So yeah it sounded like nonsense at that moment

"Capabilities? ", repeated the detective.

Kiki nervously started playing with her fingers.

"I mean more like what I knew, y'know, like I remember telling that I knew Sir All Might's secrets and I told him his name so he knows I know lots of secret things and yeah I remember telling him that his grandmother was killed by All for One and... hum, that's it?"

But then her eyes widened, she shivered. "And maaaybe, maybe, eh, I've told him my number. Like yelled.  Maybe. Phone number."

The detective pondered the answer for a few seconds, before demanding the phone number. He explained, that the number being from a different world, there was a high chance of it already existing in this one. So they would have to investigate that part.

The girl happily agreed and they went to the next question.

"Now, could you please state your movements ever since you arrived here.", this time Nezu led the conversation.

Killi felt a little bit relieved of the easiness of the question.

"So I went through the portal and bumped into Shigaraki. Then I was relocated to the water zone. I got out of the water to run in the woods since I knew they were relatively safe."

Nezu hummed at the statement. The kid's knowledge were no joke and if used accordingly it could become a weapon.

"Then I went to the center of the building to, huh, get my things? Anyway I ran to the ruin zone and then he appeared.", she finished pointing at her friend.

Mike proceeded to take over the explaining. "I too appeared at the center of the place. After I was dragged by her", he pointed back," to the woods. We were caught when trying to hide and wait for the night to get out by the Nomu's hole.", he paused. "I mean the one he did on the wall because of All Might's punch." 

"And who did you got caught by?" inquired Hawks from the other side of the phone.

Michael's face brightened, "By Mister Pro-Hero Snipe and Sir Pro-Hero Hound dog! I remember it because at first we thought it was Mister Pro-Hero Edgeshot! At that point we tried pretending we were on drugs because we  had accidentally confessed everything. But we had no idea if it was heard or no."

Tsukauchi raised slightly his black pen from the sheet he was writing on. 

"Accidentally confessed everything?", quoted the director, speaking for the two other adults.

"I can explain.", intervened Kiki with an awkward laugh," So at first, the idea of telling the truth sounded ridiculous. Unbelievable. So yeah he proposed that without thinking, I got angry and kind of caricatured a confession... Like I gave a unbelievable discourse about like our real condition? "

Mike scratched the back of his neck, "Honestly at that moment I had proposed the truth I was short of ideas. It really seemed nonsense at that moment."

Nezu comforted them revealing the fact that the two Pro-Heroes heard parts of the conversation that made no sense thus wee ignorant regarding the matter, and added that 'you made a good choice when opening up to us'.

The kids timidly thanked the mouse, bear or whatever for his words.

They immediately resumed the interrogatory with 'You have previously indicated you returned to the center of the USJ. What was the exact reason?'
