chapter 4

they started to get Suspicious of him but of course he didn't know as he packed his stuff up and left the training room and headed home for the day with ari as they left and went home a few minutes later they made it to the house he went inside with her he than played with with her for a few minutes before feeding her and putting her to bed after putting her to bed he went in the living room and watched TV for a few hours and fell asleep some hours later he woke up to being tied up (twist~~) by a handsome man

"i see you are awake dear" said the man with a smile on his face "who are you! And where is ari!" Bakugou yelled at him which made the man smile more if that is possible "I see you have taken a liking to our child" said the man "wait what do you mean by our child" said bakugou "well you see dear I am the child's birth father but I am not human" said the man "OK so you can take her back to your home with you" bakugou said "you are her mother and my wife meaning you are responsible for her too" the man said "Huh! what do you mean by her mother and your wife I just found her a few days ago! You don't excpet me to always be her mother do you!" bakugou said now screaming the man only chuckled in response "you are her mother because she chose you and you are my wife because I chose you to be" the man said before going into Ari's room and coming out with ari in his arms "I see you have been feeding our baby well" said the man "well I couldn't watch the baby just die" bakugou said looking at ari in the mans arms happily babbling bakugou started getting sleepy again so he went to sleep "oh by the way my name is damon dear" Damon whispered to him before putting bakugou in his bed and tucking him in.Then leaving with ari to the living room and playing with her before putting her to sleep and him going to sleep himself and going to bed with bakugou ari is sandwiched by bakugou and damon

OK guys this is a short chapter
