chapter 7

RECAP FROM BEFORE-The next morning bakugou wakes up and looks at the time to see it is 5:00 am so he has an hour and thirty minutes left so he did his morning routine and went into the kitchen he saw an apple so he got it and took a bite out of it he thought it would taste super good or at least sweet but it tasted like dirt (like how do u you know what dirt taste like? That sus I say!! Ahem I am very sorry for my outburst back to the story) the next second bakugou started throwing up the apple when Damon walked in with ari looking curiously at her mommy "I'm guessing you tried to eat human food?" Damon asks bakugou to which bakugou nods his head yes to "why can't I eat human food? What did you do to me?" Bakugou asks him trying to stay calm as to not scare ari Damon looks at bakugou very calmly and says "you changed inside and out" "wait what do you mean?" Bakugou questions "when they did the surgery on you and when you accepted the fact that your her mother it was all part of a spell to make you into a demon so you can look after her and I'll look after you" Damon says while looking at the time seeing it is 6:10 "hey it's 6:10 aren't you gonna get ready?" Damon says what Damon said must've strikes a nerve because he rushed to get ready he took a shower and hurriedly did his morning run than went to school (well that was five years ago follow me and let's go to now)

Five years later~

Bakugou sets the food on the table as he calls for his husband and daughter "mommy!!" The girl says hugging bakugou tight Damon comes behind bakugou and kisses his cheek "hey love~" Damon says while kissing his pregnant wife yes bakugou found out that he was pregnant with his second child he was only a month pregnant but he already knows what pregnancy feels like as he was pregnant before. Bakugou picks up ari and put her on her chair and puts her food down in front of her "here you go ri" bakugou says Damon than sits down and starts eating yes they live "tastes good as ever love" Damon says making bakugou smile after breakfast Damon had to leave for work and ari had to go to school after bakugou dropped ari off at school he went back home and started cleaning after he was done he just put the TV on and was on his phone just going though Instagram
Yes he was a pro hero but it was his day off so he was just relaxing Damon had said he could stay at home all day if he wanted but bakugou said he wanted to be a pro hero and Damon accepted that so here he was just relaxing parenting wasn't as hard as some people make it out to be as long as you knew what to do every thing was super easy also bakugou had lost contact with everyone from UA even kirishima well....that was expected seeing as Damon doesn't like him since he was always hanging around bakugou as Damon liked to easy 'he was too touchy' 'to close' .

And bakugou was just strolling through Instagram when suddenly his phone started vibrating he looked to see a notification on his screen that says 'you have been added to we're adults I swear'
By pinky~💜 'the hell?' Bakugou thought to himself before he went to check as he kept getting notifications from the chat he was in

In the 'were adults I swear gc'

Mina- hey guys!

Kiri- omg hey!!! Bitches,bros,and non-binary hoes!!

Denki- hi!

Lida- it is a pleasure to see you guys again!!

Uraraka- damn after all this time you still can't find your chill

Lida- I'm sorry uraraka San i-

Uraraka- ya know what forget it

Deku- hey guys!!

Sero- hey!!

Aizawa- oh..hey

Mic- SHOOO!! Why so dull and he listeners!!

Midnight- geez calm down and hey I bet every is now looking hot as fuck!

All might- midnight please

Midnight- what their not children anymore

All might - your right take care of your self's fuckers

Deku- all might!!

Aizawa- heh

Mic-Wow really aizawa?!?

Mina- hey hey since we haven't seen each other in a while

Mina- we should have a reunion!!

Uraraka- yes!!

Tsui- yes!

Jirou- yes!!

Mina- Who wants to have a reunion?! Cause i do!!

Kiri- me!

Denki- me!!

Sero- me!!

Uraraka- me!!

Tsui- me!!

Aizawa- me....I guess

Mic- me!!

Midnight- me!!!

Lida- me!

All might- me!!

Deku- me!!

Momo- me!!

Todoroki- me

Mina- wait todoroki? Since when have you been here?!

Todoroki- I was always here I just didn't want to talk

Kiri- speaking of not talking..I haven't heard from bakugou yet

Deku- yeah we haven't heard from kacchan since graduation

Aizawa- yeah even I haven't heard from my favorite problem child

Mic- SHO!!

All might- what happened to "we don't pick favorites" aizawa?

Aizawa- oh shut up you have to admit he was always funny

All comment

Mic- comment comment

Bakugou laughed at his old classmates and teachers
'Hmm...maybe I should responde'

Me- hey extras

Mina- Bakugou!! How are you!

Kiri- bakugou I haven't seen you since web went to UA!!

Me- yeah yeah

Denki- do you want to go to the reunion? Bakugou?

Mina- please! Say yes!

Me- n-

Aizawa- you don't have a choice you're coming

Me- i-fine

Bakugou than turned off his phone and started to cook dinner the reunion was a month away so he had time

So how did you guys like?
