chapter 21

Day 19

No one's pov

Katsuki than got Ari up and ready for the day dressing her in her little school girl uniform he than took her down stairs to see Damon setting the food on the table

He looked up and smiled when he saw them come down the stairs Ari ran to Damon as soon as she was off the stairs
"Daddy! Good morning!" She yelled at she hugged him her words were slightly slurred

Damon hugged her tightly before he kissed her forehead and let her go putting her in a chair. Katsuki kissed Damon as he moved to sit down Damon pulled out his chair for him "thanks babe" katsuki said Damon

Than sat down and they started eating30 minutes later they were done so katsuki got Ari's bento and filled it "don't forget the cupcakes mommy!" Ari said as she came down the stairs with her little hello kitty

Backpack on with her two keychains which one was a sparkly pink Eifel tower while the other was a violet small key that sparkled katsuki giggled at Ari "don't worry I won't forget I've already packed it up"

Katsuki said showing her the bento katsuki checked the time as he put on his and Ari's shoes on he than grabbed Ari's hand and left minutes later they made it to the daycare katsuki lifted Ari and kissed her forehead as Ari kissed his cheek

"Goodbye mommy!" Ari yelled as a teacher brought her inside the school katsuki waved as he watched her leave he than went home as soon as he took off his shoes Damon came over and helped him up and kissed him "I'm going now love" he said as he than got on one knee

He than kissed katsuki's belly "I'm leaving baby boy see you when I get back" he says to katsuki's belly as he leaves katsuki. Katsuki than went to the dining room and gathered up the dishes and took them to the kitchen and started cleaning them

Minutes later he was finished he than went to his room and grabbed his wallet and started walking to his favorite coffee shop 30 minutes later he made it. As soon as he went inside Kai greeted him

"Katsuki I haven't seen you in forever!" They said as they hugged katsuki. Katsuki instantly hugged them back "I've missed you too Kai I've been busy with life" katsuki said honestly to them Kai than took katsuki too his table

"The usual?" Kai asked katsuki nodded Kai left and came back with katsuki's order minutes later "here you go" Kai said as they started chatting about their life's without katsuki knowing hours passed

Katsuki checked the time "I've gotta go" katsuki said as he hugged Kai once more before he left on his way home he picked up Ari who was by his side chattering about her day to him

Soon they made it home katsuki made sure to change Ari's clothes than he pulled Ari to cuddle as they waited for Damon to get here he was the one cooking tonight he did promise after all

Okay I'm sorry for not updating! But here you guys go!
