Chapter 37: Templar Assault

So here's the breakdown of the situation. The Templar can summon Oracles and those Oracles can and will determine if we're real or not. We have to destroy them to make sure the Templar doesn't wish our existence to be deceased.

We all hid in cover.
"Checking the database for the Relic," said Nolan. "Okay, it's in a riddle so I hope you can decode this:

Time is vital to the relics. Chimes the Oracles are relish. The Past of the Contempt Bars to Blast the Templar."

"I know it," I blurt out, staring blankly.

"How?" Asked Indigo. "No offense, but most Warlocks study these riddles and I didn't even figure it out yet."
I smirk. "Well, I dunno. But I know it."
I jump out of cover and tell everyone to prepare to open fire. I jump in from of the Templar and focus. Time slows down. I direct my Light to the relic and summon a beam of Light from the front of it, where the eye is, and hits the Templar's shields. The shields are down and it's vulnerable.
"Now!" I shouted.
Everyone unleashed hell on it firing rockets, grenades, Nova Bombs, and Golden Guns.
I could barely see the Templar because of the explosions. An Oracle chimed and appeared. It shines its yellow light on the other side.
I jump across and destroy it with the shield.
"Crimson, the Templar!" Nolan exclaimed. "It's trying to teleport!"
I run into the Templar's vision.
"How do we prevent that?!"
"The rings! They glow red but if you stand on them, they glow blue! But you'll have to stand on it for a few seconds!"
I nod and jump on a platform that had a red ring on it. I stand on it and watch it turn blue. Before I stood on it, the Templar was firing at my friends, but when I stood on it, it gave no craps about anyone else and instead fired at me. I squint with the shield and closed my eyes. I hear the rapid firing blasts hit, but I felt no pain. I open my eyes and see the lethal blasts hitting some sort of barrier around me.
It was the shield. It's doing that. The ring disappeared and reappeared on the other side where my friends are at. I ran quickly and triple jumped across. I landed in the ring. The Templar fired at me again. So if I stand on the ring, he'll only focus on me.
I grip the shield tightly with both hands and opened a shield barrier. The barrier uses a lot of Light every second it's open. I can feel it draining me.
"Just hold out a little longer! We almost got'em!" Felix shouted. I continued focus to maintain my Light. The ring reappeared on the other side. I swung my shield in midair to move forward, like bird flapping its wings. I land on the ring once more and open my shield to deny the Templar. Suddenly my vision was fading. Noises echoed out. I was losing it. My Light is dying out quickly. I maintained my ground and balance.

The ring teleported to the other side again. I swung across again and stood on the ring. I activated my shield and held out as long as I can. I grit my teeth, telling myself to stay awake. I breathe in a faster, more unhealthier pace. The ring reappeared to the other side. I ran instead to the other side and jumped up and double jumped. My arms sore from holding the shield's barrier. Staring at the Templar, my vision fades to black slowly. I shook my head and stood awake. Then it happened. The barrier broke and made the sound of glass being broken. I rolled out of the way of the purple blasts, but still stood on the ring. Stressfully, the ring teleports to the other side again. I run across, but midway, I collapse on my knees in front of the Templar and stop. The Templar used a shockwave and flew me back. I get slammed against the wall and fell down. I screamed painfully the second I hit it. The shield flies out of my arm and clinks around and drops. I lay there fading out with no Light left for my Ghost to even be in Resurrection Mode. I breathe heavily and pass out. It can't be, am I really dead?

+ + +

I wake up in dire pain and sore. I push myself up shaking. I whimper and cry from the lingering pain. Aside from that, it was silent. I look around and stand on my knees. Everyone was still here. They all stared.
"You okay?" Carolina asked.
I didn't answer because my eyes watered out.
Felix approaches me and offers help. I replied to him back with a calm growl.
"I'm fine!" I said, grinding my teeth half open.
He steps back and stares away.
"Well, when you're all healed up, we'll keep moving. Just take your time," said Athena.
I close my eyes and sit against the wall next to me. Holding my hip where the pain was at. Everyone walked around and explored nearby. My hip was red. Lots of blood. The Templar penetrated the Shield and my Light. I take off my helmet and exhaled.
"You didn't have to push yourself that far," said Nolan.
"No, I refuse to fail," I snap.
The second I snapped, the wound stung me. I screamed in a quiet, high pitched tone.

I don't know why, but this injury hurts. But the same time, my body has an odd reactant to it. My body accepts the pain and embraces it.
But I don't. I fear pain. Ever since I've had these fangs, I've been getting more aggressive when I feel pain. I can't understand or explain it. What happened to me?

I growl and grunt, healing the wound. I made a mistake and stabbed myself with a small needle. Instead of screaming or grunting, I hissed instead, like an actual animal. I hissed like a cat, more or less. It was like a natural reflex. I froze and thought about what I did.
"What was that?" Nolan asked.
I blush and hesitate. "Nothing," I said, healing the wound.
"Crimson, we need to talk," he said appearing in front of me with a stern voice.
I stood up and stared back.
"Fine," I replied. I walk to an edge of one of the sides of the area. As I walk, I pass by the destroyed Templar's head. I glance and keep walking. I sit criss cross with my elbows on my knees. I stare out with annoyance.
"What is up with you? You haven't been like this since... well never," he said concerned.
"I'm fine!" I said. "What? You think I'm gonna eat you or something?"
"No but you're acting so primitive and so angry like you're on a Jersey period!" He exclaimed.
I sigh and close my eyes. I look down and rub my eyes with my palms.
"It can't be because of Raven, can it?" He wonders.
"No, it can't," I said.
"She's has fangs too. And scary..."
I use my hand as a head rest and lean on it.
"I wasn't born from her. Her and I aren't related at all."
"Then why the resemblance?" He asked.
"I don't know. But I know for a fact that my mom wasn't like this. She wasn't like her," I said. "She had white hair, white eyes, normal teeth, and a Warlock."
"Why Hunter though?" He asked.
"Because my mom was a Warlock and my dad was a Titan. I'll just choose an alternative."
I stood up and headed to the door that leads deeper in the Vault. "I'll tell you more about myself when we make it out of here. If we make it out of here."

Everyone was siting there waiting for me.
"Let's keep moving," I said.
"You sure you don't want to be carried?" Indigo asked.
I cover my hip again. "I'll be fine," I replied.
Everyone got up and moved as a group. The path kept going down and down. It felt like there was no end to it. Steep floors, pits, gaps, all these are what the Vault has aside from Vex.
Eventually I mistook a step and fell down and might of broken a bone. The healing process was slow because we weren't in range of the Traveler. If we were, it would take an hour until the bone was fixed back to normal.

I'm worried for myself. I might die for real this time. My Light is running low. I hope we all make it out alive...
