
Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


"Alright get ready, this one is a really sad one" The voice said making Penny groan "There aren't many happy one to begin with" she said wrapping her arms around Stephen waist "It's going to be okay" He whispered in her ear

Tony and James both narrowed their eyes at Stephen not liking how close he was to Penny 

I can hold my breath

Penny is shown underwater trying to hold her breath

I can bite my tongue 

People are surrounding the school some holding anti Spider-Woman signs as cameras flash Penny covers her face 

I can stay awake for days
If that's what you want
Be your number one

Penny is working in the lab working on her suit, bags under her eyes as she looks over data

I can fake a smile
I can force a laugh

Penny is shown smiling and laughing with Ned before turning around and her face goes blank

I can dance and play the part
If that's what you ask
Give you all I am

Penny is dancing with people watching, then she's swinging through the city stopping a mugging 

I can do it

Penny is standing up holding Captain America shield

I can do it

Penny is smiling as she looks up at the hologram spider-woman symbol

I can do it

Penny standing toe-to-toe with the vulture ready for a fight 

But I'm only human (I can do it)

Penny is holding an airport terminal trying to keep it from falling on her

And I bleed when I fall down (I can do it)

Penny is thrown into wooden crates
Penny is thrown into the ocean
Penny is under a building blood on her face

I'm only human (I can do it)

Penny is sitting in front of Happy dirt all over her with tears in her eyes

And I crash and I break down (I can do it)

Penny is holding the boat together with her webs as she yells out in pain
Penny walks into her room throwing things with her powers before falling to her knees and crying 

Your words in my head, knifes in my heart (I can do it)

People in the hallway are yelling at Penny and Ned as they try to make it to class
Penny and Tony standing on top of a building, Tony yelling at Penny
"If you die, than that's on me"
Penny dusting in Tony arms "I'm sorry Mr. Stark" she tells him before she's gone

You build me up (I can do it)

Stephen helps Penny up from the ground

And then I fall apart (I can do it)

Penny is crying in front of two grave stones with her head in her hands 

Cause I'm only Human

Penny is shown closing her eyes as Stephen tries to keep her awake

"Is that...the dusting is that what you were talking about? The blip?" Steve asked his voice could be heard shaking "Yep, everyone who blipped, dusted away" Penny told him voice tight as she looks at the screen with no emotions 

"Is that how I....?" Tony trailed off but Penny shakes her head "No. I died first, leaving you in the world knowing you could get everyone back....Then you died knowing I will protect everyone" Penny always hated knowing Tony died because he wanted her back

He wanted her to come back to her family, not knowing that all of his efforts will be proven for nothing because no one remembers her. There is no family to go back to, she only has Stephen now

