It's working

Their phones in their hands , they proceeded to experiment their idea (all while keeping an eye on the adults, any sign of miscontent would make them froze).

The satanic ritual was placed on Nezu's desk, and the kids stood half way between the wall behind them and the desk in front with their phones turned on.

They ignored the hundred of unseen messages and both went to Google. Kiki wrote ducks and Mike babies. Both looked at each other, nodded, and hit search. It took a few seconds but not much. The wifi had three bars. 

Mike approached the desk, changed his search to horses, leaving Kiki to go the further she could from the isekai ritual, whihc was a corner of the room. Her wifi dropped one bar when she searched for swans, while Mike's went up to four.

They switched positions and hit the search button again. The result was the same; the closer they were from the paper, the better the wifi worked, the further they were, the quality dropped.

They searched on settings the origin of the wifi. Turned out the wifi was coming from their school's free wifi (from their world), or at least for Mike. For Kiki it was from the administration building (of said school) who was a bit separated of the rest of the School's grounds. It was what she was next to upon disappearing.

They showed it to the adults and explained their theory. "Does that mean you can communicate with your other world?", asked Tsukauchi.

"I think that yeah- We have a lot of missing messages who weren't there when we left, where they? Theorically it works- I mean can we- can we try?", asked Kiki unsure of the possibility. After all, weren't they now part of a classified affair? Weren't they supposed to be hidden?

But of course the adults were aware that they were dealing with kids, and it wasn't just because they were kids. Being separated from their world, they had to be treated carefully. It was lucky they had yet to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Of course they could talk with their friends with their family, Hawks spoke from the microphone. they should, though, try not to reveal where they were. But it was important to reassure their family and friends, tell them they were alright and that they were being taken care of.

"But, huh, I'm thankfull for the opportunity, but like, how do I explain our disappearance? What if people saw us suddenly volatili- vola- hum just like from being there to not being there?", nervously asked Mike.

"Oh yeah, that." muttered Kiki.

"Why do you have to explain yourselves. Wouldn't it be suspicious if you knew exactly what happened to you?", Hawks argued from over the microphone.
"Oh, true. Then, uhm, I'll go and tell my family I'm okay and with nice and responsible people." said Kiki.

"Yeah, me too." said the other kid. They both went to a corner of the room, and immersed themselves on the messages they received ever since yesterday.

Immediately some people responded. For example, Kiki's father that was granted a leave from work.
