chapter 25

Day 15

No one's pov

Katsuki woke up the next morning feeling refreshed he than got up, stretched,and went to the bathroom he made sure he brushed his teeth and used the bathroom

He than picked out his clothes and got in the shower 30 minutes later he was done he put on a robe and stepped into the room. He rubbed lavender scented lotion all over his body and started putting on his clothes

He picked a black and white sweater as it was starting to get cold he than put on some black yoga pants finishing his outfit with black ankle boots he than kissed Damon

Waking him up Damon woke up and smiled at katsuki "good morning baby" Damon said as he kissed Katsuki's cheek and his stomach he than looked at katsuki in confusion as he saw him fully dressed

"Where are you going baby?" Damon asked him as he sat up "we are going to the store you,me,and Ari we need to restock our fridge" katsuki says as he watches Damon get up "okay let me get ready than I'll go help Ari get ready" katsuki nodded

And went down stairs and started making breakfast minutes later he was done so he set the table and got some cups and filled them with water

The breakfast katsuki made was fruits with granola and yogurt. He was craving fruit and some other things that's why he truly wanted to to shopping

But let's keep that a secret for now okay?

Katsuki looked at the stairs as he heard Ari and Damon coming down. Ari sleepily walked to katsuki and gave him a hug "good morning mama" Ari said clearly stilly sleepy. Katsuki laughed at that

"Good morning snug bug we're having fruit with yogurt and granola,your favorite" katsuki said as he set her down in her seat. She than started eating

Damon and katsuki also sat down and started eating minutes later they finished Damon washed the dishes while katsuki helped Ari out on her coat and shoes "thank you mommy" Ari said as she kisses katsuki

Katsuki than started putting on his own shoes. He grabbed his wallet and ari's hand went to the car he buckles Ari in her car seat and got in the passenger side and waited for Damon.

Damon came out a few minutes later he than got into the car and gave katsuki Ari's snack bag "oh thank you I completely forgot" katsuki said as he took the bag from Damon

Damon than started the car and pulled out of the drive way. Katsuki put on a pg-13 movie for Ari on her tablet he made sure he gave her headphones. Ari sat back quietly as she easily became engaged with the movie.

An hour later passed before they made it to the store.damon parked,kastuki than got out first and got Ari out of her car seat they than went inside. Damon brought a buggy
"Do you wanna ride in the buggy?"

Damon asked Ari to which she nodded. Katsuki set her in the buggy car seat they than started with fruit "what kind of fruit should we get?" Katsuki asked Ari after he finished putting in the regular they get every time

"Do you wanna try a different fruit this time?" Katsuki asked her to which her eyes lit up "mommy can I try akebi?" She says excitedly katsuki nods and puts them in the buggy they than go to the veggies.

Katsuki makes sure to get the usual veggies they get before turning back to see Ari but absolutely no sign of Damon katsuki looks at Ari in amusement and disbelief

"Where did he go?" Katsuki asked Ari "I no know" Ari told katsuki "I hope he didn't get lost again" katsuki shook his head he than took Ari to the grain aisle getting all kinds of noodles,soups,rice,and bread katsuki than took Ari to the drink aisle he picked out some drinks

Like teas,waters,juices,and small sodas he than let Ari pick some too which she picked different types of milks and some juices she never tasted before they finally went to the snack aisle

Katsuki and Ari both picked out some different types of snacks like candies,cookies,chips,and goldfish. They soon left the snack aisle and started looking for Damon who suddenly appeared out of nowhere

With his arms full of stuff he put it all in the buggy "where might I ask have you been?" Katsuki asked as he stared him down to which Damon broke out in a cold sweat

"Look so what has happened was......" Damon started thinking of a very good lie but he soon stopped and sighed "fine so I saw something I liked and some other things too so of course I had to get them" Damon said as he motioned to the stuff he had just brought back with him .

Katsuki raised an eyebrow than a smile appeared on his face as he rolled his eyes he looked at Damon very fondly "I swear you do this every time we go shopping but it wouldn't be a good family shopping trip without it" katsuki said as he kissed Damon


There is no excuse for as to why I haven't updated I had wrote this in a notebook like a while ago I just didn't wanna type it onto Wattpad but in the end I did it
