
The car parked in front of the police station an Tsukauchi got out to escort the kids inside the vehicle. Aizawa meanwhile changed seats and took the wheel. Kiki's bag went in the back of the car.

 Nezu, Hawks and Aizawa's headcannoned boyfriend stayed inside the police station for a while, no more than thirty minutes, to discuss a bit more the things that happened today, and their newly found precious source of information. 

It was unexpected, since they were constantly excited upon seeing this new and at the same time familiar world. It was at the same time expected, it was a long journey and it was getting late. The fact is that the kids started dozing off while the transposition to Aizawa's place. 

But it wasn't simply dozing off. They would become very quiet and slowly fall into sleep but suddenly jump on their seats and tell a fact related to the world they were in.

Mike started first by whispering about a broccoli being threatened by an angry pomeranian and the canadian flag having an unrequited love.

Kiki followed three minutes after, suddenly asking in a very loud voice if ' the confess quirk of the plushie like guy, y'know the subordinate of the tucan, does it accepts what we believe is true, or vague answers and even sign language? '.

It was at that point that Tsukauchi started noting down their mumbling nonsense, in case of them revealing something really important. It as as if the shock of the isekaiding and the fatigue had made them remember every question they ever asked themselves about my hero academy.

"But who's the traitor in UA?", Mike interrogated Eraser Head who responded that they didn't know yet, to which the kid said, "Oh. Spoiler. My bad."

Tsukauchi said it was okay, that they could, please, continue, no harm done.

"Mirio. He's the antichrist. " mumbled Kiki, who then nodded, dangerously leaning towards the front in a curved manner, her head going to her feet as she fell more and more into slumber.

"How so?" inquired Aizawa, as Tsukauchi pushed the girl to her seat again to let her have a more comfortable sleeping position.

"You see... he, he ...", she yawned before pursuing," Jesus. The guy can walk on water. But Mirio is more powerful. He can swim on land."

Mike, then leaned towards the front seat to mutter in Tsukauchi's attentive ear, "Endeavor is illegal."

The detective lowered his blocknote in surprise. "He is?", he asked just to make sure, to which Kiki, appearing out of nowhere nodded. 

"Burning trash is illegal." she explained while pushing a sleeping Mike back to his seat.

"Hah, burn" replied Mike.

His friend shook his head, "He's fire, it doesn't count."

"...Mmmelt then!" giggled Mike before definitely closing his eyes until the next morning.

"We gotta give him a gift tho.", muttered Kiki as she fought to keep her eyes open," Y'know this book. It's called.... Parenting for dummies."

 She then imitated her friend and nodded off, leaving Tsukauchi wondering who were the plushie and the tucan.

----------------------------Real world, right after the kid's disappearing---------------------------------

"So what's the patient's condition?" asked the doctor.

"Fine, no visible problem. He is still recuperating from her kid's disappearance. His family, as well as the family of the other disappeared child is here. Should we let them enter?"
