
It was a normal morning at Hogwarts. Harry, and his friends eating breakfast together, students chatting with their friends when the door to great hall was slammed opened and an enraged James, Suris and Remus walked through with Lily who looked like she had been crying

As they entered the hall, they were not the only people. With them was the Malfoy's, The Weasley's, the Minister of Magic, the blacks (remaining), the Tonk's and Amelia Bones. James was an inch away from exploding and well he did. "IS THIS SOME KIND OF SICK JOKE?" He yelled

"Harry, I think your father gone mad" whispered Ron to Harry. Hermine rolled her eyes at them

"James calm down" Sirius whispered

"No, I will not! My baby girl has been missing for years and someone thinks it's fun to speak up now!"

Harry's expression changed into one of sadness for his sister. His twin sister is gone, and someone thinks it's fun to joke about this

"Dad what about Rose?" he asked

"Someone left this note saying to come here because they have information about Rose" Lily explained finally calming down from her tears

All of a sudden, a quick flash filled the room and now there stood a tall figure power radiating off him

"Who are you?" Dumbledore demanded pointing his wand at the man

"I am Stephen Strange. And I am the one who sent the note"

"Who do you think you are" Growled James, who was being held back by his 2 mates

Lily stepped forward "You found her? Our little girl?" she whispered tears in her eyes

"I cannot tell you much, but she was never lost just where the world needed her to be. This will tell you more" he hands out a paper making it fly straight towards Harry, who was staring wide-eyed at the man "She will come soon with some others" and he disappeared

Harry quickly opened the letter, and everyone was staring at him

Dear Wizarding World,

In the box, you should find a set of videos about Spider-Woman also known as Penny Parker or to you people Rose Potter.

She doesn't remember anything from her childhood since she was too young. Please don't put too much pressure on her because when she arrives, she will see people who she believed were dead.

The videos will show the good and bad parts of Penny life and a way to stop everything from happening



The hall fell in dead silence as soon as Harry was done reading. And then there was a huge bang and a lot of people fell out of nowhere
