
They started walking, waving their hands to some imaginary and friendly talking unicorn. Slowly they went faster and faster, and after around ten minutes of going towards the gate, they started running.

Because maybe, but maybe they could by there, again, maybe they could escape. After they would travel into UA by the forest and reach the walls.

It was foolish. It was great. It was impossible. It would never work.

Mike suddenly stopped forcing his friend to stop too grabbing the collar of her sweat-shirt, what caused her to fall headlong into the dust , thankfully, Mike still hanging her clothe, fell down too.

"So you have chosen... death." Said the female while getting up and rolling up her sleeves, with a dark glare who could have killed him  if he wasn't already used to it, last time was only a month ago, when he put a dead tarantula on her locker. She screamed, loud, really loud. But her scared face was so funny that even the two weeks at the hospital were worth it.

He immediately reacted explaining why he did it, "Sorry about that but we're stupid!"

Kiki laid down her fist realizing that the poor guy might have damaged his brain due to the fall, and looked at him showing clearly that she was pitying him.

Mike lat out an exasperated sigh and developed the previous explanation. "We'll never get out by the door. But by the hole yes."

"The Nomu's hole?" Kiki repeated admitting that it was a better suggestion, "where it is?"

Before Mike could answer they saw a black form flying through the sky break the dome and disappear in the clouds.

"There"said Mike pointing at the hole.

"So.... we should head back and wait until the night?" 

"Uh...I guess?"


"Hey, I just though it would be a better idea, if you don't want to then don't! At least I'm not the one who'll get caught!"protested the boy.

"Nah, it's not about that. You said that you might have seen Edgeshot or y'know the one who can transform into paper or something like that, hearing our conversation?"

"Yeah? I'm pretty sure I've seen it-"

"Bro, Edgeshot wasn't in the USJ, or at least we didn't saw him. Why did you thought about him?"

It took him a few seconds for him to answer, "The hair was pointing at behind and the movement were fast, I'd swear I saw red after that so......"


"Yes?" He didn't liked the tone she used to say that. It was scary. Really scary.



The sound of Snipe's bullet right in front of their feet frightened the hell out of them.

The Pro-Heroes Snipe and Hound Dog entered the scene. "You're not going anywhere."


"ArE wE? I  mEaN We HaVe aN iMpOrTaNt mEeTiNg rIgHt nOw. MoThEr sUrElY wiLL bE AngRy iF wE sKiP tHe cErEmony", said Kiki in a foolish attempt to get ride of them, "aFtEr All, It's mY bAnANa's biRtHdAy..."

"What she said.." muttered Mike under his breath, too scared to move.
