Chapter 39: The Time Conflux

One portal on each side travels to a time-stream. Left was the past, and the right was the future. Atheon was firing like a Gatelord. Vex minions on the right looked old and the minions on the left looked new. Irony.
Atheon raises his hand and freezes. The whole team clears out the room and fires at him. Atheon was still frozen, like as if we barely scratched him.
"We have to gain our time's vengeance. Make our Light exist in the past and future," I said.
There was a plate that can open the portal like the one at the Gatelord summoning.
I run to the left one and activate it. I told Carolina and Felix to get the right side, as Athena and I go left. The portal opens in front of us. We step in at the same time they do. My vision went white and blurry for a second. When it dispersed, Oracle sounds started chiming off. They were different by looks. Instead of yellow, they were red.
"Athena, the Oracles!" I said.
I didn't hear her respond. I turn around and see her on her knees, staring blankly.
"I can't see! It's dark!" She starts to freak out.
"Wait! Get me close to her!" Said Nolan.
I ran to her and watched the Oracles spawn.
I shot the Oracles as he scanned her.
"She's been marked by the Void. The Darkness is smothering her Light into containment," he said.
The Oracles were spawning faster than I can shoot them. I used my Golden Gun and destroyed them all. They stopped spawning.
I took Athena by her upper arm and pulled her with me.
I saw the portal that we went through. I just realized that we didn't teleport to the other portal. Instead, we teleported away from the exit portal. I ran, pulling Athena aggressively, unintentionally. Once we went through the portal, I set Athena to the side to safety and find Indigo and Violet detained in Vex energy. These things freezes Light to contain and to deteriorate it.
I destroyed them just by shooting it and freed them.
"What's wrong with her," asked Indigo.
I shrug. "I dunno. She went blind when we stepped in. It was something about the Void."
Then Violet turned to me immediately the second I said that.
"The Void?" She asks.
"Yeah," I nodded my head.
Violet takes a moment to think and focus. Before she could think of something, everyone started to glow. I look down at myself. I glow with yellow Light. My Light, our Light are becoming empowered with time potential. Our power exists in the paradox of the time-stream.
My first intentions were, "Shoot. Fire the burning shots to the will of Time, and send it crashing down in our presence. Fire the infinite shots that overlap our existence." And so I did. I turn back and leveled my Golden Gun at Atheon. I fired a shot that exists a million times at once.
Atheon fell, but was not defeated.
Violet ran to Athena. "Crimson, the shield!" Violet exclaimed.
"You need it?!" I shouted.
"No, I need you to use it!" She replied.
I ran to her and crouched down.
"It says here," she reads her book, then pauses. "It's in a riddle. Can you decode it?"
I take her book and read it fast.

To Prove it, Mend the Heights of others Lights before your Fate is Lost to the Blight of this Time.
To Elude it, Cleanse the Lights of your own Light before you're too Late to understand the Cost of your Light to this Rhyme.

I repeat some of the lines and pace myself back and forth, trying to understand what it's saying. "Mending the heights of my Light, and cleansing the Lights of my own Light...
Using the shield with my Light can cleanse Athena's Light with my own...only then I can mend the heights of other's Light! That's it!" I say.
I grip the shield with both hands and activate the barrier with Athena inside. My Light is overlapping itself in time; therefore, I can use the barrier at a near infinite amount. Athena stands up and looks around. "I can see again!" She says.
I smile and turn my attention to Atheon.
I activate my Golden Gun, with the aid of the Celestial Nighthawk, and charge at Atheon. He was standing once more and fired at me in the most rapid fire pace I've ever seen. I backflip off the ground, dodging his blasts, and plant my feet on the wall behind me. I stood there, waiting for him to shoot me. He fired and I leaped out. I lunged towards him and fired my Golden Gun at him.
I've learned what my birth mother made.
The "Celestial Nightshot" was made to fire once shot, but pack a huge punch.
In the Vault of Glass, one shot didn't exist to me. With Time's Vengeance, I was able to fire my gun like a death machine. I opened fire at him and unleashed the ultimate super energy in me. Just hearing the rapid fire Golden shots, that fired faster than Atheon, was satisfying to me.
Felix calls out to me. I turn to him for a quick second. He throws his Golden Gun at me. I catch it and leap right above Atheon.
In midair, wielding two Golden Guns, I fired the sun at Atheon, spinning like a Bladedancer at the same time. Atheon was made out of unbreakable glass.
This is how I can explain his death. When you burn the world, there's nothing but ashes and glass. Atheon was the world, and I was the one burning it. I burned brighter than the sun. Instead of leaving the world with ashes and glass, I left it with nothing. Nothing but Vengeance. No ashes nor glass. I burned the glass and I burned world to its mantle.

