chapter 11

Day 29

Bakugou's pov

I wake up the next morning and do my morning routine before I go down stairs and start making breakfast after I finish making them breakfast I start on their bentos for lunch after I'm done with theirs I do mine after I'm done I put each of them into our

lunch boxes and called them down for breakfast "baby! Ari! Come down fro breakfast! It's ready!" I yell minutes later I hearย  slow footsteps coming down the stairs after I finish setting down the food I look up in time to see ari and Damon enter. Damon comes

Over and kisses my cheek and rubs my stomach before he kneels
Down before me (okay I sounded like I was doing something royal when I wrote that why? Anygays back to the story) and kisses my stomach "morning both of you" Damon said "morning babe and morning ari" I say ari nods her head and comes over to me and

hugs me while rubbing the sleep out of her eyes "morning mama,papa" she says hanging on to me "morning ari" Damon says also hanging on to me I got used to them not being morning

people over the years so I'm used to this I pick up ari and take her and hold her close while Damon does the same to me "okay time to eat the food's gonna get cold!" I say but nthey just snuggle up to me closer "noo! The food can wait until later! Cuddles now!" Damon and ari whined to me "but the food's gonna get cold" I say

"We can just warm it back up babe" Damon says I sigh and roll my eyes "okay fine but only for 20 minutes okay!?" I say they both nod at me and pull me to the sofa once I'm seated at the sofa they

start to snuggle into me I won't admit this out loud but I will admit it in my thoughts I just love snuggles and cuddles! I just feel happy whenever I get them 20 minutes later I sigh softly and start to shake them awake as they had fallen asleep they wake up again

"Okay now go to the table I'm gonna warm up the food again okay?" I say they nod and go to the table while I go to the kitchen and start warming the food back up after I'm done I bring the food back and we start to eat after we're done eating Damon starts to take the dishes from us. "But I was gon-" I tried to say but he

shook his head at me "no babe you sit here while I do the dishes and take ari to school okay?" Damon asked me I nod my head he than looks at ari "ari bear?" He says ari looks up to him " yes daddy?" Ari says "can you go get ready for me? So we can go to school call me if you need help or mommy okay?" Damon says ari nods at him and starts going up stairs "okay daddy!" She says

I sit there and watch Damon wash the dishes minutes later ari comes down and goes to him "daddy I'm ready!" Ari says Damon finishes washing the dishes before he looks back at ari "okay sweetie ! my little princess let's get on our shoes and go okay?" Damon says they go to the shoes rack by the front door ,they put on their shoes and start leaving but before they leave ari and Damon call out to me "honey we're leaving! I'll be back later! Okay!" Damon yells a little voice follows after him "I'm leaving with papa! Bye bye mama! I'll be back later!" Ari says and I smile

"Okay bye babe and my little princess! Have a good day!" I yell back to them before hearing the door close

The end

Omg I'm so sorry this took a long time but here!
