chapter 16

Day 24

No one's pov

Bakugou than took Ari back up to the room where they sat down on the bean bag chairs this time bakugou than turned on wonder pets for a little longer before he turned it down and put he on his chest as he pat her back gently

"Are you sleepy babygirl? If so I can tell you a story to help you sleep how does that sound to you hmm? Aribear" bakugou said as he raked his hands through Ari's hair and rubbed her back

Ari nodded lightly "yeah please mommy" bakugou than continued to rake his hands in Ari's hair and pat her back until she eventually fell asleep

Once she did bakugou stood up and put her in her bed he kissed her as he got up to leave before he felt a tug on his shirt he turned to see Ari with glowing red eyes

She was glaring at him "are you trying to leave us? Mama no we won't let you I won't let you!" Katsuki looked at her in confusion not knowing what she was talking about

So he just stroked her head gently and looked at her with loving eyes "baby girl I'm not leaving I just thought you would want to sleep in peace alone that's all I didn't know if you wanted me to sleep with you so I didn't wanna over step"

Katsuki says as he see Ari calm down but her hand keeps tugging on his clothes bakugou looked at her in thought for a second "are you scared to be alone? Why didn't you tell me you know your dad and I's bed is always open especially for you"

Katsuki says as he boops Ari's nose softly Ari giggles "next time you feel scared or don't want to be alone just come to our room or if we're not there come find us okay Aribear?" Bakugou asked her

She nods and giggles as she hugs bakugou "okay thank you mommy!!!" She than yawns and rubs her eyes as she lays back down bakugou pats her as he lays down with her

Bakugou pats her for a few minutes and stops as he sees her sleep he than struggles to keep his eyes open in the end he fails and falls asleep right after Ari

Hours later

Damon comes and takes his shoes off "honey,Ari I'm home!" Damon doesn't hear anything as the house is quiet so he uses his senses than finds them in Ari's room sleeping  Damon looks at them with soft eyes

He than covers them up and goes to his room takes a shower then he starts on dinner when he's halfway through he feels someone wrap their hands around his waist so he turns around and kisses his forehead

"Good evening baby did you have a nice sleep? Is Ari feeling better?" Damon asked bakugou bakugou nodded "my nap was great and yes her fevers gone down a lot"

Bakugou says to Damon they than talk until Damon is done with dinner "can you go get Ari? Love" bakugou nods Damon than sets the table when bakugou comes down with Ari on his hip he than sits her down as he kisses her forehead

"Time to eat baby girl" Damon kisses her forehead than gives her food Ari looks at it with a smile "is this curry!?!" Damon nods "sure is baby girl" Ari than eats it with delight it is her favorite after all

Okay I'm back and I'll try to update more I know I say that but like I seriously mean it you guys I'm a sophomore in highschool I started writing this book when I was in 7th grade so yeah also I just realized I can't call him bakugou anymore because he's married let me know what you think should be their last name/surname
