
Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing

[voice over]

Blending in with a photo (Like see through)


After everyone calmed down and stopped laughing, the screen turned on again 

First things first
I'ma say all the words inside my head

Penny and Stephen stand chest to chest looking into each other eyes "I don't need you" Penny whispered 

Penny and Stephen shared a confused look wondering what that was about but decided to put it on the back burner for now 

I'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been, oh-ooh

Penny stands on top of a building looking over the city

Spider-Woman grabs a little girl before she could be hit by a truck

The way that things have been, oh-ooh

Penny glared at the screen as The Bugle reports about Spider-Woman again 

Second thing second
Don't you tell me what you think that I could be

"Spider-Woman is a joke" A reporter says 

Flash stands in front of Penny "You will never be nothing" Penny looks up at him fire in her eyes before punching him in the nose 

Some people wince hearing the crunch of Flash nose being broken while Tony looked proud making Penny smile a little. May and Pepper only shook their heads at them while sharing a look 

I'm the one at the sail, I'm the master of my sea, oh-ooh

Penny trains with Stephen, becoming stronger 

The master of my sea, oh-ooh

Penny stands in her suit without the mask, cuts covering her face

Spider-Woman crouched down ready to fight with a glare on her face 

Penny tilts her head back breathing heavily as blood falls down her head 

I was broken from a young age

16-year-old Penny rolls on her back in her homemade suit 

A young Penny is standing between May and Ben as her parents funeral 

Taking my sulking to the masses

Penny walks down the hallway as everyone stares at her 

Penny leans her head against her bedroom door ignoring the shouts from her aunt

Writing my poems for the few

Osborn kneels beside Penny holding her head up 

Penny glares at Osborn wishing she could actually kill him. Wishing she finished the job 

That look at me, 

May stares at Penny as she rushed away from the fight

took to me, 

Penny crouches down in a defensive stance 

shook to me, 

Osborn with his hood up stares wide-eyed at Penny

feeling me

Penny throws herself in front of MJ

Singing from heartache

Penny leans down with tears in her eyes

 from the pain

Penny looks up cuts covering her face, blood on her cheek

Penny blinks back tears

Taking my message from the veins

Penny looks up at Ned with tears in her eyes

Speaking my lesson from the brain

Penny kneels in front of May holding her tightly 

Penny sits on the edge of a building in the rain

Seeing the beauty through the...

The back of Penny is shown 


MJ and Ned hold a sobbing Penny 
