chapter 29

Day 11

Katsuki going to visit best jeanist and endeavor

No one's pov

Katsuki woke up and got ready knowing he was gonna be busy this morning he had to meet with both endeavor and best jeanist

Whos agencies are in opposite directions katsuki sighed as he got dressed he than made breakfast just some pancakes,eggs,bacon,and sausage katsuki

Than went up stairs and woke both Ari and Damon he picked up Ari and brought her down stairs Damon followed behind them

Kissing both katsuki's and ari's cheeks in passing "thanks babe" Damon said quietly katsuki nodded at that "thank you mommy"
Ari said as she started eating

"You have school today Ari bear" katsuki said as he poured both her,Damon,and himself some orange juice "I have school today?" Ari asked suddenly more awake

Katsuki nodded "yeah you have school,daddy has work and so does mommy" katsuki said as he also sat down and started eating

Minutes later they were finished so Damon started on the dishes and packing ari's lunch meanwhile katsuki went and got Ari ready for school 20 minutes later

Katsuki walked downstairs with Ari in his arms once they got down stairs katsuki put Ari on the couch and helped her put on her shoes

After katsuki finished he picked Ari up once more knowing he needed her milky scent as he won't be able to see her as she leaves for school

Damon came and kissed Katsuki's and ari's head "I'll be taking Ari to school" Damon told katsuki who nodded handing Ari to Damon katsuki than went and got ready

After he was done he grabbed his keys water bottle, and his bag that was of course full of snacks for when he was craving and some nauseous medicine with his vitamins

Katsuki pulled on his coat and his shoes before he locked the door and got into the car making sure he turned on the heater

He than set off 30 minutes later he arrived at his first destination katsuki grabbed his stuff and got out of the car he made sure the car was locked before he looked up at his once workplace genius's office

Katsuki took a deep breath before he walked in he than walked to the counter the receptionist woman looked at him with recognition but was still remaining professional "hello,do you have a appointment?" She asked him

Katsuki nodded "yes it's for 8:30 but I came a little early I hope that's not a problem"
Katsuki said as it just turned 8:27 the receptionist just smiled at him "no that's fine please give me a minute" she said as

She called best jeanist minutes later she got off the phone "okay you can go in he will see you now" she said katsuki nodded as he went into best jeanist's office

As soon as best jeanist saw katsuki he went up to him and hugged him with a smile on his face "it's been a while" katsuki said as he hugged him back

Best jeanist pulled back and looked at katsuki's bulging belly "yes it has do you know if it's a boy or girl yet?" Best jeanist asked katsuki nodded

"Yes it's both they're twins" katsuki said as he sat down best jeanist than poured him a cup of tea and also sat down

"And how's Damon and Ari? I bet they're excited huh?" He asked him katsuki nodded at that with a smile on his face "yep Ari is super excited so is Damon he's also very protective" katsuki said with a chuckle

They than spent the rest of the time catching up on what they missed two hours later katsuki looked at the time and got up best jeanist followed

"Where are you going after this?" He asked katsuki "I'm going to see endeavor" katsuki said best jeanist showed a slight surprised face "why?" He asked katsuki slightly curious

"Well I wanted to catch up with him seeing as I don't get to see either one of you as much as when I was in highschool so I'm just paying visits" katsuki said best jeanist

Nodded at that "oh! I almost forgot we're having a highschool reunion in 11 days you're more than welcome to come! It's nothing big just class1a,class1b,some of the teachers,and a few pros" katsuki said

Best nodded once more "I might take you up on that offer" he said with a smile katsuki waved as he left so he didn't see beat jeanist looking at him fondly "bye katsuki" he said quietly to himself

Katsuki than left the company, got in his car and started on his way to endeavor's office which took two hours once he made it he got out of the car making sure to lock his car as he went into endeavor's company

As he did he instantly saw burning she immediately hugged him "katsuki! How have you been! I haven't seen you in forever!" She said katsuki returned the hug

"I've been good and you? I heard you'll be running this company by next spring!" Katsuki said burning nodded "yep! I'm so excited I've been working so hard for this"
She said she than looked at katsuki

"What are you here for?" She asked him "I'm just here to play a visit to endeavor same old same old" katsuki said burning nodded at that "than you can go right in"
She said katsuki nodded as he went to endeavor's office

He breath in a breath before he knocked once he heard a come in he entered "burning? Hold on a minute I've gotta finish this report" endeavor said not yet looking up

"Why can't you leave the report for one of your sidekicks? What are they here for?" Katsuki said endeavor instantly looked up at the sound of his voice "katsuki!" Endeavor said it was a subtle change but katsuki could see that endeavor was happy

"That's my name don't wear it out!" Katsuki said as he hugged endeavor "how's it been going kid?" Endeavor asked him as they say down "everything's been great Ari started school I'm pregnant with twins a lots been going on" katsuki said

Endeavor looked excited at that "really? Is it a boy or girl?" He asked katsuki put his hand on his belly "it's twins one boy one girl" katsuki smiled as endeavor's eyes showed a emotion that could be called very pleased

"So I've heard you finally promoted burning" katsuki said endeavor nodded "yeah, he's been working here for years and she's worked so hard for it plus shoto doesn't wanna manage a company" he said

Katsuki giggled at that "you're really singing her praises" katsuki said "oh before I forget were having highschool reunion you're more than welcomed to come beat jeanist might come" katsuki said endeavor nodded

"Aizawa threatened you didn't he? I know you wouldn't willingly go to a highschool reunion" Endeavor laughed katsuki sighed but looked at him helplessly "yep he didn't give me a choice"

Katsuki than looked at the time "oh I gotta go pick up Ari I'll see you later" katsuki said as he got up

As he was about to leave endeavor stopped him "hey kid," endeavor said katsuki looked back at him "you don't need a reason to come visit me you're more than welcomed anytime " katsuki nodded at that he than smiled "of course I'll hold you to it!"

The end

Life is absolutely hell
