Will you marry me?

Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]


It's been 30 minutes since the last memory was shown and Penny nor May have come back yet "Alright, until they come back I think we can use a good memory" the voice suddenly said making everyone agree, they needed a good memory especially the younger kids

Penny was standing on the beach in a long sage green dressed she didn't look to old, only a year older

"She looks beautiful" Ginny told her brother who nodded in agreement, she really did look beautiful, her red hair falling down her back in beach waves, a perfect contrast to the sage green dress 

Arms wrapped around her waist pulling her back "Hey honey" Stephen said resting his chin on her shoulder "Hi baby" she replied laughing before she turned around to wrap her arms around his neck 

"Why are you down here and not with the other?" Penny asked looking over his shoulder to see Pepper, Morgan, MJ, Ned, Happy and Rhodey playing together "Well my beautiful girlfriend is down here and I thought I would join you" 

Penny smiled at her boyfriend before kissing him gently "Hmm" Stephen hums before pulling back "I have something to ask you" 


Penny didn't notice the group coming closer or Pepper recording with her phone out

"Pen, we have known each other since I was 19 and you were 16 and I can honestly say that I fell in love with you. From your red hair and brown eyes, the way you walk with confidence, the way your eyes shine with this light when you talk about building something. I love how you are with Morgan and how you already love these two" he lays a hand on her flat belly "I love everything about you and I want to continue loving you for the rest of our lives" he pulls out a ring box before getting on one knee

Penny gasp covering her mouth "Penelope Mary Parker, will marry me?" 

Penny smiled happy tears falling down her face "Yes. Yes I will marry you" The group cheered as Stephen slides the ring on her finger "I love you" she pulled him into a kiss