That is how I can Explain Atheon's death.

+ + +

"And so he fell. The Vex's Time Conflux was no longer in control of time. The six of us went into the needle that frays the Vault. We pierced it and cut off its flow of Vex time. We no longer need to fear the Vex. The Black Garden and Atheon have fallen. The Vex are crippled. And if they find a way to stand back up, then it will be our job to put them back down," I said to everyone in the Tower.
I said this at the same place the Speaker did when he announced about the Black Garden. Ikora, Zavala, Cayde, Shaxx, and Saladin stood in the front. Athena, Carolina, Felix, Violet, and Indigo stood behind me. Lastly, the Speaker stood right next to me. I stepped aside once I finished my speech so the speaker could step forward.
"And so for your actions," the Speaker said. "It would be our gratitude to honor these Guardians who struck down and revealed the strength of the Light to the Vex. If the Vanguards can step up and commemorate your class by rewarding their Raid."
The Vanguards step up and hold medals for us, while all of us stand in a line left to right. Zavala walks to Carolina and puts the medal over her head and tells her, "You have defended this City as a Defender. You have Pushed back the Darkness as a Striker. And lastly, you have stood brave didn't step down, as a Titan. It is my honor to award Carolina Rain this medal and remember her for what she has done today."
Carolina smiles, and the crowd cheers and applauds.
Zavala steps down, and Ikora steps up.

"As Warlocks, it is our duty to understand what lies ahead of us. We heed our knowledge so we can learn and understand so we can all understand. For these two brace Warlocks, they are the first two to seek further in Vex technology. Without the Vex Oracles, they have seen what is and what is not real. Now we know thanks to them. So it is my duty, as a Vanguard, to commemorate those who want to take a step further because of their curiosity. It is my honor to award Indigo Arcane, and Violet Corvoida this medal and remember them for what they have done today." She puts the medal over Violet's and Indigo's head.
The crowd applauds and cheers again.
Ikora steps down, and Cayde steps up.
"Oh boy," I whisper.
"What?" Athena asks.
"You'll see," I replied.

Cayde walks causally to us and speaks.
"So uh, I'm not big on 'Speeches', but who knows. Maybe I might try to remember why I'm still here," he said. I can see Zavala's face already regretting Cayde. "Just kidding," he adds. "C'mon, I'm not that shallow. Well, maybe on another day, but today is not that day. You see this right here?" He points to me. "This is something that you don't see everyday. What is it you may ask. It's not her hair, not the eyes, and it's not the fact that she's still alive. Well, maybe it was that last one... But on a serious note, this thing that I see in her that I don't see everyday that has my attention, it's the fact that as a Hunter, she understands the difference it makes to fight alone, and to fight with a fireteam. As Hunters, we prefer to fight alone and explore. However, Crimson Isabella Solrac has the Light to slay a Time God, and to put the Vex in their place. She is the reason the Traveler can heal again. Now I ask you, can you find anyone like her? Anywhere. Anyone?"
No one responded. "Exactly," he says. He steps back and puts the medal over my head. "Good job kiddo," he whispers to me. I smile to him and thank him. Cayde hands Felix the medal too.
"Also, this guy is cool too! Don't forget him!" Cayde shouts. Felix blushed and smirked as everyone smiled and laughed.
He steps down and the speaker speaks once more. As he speaks, I look to Athena's frown looking down.
"... However, there is one thing that I am proud to introduce our first Reef Guardian," the speakers says.
Athena looks up and loses her frown.
"Petra Venj gave her daughter the permission to enter the Light of the Traveler and become a Guardian here in Old Russia. And it's all thanks to her mother, and Crimson Saber. I am proud to introduce the Queen's first Guardian, Athena Venj!"
The crowd bursts in a large applause and roaring cheers. Athena smiles greatly and is handed two medals. One for the Vault of Glass, and one for being a Reef Guardian. I smile at her as she smiles at me back.
The speaker says his final words of wisdom. And when he said this, that's when I knew that I've achieved my goal.

"We thank these six heroic heroes for how much effort they've went through to keep us safe. We will never forget what they've done because they will be our newest Legends."
                                                      - The Speaker

And that is the end of my Legendary Story.

Or is it?
