chapter 18

Day 22

No one's pov

Bakugou than picked up Ari and took her to her room he than sat her at the little table in her room with some number toys and some alphabet toys "Aribear even though you're not at school you can keep learning at home with mommy"

Bakugou says Ari than jumps with joy "yay! I love learning especially with you mama!"
Ari says she than picks up the letter A "what sound does this make mommy?" Ari asked bakugou "it makes the sound ah like in apple" bakugou says as he shows her more words that start with the letter A

By the time they get to numbers it's lunch time bakugou than stands up and grabs Ari's hand "come on Aribear it's time for lunch we can even make some cupcakes so you can have one at school tomorrow!"

Bakugou says as they make their way down stairs "okay mommy! But I have to bring one for Emma! She likes cupcakes too!" Ari says as katsuki gets the bowl,spoon,pan,eggs,water,oil,and mix

He than puts Ari on the table and brings the stuff to the table "okay so first we pour the mix wanna help me?" Bakugou asked ari she nods her head so bakugou helps Ari pour the batter in making sure she doesn't spill he than gets two eggs he puts his hand

Over Ari's small one and cracks both eggs he than gets a measuring cup that 1/2 and again he helps Ari pour it in the bowl than he gets the water and does the same with it

"He than pushes the bowl in front of Ari than he gives her the spoon "here now you can mix it while I make lunch call me when you're done okay?" Bakugou says as he puts up in apron"okay mommy!" Ari says as she

Starts stirring the batter bakugou than focuses on making lunch for them so he ends up making jisozi (Japanese dumplings) he than fixed Ari and his bowl he washed out the pan and set the table

He than looked at Ari to see that she was done so he got the pan and and started filling them up after he was done he than put them in the oven

He than got a rag and washed Ari's face and hands that was covered in cupcake batter than they started eating

Minutes later they finished and looked at the time "oh it's almost time for Daddy to get home wanna help me start on dinner?" Katsuki asked her she nodded "okay!"

"What should we make? Oh I know how about we make daddy's favorite?" Katsuki asked Ari "yes yes Daddy will love it!"

I'm on a roll you guys!
