Yes, of course, the truth, totally, best idea ever.

The girl sighed, "Right, then, when we'll be captured, what are we supposed to say?"

Mike responded instantly "The truth."

Kiki's eyes widened and she kept starring weirdly at him, not knowing if he was joking, serious or just acting stupid,"I'm sorry, but I think I've misheard your words, could you repeat them?"she said in a cold, hesitant voice.

Not understanding that she was actually giving him a chance to think a little about what he said, he repeated, "We should tell the truth."

Kiki starred at him with a you "must be joking, right, yes of course you're joking" look until he asked "WHAT?! Have I said something stupid?"

She sighed and replied trying to make the irony in her tone obvious, "Noooo, of course no! You're right, when they'll come we'll say 'Hello, actually we're innocent, the situation is a whole misunderstanding. First, we're not villains, and if we came trough Kurogiri's portal it was because when we traveled we used this way. Second, Darling, we come from another world, the real one, where you are a manga, who became an anime by the way felicitations, and we decided to make a Satanic ritual to travel in this universe!' let's totally say that!"

"Kiki okay now stop it please." The boy nervously muttered but she didn't heard and continued.

"Of course let's not forget to tell them that, the world where we born having no such thing as quirks, we are quirkless. And why not tell them that we know a lot of things about them since we practically memorized the manga and the anime? Like we know, this is just an example, that Kurogiri's a Nomu? Of course let's not forget to tell them not to worry about the fanarts in the schoolbag, they're just draws, it never happened, even if we would like that the ships were real. So that's what you want to tell them?"
She said finishing with a mocking tone.

"Kiki"said Mike in an attempt to rectify the situation, realizing the idea wasn't, in fact, as great as it seemed first and trying to save the situation,"are you still taking drugs?"

The girl literally choked in the air, and before she could respond with an "excuse me what the fuck-" she saw Mike trying expanding his eyes frequently, the signal they used to have when there was someone watching them.

So she decided to play along, "Taking drugs? Me? What are you talking about, oh- Look at that", pointing at a tree,"a humungous platypus! And, wow!" She said looking at the ground, standing up and jumping like if it was to test the terrain, "ChArLiE wE'Re oN a bRiDgE!"

Mike quickly checked if the Pro-Hero he saw or he thought he saw was still there, and seeing nobody he sighed in relief and stood up, "That was great, thanks, it's just that I saw the paper Hero hearing everything you said, but now he's gone so-"

"He's gone?", she questioned, "Just like that? "

"Well, I guess, I don't see him anymore..." said the boy scratching the back of his neck.

He's joking right?

"Ha. Ha. Ha.", she started with an evidently forced smile,"What are you saying, you took drugs too, now let's watch the birds dance the polka!"

Thankfully her friend understood. "Hum- Yes, I love to watch the birds dance with the cats! But  let's search them first!"

They took the bags acting like if they we're crazy, and went deeper into the forest.
