So remember when they were half-asleep?

"Thank you.", smiled Nezu, taking a sip from his cup of tea, as he reconsidered the forest training camp project, or at least re-analizing the camp's security and considering asking someone else than the Wild, Wild pussycats to participate (as well as warning them about a possible kidnapping).

"So yesterday," Tsukauchi started off, taking a small pause to find the right words, " while you were falling asleep in the car, you asked us some things. Nothing inappropiate ", the kids let out a huge internal sigh of relief," but it did give out information we aren't aware of, and so, would it be possible for you to explain them?"

"Of course,",, assured Killian, "but could you possibly remind us of the thing we said?"

"Certainly", answered Tsukauchi while displaying a faint smile that re-energized the two kids, " The first thing is about three people, or so we think, that have been nicknamed 'broccoli', 'angry pomeranian' and 'canadian flag'."

The children's energy vanished as effectively as stains on your T-shirt after going through the washing machine twice. 

One look between themselves determined that Kiki would sacrifice herself, but only if Mike took the next risky one. 

"Alright. About that, huh... Yeah, that. So like people. People am I right? People get nicknames. Based on huh, predominant features. Nicknames are cute, and they're made for people you have a special connection with. Now is there any better people than the protagonist and his friends to give a nickname to? Well yes, but since you only know about three nicknames let's not elaborate any further on that. And the nicknames have been chosen by the fandom, who are we, small little fanpeople, to oppose to a universally recognized name? Nobody that's who we are. but going back to the question."

By then, Tsukauchi had understood that if he gave them the actual question they might not recover. 

"So like, 'broccoli' might, might y'know, just might be the nickname for Midoriya Izuku,  which is great considering broccoli is healthy for your body and Midoriya Izuku is healthy for your mind. Then, 'angry pomeranian', aren't pomeranian's cute? And when they're angry, aren't they brave considering their size? And they're fluffy! God blessed when he gave us pomeranians, just like he did when he brought Bakugo Katsuki into this world! Now Canada, goodness isn't Canada a great country? Promoting peace, associated with snow, is there any better nickname  then 'canadian flag' for the one and only, calm and icy, Shoto Todoroki?!"

Killian's stress level reached the stratosphere, and it skyrocketed when she heard Nezu comment; "I see it's related to the hair color."

It made Killian bow as deep as she could (considering she was sitting) and apologize from the bottom of her heart.

Tsukauchi said that it was alright, that they understood that they used to be fiction, and that fictional characters are treated differently than actual people. Which could have made Kiki feel better if it wasn't for Hawks letting out a chuckle.

So the detective tried to change the subject immediately, "Then you mentioned, I quote, a 'plushie guy' who possessed a 'confession quirk' and who worked under a 'toucan'."

"Oh allow me to take care of that one!" immediately proposed Mike. quite excited to talk about his favorite villain group of the series.
