Chapter 22: Exams

Crimson's POV
Barely made it to class... I didn't study at all for the semester exams. Oh well.
I sat down without saying a word to Indigo or Felix.
"Alright," said Ikora, holding up the thick sheets of papers. "This will determine your performance as a student. You have as much time as you need, and do your best." After that I zoned out. When she was done talking, the exam papers were being passed out.
I hope it is multiple choice.
When I get mine. See that It's not.
Well I already failed.
"You got this, C," Nolan said.
"Not really," I replied.

+ + +

When I finished my exam, I look around the class and still see most of the students still working. I was shocked by that. I thought I would be last. Either that test was super easy for me, or was harder than I think it was. What sucks now is that I have to wait another two hours until I can leave.
"Well, I know what I'm doin," I thought.
"What would be that?" Nolan wondered.
"Nap time," I answered.
I cover my face with my hood and lean my chair back against the wall. The good thing is that I sit at the back so no jerks can do or throw anything to me. At least without getting caught.

When I fell asleep, I had that same dream again. The Stranger. But this time it was about the Black Garden. In my dream, I was able to envision the Black Garden as if I've seen it before. Every detail possible to see. I had a key that opened a circular door to the Heart of the Black Garden, but upon opening it, a giant pink blast flew right towards me. The second it hit me, someone snapped me back into reality.
"Crimson? Crimson!" Someone said.
"Ahhh!?" I yelled and fell out of my chair, causing me to fall. I hit the ground.
"Wha- what happened?" I said. Tracey gave me a hand. "The exams are over, the scores are on the board!"
I took my time getting there, stretching. When I was done, I read the board's notes.
Avg. Year One Guardians' Score Range From 100 to 1000.
I read from lowest to highest scores, assuming I would be last.
Felix Jolt, 108
"Wait, what?!" I blurt out. "How is that possible?!" I start to laugh so much that I might lose my balance.
"I dont know," said Tracey. "Don't you get like 200 points for putting your name on the paper?" I collapse on the ground laughing harder, weakened by my laughter. When I was able to stabilize myself, which took a long time, I continued reading from bottom to top.
Indigo Arcane, 583
Tracey Scrath, 612
Carolina Rain, 590
"I can't find myself down here," I said. Tracey taps me on the shoulder. I look at her. She looks up. "Uh, I think found you," she said in shock. I look up and see my name on the top.
Crimson Saber, 1253
"What?!" My eyes popped. I almost crapped myself by how high the score was. "How did you get a score so high?! It's higher than a Year One?!" Tracey exclaimed.
"That's a very good question," a voice walked in. We both look at the doorway. Ikora. "Vanguard Ikora, how did Miss Solrac achieve a score above the average Year One?" She says in her polite formal like voice. Along with her upright stance, Like she's been crowned. It's a beautiful pose. I lean to the left in Ikora's vision. "Ah, I prefer Crimson, thank you very much," I joke.
"Despite the fact that she missed every multiple choice question, her essay was beyond the potential of a Year One Guardian," she said. She walks to her desk and shows us a paper that she picked up. It was my paper.
"You were writing about the Eliksni."
I cough my response purposely to correct her. "Fallen." She didn't look like she realized. "Talking about the Barons and Kells. How do you know so much?"
"Well. I do love the Fallen," I said. "Also I have a friend who's a Vandal."
"Uh- I... What?" Ikora said stammering. I may or may not have broken her and Tracey.
"Yea, I call him Randal the Vandal. I hang out with him at the Forgotten Shore in Earth."
"And you named him too?" Tracey says, straightening up.
"Yeah, he's really cool. He didn't like the way the Houses work, so he left."

How I met him was pretty simple. One day I was stressed out and decided to sit down. From a cave behind me, a Vandal walked out and aimed the gun at me as a threat. I sensed him behind me and said, "I'm honestly not in the mood." He stared at me and hesitated. Then he lowered his weapon and sat next to me. I looked at him back with full perplextion. And that was the start of a beautiful friendship.
