chapter 22

Day 18

No one's pov

Katsuki and Ari had fallen asleep hours after their show had ended Damon came in at 9:00 he smiled as he saw them on the couch he kissed both of their foreheads he than went to the room and set his stuff down

He than put on his apron and washed his hands he than pulled out the ingredients he needed and started cooking Damon started with the main dish knowing it would take longer to cook

He had decided to make spicy curry his family loved it so much even the unborn baby loved it. Damon learned to cook from his mother and father because they both learned to cook but Damon learned it because he wanted to cook for his future mate and now he can

Damon made sure the food was covered up before he went to take a bath he had got really sweaty so a cold bath would do him some good he grabbed his clothes and went to take a shower

30 minutes later he was done so he stepped out of the bathroom and got dressed he than went out of the room and checked on the food to see it was done he than turned the iron off and put the food on 'keep warm' after he was done

He went to the living room to see Ari waking up he picked her up and kissed her forehead "his babygirl" Damon said as he held Ari to his chest "hi daddy..." Ari said still sounding sleepy

"Did you have a nice nap with mommy? You looked very comfortable" he said as he took her into the kitchen "want a cookie?" He asked her as he gave her a chocolate chip cookie as he nodded "thank you daddy" she said

As she started eating the cookie very slowly she laid her head on Damon's shoulder. Damon rocked Ari as he moved back to the living room after he grabbed himself a water bottle he turned on the tv

Ari than moved so she was in his lap he turned on wonder pets Ari giggled as the intro came on katsuki snuggled into Damon's side as he rubbed his eyes "you're back?" Katsuki asked him

As he yawned and sat up Damon kissed him " yeah I got back maybe an hour ago"
Damon told katsuki. Katsuki nodded "did you cook?" Katsuki asked him as he sniffed the air smelling food

Damon nodded with a chuckle "yes I did the food's all ready if you're hungry I could fix you some" Damon said as he moves Ari off of his lap "go with mommy for a bit okay? I'll be right back" Damon than

Goes to the kitchen taking out three plates and started putting food on them after wards he than got him and katsuki a water while he got Ari a applejuice he than brought the food and drinks to the front room moving the stuff off of the floor table

They started eating their food

Here's another chapter You guys!
