Chapter 13

(Ari is in the picture above)

Day 27

No one's pov

Katsuki woke up to Damon yelling about breakfast being done so he gets up and starts heading down the stairs when he felt a tug he looks down to see Ari he than picks up up and continues going

down the stairs once he gets down he starts rubbing her back in a smoothing action "baby girl are you okay?" Katsuki asked her he than brought his hand up to her forehead he than brought it down

quickly "Damon!" Bakugou yelled out for him "yes!?" He yelled back "come in here please hurry!" Bakugou yells back to him the next moment he feels Damon's  presence next to him "what is it? Babe?" He says bakugou than takes Damons hand he than placed it on Ari's forehead

and also quickly pulled it off "yeah she has a fever she's not going to school can you call the school and to inform them? Please?" Bakugou asked Damon "sure" he says Damon than gets his phone and starts walking to the kitchen to call them bakugou turns back to his baby girl as

soon as she whipmers in her state bakugou picks her up and started shushing her "oh baby I know it hurts but scn you tell me what hurts on you please mommy only wants to make it better" bakugou says softly to her she

than takes bakugou's hand and puts it on the places that hurt on her starting with her stomach,her head,and her throat "momma it hurts so much!" She whines as she starts crying to him bakugou feels bad as he can only smooth

her and do nothing else "hey Damon?" He say Damon answers him "yes babe?" Damon says "can you start making Ari some soup she says that her throat and stomach it might not help much but it

should be able to smooth her" bakugou says whole looking at Ari "okay gimme a few minutes okay" bakugou nods at him "okay you hear that Ari?" Bakugou asked her and little Ari nods "daddy is gonna make you some soup to help you feel better okay?" She nods once again.

She than puts her head in bakugou's neck "does this help?" Bakugou asked her he than feels a small nod from his neck bakugou than starts softly and gently rubbing his hand in her head knowing

his mother used to do this when he was younger after Damon fed Ari the soup he put her on his chest and started rubbing her back until she fell asleep bakugou than took her to her room and tuck her in he than left and went down to Damon

"I'm worried for her" bakugou says to Damon as he cuddles in to him "it's okay she'll be okay dear" Damon says whole rubbing bakugou's back "I hope so"

Okay guys here you go! So sorry for not updating!
