chapter 2

As bakugou started to wake up his body felt weird as he started to remembered what happened he jolted up which made his body painful once he had a second to look around the room he is in.

He than noticed the crib and the baby sleeping in it. than he remembered every thing that happened yesterday. He than sneaked out of the hospital and went to his own apartment he. 

sighed once he made it in. He than checked the time and found it was 6:20 am and he only have 10 minutes before school so he got ready and left 5 minutes later he made it to the class

Room and saw to everyone and he got into seat and they started 7 hours later they were done lida asked if anyone wanted to eat out everyone besides bakugou said yes.

He wanted to rest so he went back home. As bakugo was goining to the kitchen  he heard a knock on the door so he went to the pep hole and saw MS Gina waiting for him to open the door. As he pretended to not. Be there she knocked again this time.

He opened the door and MS Gina was smirking "you know i will call the cops on you and the nurses I don't even know what you did to me all I know is that my body is weird!" Her smirk became

bigger than ever "oh bakugou you should have just said yes and we wouldn't have to force you to be her mother and we also made some changes to your body so you can be the perfect mother for.

her bakugou looked shocked" what do you mean by changes to my body what did you do to me" she looked at bakugou and started laughing and said "we made you be able to breastfeed her and.

gave you her now you both have the same dna and you also have a womb now amazing right?" Bakugou looked at her in disbelief "I wonder when your mother Instincts are going to kick in"

in"she said bakugou looked at her one more time before he said I won't have mother instincts and I don't have a baby nor a child I didn't sign the papers and even if I did I would have nothing for her or babies anyway so"

She looked at bakugou one more before she said "you didn't have to she was already your baby the moment you found her and we will give you the stuff you will need as she is a infant she will be breastfed but we will give you some baby bottles,diaper, wipes,clothes,shoes,toys,and a crib. We will bring her to you in 30 minutes so best be ready bye now".After she left bakugou made.

some food and ate a few minutes later there was a knock on the door so he went to open the door and he saw MS Gina and ari so she gave ari to him and left and an hour later she cam back with all the baby stuff. they went to the spare room he had and made it into a baby room it was a Beautiful baby girl room when they.

finally finished the room. They left shortly after and bakugou  took ari and put her in her room after he left and went to the front room and relaxed  15 minutes later she woke up and started crying so bakugou went to her room and brought her to the living room.

This is what ari's room looks like bye babes and SIMPs
