Sleep place

"Honestly, we could sleep in the street, we would still be infinitely grateful." affirmed Kiki to which Mike agreed by nodding.

"In the street?" asked to be sure a doubtful Yamada.

Automatically the kids answered "Yes". 

Hawks and Yamada blinked, Nezu laughed while Aizawa and Tsukauchi sighed.

"We certainly won't do that nor allow you to do that." opposed Tsukauchi ingnorin the kid's disappointed faces.

"While you discuss this point I'll need to talk to Yamada." informed Aizawa dragging his friend out of the room.

Mike sent a interrogative look at Kiki. "Is it about what you said when I wasn't here?" 

The girl shrugged with a smirk, "Why would I know Mister Anime only watcher?"

Mike sighed as he rolled his eyes, "Well at least I  know about Saiko Intelli."

"Who?" Kiki said furrowing her brows.

"Well I dunno Miss Manga only reader." answered the boy mocking his friend. Hawks chuckled and sent feathers to get some pop-corns while Tsukauchi realized Nezu had found a white box.

Kiki grimaced but instantly relaxed and grabbed her friend's shoulder, "Dear, we both know which knowledge will be more important here, right? Just a friendly reminder that we didn't fall in the anime."

Mike stayed silent for a couple seconds. "Now listen here you little sh"- "No- Don't open it!" 

The detective literally jumped out of his chair to stop Nezu from opening the white box. 

The pop-corns safely arrived into Hawk's hands he started to enjoy the show.

The kids realized that Nezu had the box in his hands and both of them rushed to grab the box, but Nezu being the extremely smart being he is avoided the three of them and run to the other end of the room laughing.

Since Tsukauchi was under Kiki who was under Mike,it would have taken more than a minute to stand up but Nezu tied their shoelaces together while passing making them fall as soon as they separated themselves.

Meanwhile Hawks, still eating his popcorns,  was also blocking the top of the box with at least ten small red feathers.

Nezu laughed even louder as he opened the box from beneath. The laughter ceased instantly at the sight of the pictures.  

Without a word, Hawks left his popcorn on the desk and started collecting the fanart from all accross the room with the help of Nezu. Tsuakuchi, Kiki and Mike also tried to lend a hand but having their shoelaces tied between themselves, one of them fell every twenty seconds. But the priority was on the pictures so they kept it like that until every was one the box again. 

By a common and silent accord Tsukauchi took out his lighter and set the box in fire, having opened the windows before.

They were in circle, Tsukauchi, Kiki and Mike having their foot together, Hawks sitting  and eating the popcorn while Nezu was the only one standing.

They all were contemplating the burning fanarts.

"What the fuck is going on- Actually no. Don't tell me. Just say if you  know where the kids are going to sleep tonight." said Aizawa as soon as he entered the room.

The silence following the question answered it perfectly.

"Forget it. I'll take them with me for tonight."
