chapter 10

Day 30

No one's pov

Katsuki got woken up to Damon yelling that he cooked breakfast for katsuki and ari and to come down and get it while it's hot katsuki put on women clothes the he went in the hall way when he bumped into something  he looked down only to see his daughter ari who was now on the floor rubbing her eyes still

sleepily as she looked up at her mommy and made grabby hands at bakugou who picked her up in return "aw is my baby still sleepy?" Katsuki asked her she nodded before laying her head on his shudder katsuki started lightly bounceing her as he walked downstairs he went down stairs to see Damon cooking he looked like he was about to yell again but before he could bakugou stopped him "shhh don't be so loud you're gonna give our baby a headache now we don't want that do we?" Katsuki  says to Damon while Damon shakes his head no "he he sorry babe"

Damon says to him as he kisses him on the cheek "what are you doing today hon?" Damon asked katsuki. Katsuki looks up at him before going back to rubbing Ari's back as he stay lightly bouncing her "well I'm going to do patrol after I take ari to school than I'll check in than maybe I'll go to kai's coffee shop hang out for a bit but that's it why? Did you want to do something?" Katsuki asked him

Damon shook his head "no I just wanted to know what you we're doing in case I needed to look for you oh after work I ma also go to Kai's coffee shop yeah I haven't seen them in a while I wonder how their doing" he says to katsuki while putting some fish in his mouth as he looked up as he saw katsuki about to talk

"Yeah me too it's gonna be good to see each other again welp I have to go get ari ready bye babe" katsuki says as he pecks his husband on the lips he picks up ari and takes her to her room as he helps her change minutes later Ari's already done getting ready so he picks her up grabs her bookbag and goes down stairs he grabs his keys and locks the door he starts to walk down the street

Once he makes it to the preschool he sets her down and gives her her bookbag he kisses her forehead "okay sweetie have a good day!!" He yells as she runs into the school "okay bye mommy!!!!"
Ari yells back he than checks his phone before he goes on patrol
30 minutes later he finishes patrol he than goes to the coffee shop
Near UA he than enters the shop "welcome back ma- oh! Hi suki!"

Kai says as they lead katsuki to a single table "so what do you want?" Kai asked katsuki "um the parfait please I want something sweet today also Damon's coming to after he gets off work he's coming which might be in a few minutes" kai just nodded before

Going to get katsuki's order minutes later kai came back and put down the parfait "here you go did you want to talk about some-" before they could finish the bell rung as someone come in Damon kissed  katsuki's cheek before sitting down "hi kai" Damon says
"Hi Damon you gonna eat or drink something?" Kai asked him

Damon looked down at the menu for a few seconds before he looked back up "I'll have a black coffee please no sugar" Damon said kai just nodded "okay your order will be ready in a few seconds" kai leaves again and returns with Damon's black coffee

Than sits down "okay was there something you guys needed?" Kai asked katsuki. Katsuki looked at Damon nervously he grabbed my hand and squeezed it "okay well a few days ago my old classmates and teachers contacted me and said they were having a high school reunion and forced me to come they said were not taking no as an answer" katsuki said kai sat there in a daze for a few seconds "what? So are you still going?" Kai asked katsuki

Katsuki nodded his head "yeah and I'm bringing Damon and ari with me" katsuki said kai just nodded soon it was time for them to go so katsuki said bye as he and Damon left to coffee shop and went back to the house it was about 12:00 am so katsuki had two hours before he had to get ari so he went to the kitchen after putting his stuff away than he started cooking dinner yes I know what your thinking they have dinner early yes yes they do.

Okay so first guys I'm so sorry for not updating but here's a long chapter hoped you had fun reading!!!
