chapter 9

Day 31

No one's pov

Bakugou woke up the next morning and did his morning runtine
Than he went to the kitchen to make his husband and daughter breakfast. Bakugou got every thing ready,he than washed his hands. Before he started cooking minutes later he was finally
Done so he set up every thing than called his daughter and husband down.

"Okay foods ready come down!!" Bakugou said as he finished setting up he heard two sets of foot steps one was running and the other was walking the next thing he knew a small figure hooked on to his legs and started hugging him he looked down to see his five year old daughter he picked her up and twirled her around.

Before seating her in her seat and kissing her forehead "hey baby girl did you have a good dream?" Bakugou asked ari the little girl
Nodded at her mommy "mhm! I had a dream that me and you was married and mama was very happy!" Ari said as she finished

Eating her pancake bakugou just chuckled in response "babygirl
I'm happily married to your father" bakugou said as he smothered ari with kisses making her. Giggle. Than suddenly bakugou felt a kiss on his cheek he looked to see his husband

"What you want to take mommy from me!?!" Damon said in a playful voice the girl giggled at her silly daddy "yes yes mommy is mine!" Ari said in the middle of giggles Damon raised a eyebrow
And pulled bakugou to his chest making Bakugou giggle "no he's mine! I had him first!" Damon said the little girl looked at both of them back and forth before she thought of an ideal "why don't we both share mommy?!" The little girl asked "fine!" Damon said with a smile playing on his lips suddenly Damon pulled up bakugou's shirt and smothered it with kisses making Bakugou laugh "w-what are you doing!?" Bakugou asked while laughing

Damon looked up at bakugou with a smile "I was just giving our baby some love they looked like they needed" Damon said Bakugou's smile turned into a shocked face "why do you think it's twins babe?" Bakugou asked him Damon turned to Bakugou "baby I don't think it's twins I know it's twins it comes with being a demon" Damon said to Bakugou also it's your turn to take ari to school before you start working!" Damon yelled out as he left

Bakugou's pov

after Damon left I got ari ready before taking her to school when we got to the gate I kissed her on the head "bye sweetheart have a nice day" I say she kisses me on my cheek and runs into the school but not before yelling "I will bye mommy!!" She says I smile at her before walking back to my house after I get back I start getting ready for patrol after I'm ready I grab my keys and start heading out I have patrol in the morning

Okay guys here!
