chapter 27

Day 13

Visiting Katsuki's parents - The Bakugous
No one's pov

Katsuki put Ari's water bottle inside the bag he than started packing some snacks for the road you see they were going to visit katsuki's parents for three days they would than go to Damon's parents for three days than come back on Saturday

Katsuki soon finished packing Ari's snacks he than Grabbed her tablet and made sure it was fully charged before he also put it in the bag Damon was already packing up the car

"Ari! Hurry up!" Katsuki yelled as Damon took the rest of the stuff to the car ari came down holding the purple and pink bunny
She ran to katsuki "mommy I'm ready!"

katsuki picked her up putting her on his hip as he started walking to the car he than put her in her car seat and buckled her up he than put her water and in her cup holder and put her baby blue and white blanket on her lap he set Ari's shoes in front of her knowing Ari hated wearing shoes on especially long road trips

Katsuki and Damon than got in and started the car katsuki put on zootopia for Ari and made sure her headphones were on her

30 minutes into the drive katsuki fell asleep Damon covered him with a blanket

1 hour into the drive Ari fell asleep as the movie continued to play

1 and 30 minutes into the drive Damon put on some white noise

2 hours into the drive katsuki woke up, him and Damon started talking to each other quiet not wanting to wake Ari

2 hours and 30 minutes into the drive Ari woke up hungry so katsuki decided it's time to eat so he gave Ari her packed lunch while he go his and Damon's out he started to feed Damon as he drove

3 hours into the drive Damon put on some music the whole little family started singing too

3 hours and 30 minutes into the drive Ari started telling katsuki about what he wanted to do in the future she wanted to be a vet to which Damon and katsuki smiled at

4 hours had passed when they finally reached the bakugous house katsuki got out the car grabbing Ari, her bag,and blanket he than went to the door and knocked

They only had to wait a few seconds before the door was opened by none other than mitsuki, katsuki's mother she friend when she saw katsuki and Ari "marsau they're here!" Mitsuki said as Damon started taking the stuff to their rooms mitsuki took katsuki to Ari and held out her hands for Ari which

Katsuki gave her to her she than sat down as did katsuki minutes later Damon and marsau sat down next to their wife's

"So what's new with you guys?" Mitsuki asked when she noticed his bulging belly she looked at marsau it seems he noticed it too

"Do you know the gender?" Marsau asked Damon put his on katsuki's stomach feeling them move inside "yes one girl and one boy" katsuki said as the baby kicked at Damon's hand

"I can't wait!" Mitsuki said excitedly "are you excited to be a big sisters Ari?" Marsau asked her to which she quickly nodded "yes yes yes! I'm gonna be the bestest sister in the whole world!" She said which everyone laughed at "that's right baby you're gonna be a great big sister " katsuki said

He than got up with the help of Damon he looked at the time to see it's 6:30 pm "did you cook dinner?" Katsuki asked his parents to which they shook their heads "no we knew you wanted to cook so we waited" marsau said katsuki smiled at that

"Wow you're really making your pregnant son cook for you" katsuki jokes to which his parents laughed "me or marsau can help" mitsuki said "actually Damon and marsau should cook" katsuki said mitsuki nodded

"Why should we have to cook?" Damon asked jokingly "before you want to take care of your wife don't you?" Katsuki replied passing Damon making sure to kiss him "you're right about that" marsau nodded in agreement

Katsuki than took Ari up stairs to help her get washed up katsuki ran a bath for her and made sure to put some toys inside he checked making sure it was warm he than striped Ari and put her in the tub he started washing her as she played with her toys

She soon broke the silence that had befalled them "mommy?" Ari asked quietly katsuki looked at her "yes baby? Is something wrong?" Katsuki asked her "no I wanna know when I'll get to meet the babies" Ari said putting her hand on his belly

Katsuki giggled at that "soon baby" katsuki said "how much time is soon?"Ari asked katsuki rolled his eyes fondly "in a few months" "how many?" Ari asked katsuki

"You must've gotten the edge to ask a lot of questions from daddy huh? In a month and a half the babies will be here in a month and a half " katsuki said as he gently washed Ari's face "than I'll get to meet them?" She asked "yes you'll get to meet you new brother and sister" katsuki replied"and- and hold them?" Ari asked katsuki to make sure "of course with help from daddy or me. You'll get to hold both babies!" Katsuki said as he grabbed a towel

He than wrapped the towel around Ari before he picked her up bringing her to the room he started drying her off and dressing her putting her in one of her Minnie mouse nightgowns he than put on some light pink socks to match the nightgown

He than gathered his clothes "do you wanna stay up here and wait forommynto be done with my bath and we both can go downstairs together or do you wanna go downstairs right now and meet up with grandma?" Katsuki asked Ari

"I wanna wait for you mommy!" Ari said katsuki nodded and got her tablet "you wanna finish the movie from earlier?" Katsuki asked her to which she nodded katsuki than put the movie back on and went to take a bath

A few minutes later Damon came into the room "where's mommy?" Damon asked Ari Ari pointed at the bathroom "Mommy's showering!" Ari said Damon nodded "you wanna come down here with us?" Damon asked Ari shook her head "no! I'm waiting for mommy!" Ari said to Damon "okay but if you get bored you can come down stairs"

Ari nodded at that "okay daddy!" Ari said watching as Damon left 30 minutes later katsuki came out the bathroom fully dressed he put his dirty clothes in the hamper and picked up Ari taking her down stairs

As soon as katsuki and Ari came down they were called for dinner they both sat at the table and started eating "this is so good!"
Damon and marsau chuckled

25 minutes later they were done so katsuki and mitsuki washed the dishes while marsau and Damon put Ari to bed Damon and marsau than went and bathed

Minutes later katsuki and mitsuki finished the dishes so katsuki went in his room and started unpacking making sure to leave some clothes out for Damon by the time katsuki finished unpacking Damon came out the bathroom and changed into some clothes him and katsuki than went to bed

Three days later

Katsuki and Damon got up and started getting ready katsuki got Ari ready for the day while Damon started on breakfast Ari and katsuki packed up their stuff and brought it down stairs leaving it by the door

A few minutes later mitsuki and marsau also came downstairs fully dressed they all sat down and started eating breakfast after wards katsuki,ari and mitsuki sat in the living room "where are you guys off to now?" Mitsuki asked him as Ari played with his hair "were off to Damon's parents hours which is on the other side of town so it will take a few hours to get there" katsuki replied kissing Ari's cheek to which she squealed happily

"Than after that?" Mitsuki asked smiling at Ari "we'll probably go home you know summer starts soon enough" katsuki said mistiki nodded at that "than after that you'll be in kindergarten huh? Are you excited?"

Mistiki asked Ari Ari nodded "yes! I'll be a even bigger big girl!" Ari said Damon then came in and told them it's time to leave "by mom,dad" katsuki said hugging them both Damon and Ari followed "tell you parents i said hi!" Mitsuki said as she waved Ari waved back as they drove out the driveway

So here's this! Yay another chapter
