chapter 5

NO one's POV

Bakugou wakes up and grabs his phone and turns it on only to see city being 6:20 (okay guys so in this I'm making school start at 6:30 because I don't know the actual time they start because it doesn't say in the anime so yeah back to the story) he gets up in a hurry trying to not wake the other two in the process but fails misrablely  "where are you going dear?" Damon says while getting up with ari in his arms "school" is all bakugou says before bolting to the door  only to be stopped by Damon "breakfast" Damon says "but I-" bakugou is cut off by Damon "I wasn't asking" Damon says transforming in his vampire form. That must've scared bakugou because he speeded to the kitchen faster than a be be gun can shoot (I don't know why I said that but if it works what's the big deal right?)  Bakugou made it to the kitchen in a matter of seconds  with Damon and ari following behind him Damon made it to the kitchen and gave ari to bakugou before going to make breakfast for them a few minutes later damon comes back with a few blood patches and gives them to bakugou bakugou looked Confused by this"why are you giving me this? I'm not pregnant anymore so I can eat human food" bakugou says while eyeing Damon "well you still have drink them" Damon says while getting ari from him leaving bakugou with no time to object a few minutes pass before bakugou is done with the blood bags he checks the time to see he is late (it is now say 6:45) he gets his stuff and hurries to the door when he gets to the door he sees Damon and ari fully dressed and Damon with his keys in his hands"let's go" Damon says before opening the door letting him,ari,and bakugou out before locking and going to the car they get in the car and buckle up and start driving a few minutes later they arrive at school Damon drops bakugou of but not before saying bye they leave and bakugou walks inside school he makes it to class1a a few minutes before the bell rings to dismiss class for them "you're late again bakugou" Mr aizawa says in his usual tried voice( but seriously can someone tell me why and does he have eyes bags because he sleeps all the damn time like how!!) "Tch I know" bakugou says before going to his seat and the rest of the day goes on like that

Time skip to when he gets home brought to you by your emo aruthor

Bakugou gets home to get greeted by Damon and ari playing on the floor on her play mat he smiles before dropping his stuff on the floor grabbing the attention of the two "well look who it is my handsome husband and cute baby girl" bakugou says while going to each of them and kissing them"well I'm going to shower I'll be out in a bit y'all can keep playing" bakugou says going up the stairs getting his clothes and going to the bathroom 30 minutes later he comes out along with the bathroom steam coming out too he gets his clothes on and goes down stairs smelling a good smell coming from the kitchen "something smells good down here" bakugou says inhaling the smell "yeah I'm making us dinner" Damon says while starring the pot "oh okay " bakubabe says going to the living room to find ari playing with her toys so bakugou just sits down beside him and watches him play minutes later the foods done so Damon calls them to come eat

Time skip to when their done eating brought to you by bakugou being a mom

They lay in bed just starring in each others eyes so deeply "I love you dear" Damon says with nothing but love in his eyes"I love you too"bakugou says with nothing but love in his eyes too suddenly a light glows but it fades quickly leaving bakugou confused "we're officially married now" says before closing his eyes bakugou doing the same minutes later

Bye babes and SIMPs

Also this is ari here's two but you guys can pick which one you want
