celestial Nighthawk

Starlight Is Your Guide. No Vacuum Will Contain You.

Forged by a Warlock, a powerful Exotic that has the potential to penetrate anything.
"Your fire," quoted Faith. "Will never be out gunned."

The helmet was infused from the power of a Demigod. The Celestial is made from Celestial Energy and Shards. Only found outside the Kuiper belt. And the Nighthawk is a farsighted Demigod who was once a unique Hunter that lived and died by the draw of the bow.

"Erika was my best friend. Her Void will always be remembered."

Now it's Exotic power remains dormant, until the chosen Guardian wields and activates the Light of the Golden Shot. "How does it choose?" Faith reiterated. "It is chosen by a simple physical and/or emotional triggerment. It's based off from my personality, therefore it makes the helmet stubborn to choose... However, previous experiments show that it requires determination, retaliation, and 'A lot' of Light. If the user attempts to use this, successfully or unsuccessfully, without the required amount of Light, it could cause severe and/or permanent damage to the user's Light, and body. What kind of permanent damage? It could damage your Light so much that it could disable your ability to regenerate your lost Light. Another is fourth degree burns around your whole body, by the super power of the gun. Lastly, it can cause Subclass destabilization... It's risky, I know, but imagine how much power, how much force we can push to the Darkness..."
