Wasn't Me

Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


"This video will be Penny and Tony and times they blew something up" Pepper turned to Tony and Penny who looked like a deer caught in the headlight "Wasn't Me!" Penny said pointing to Tony who looked at her in disbelief "Yes it was!" Tony said back making her gasp 






"No. Damnit!"

"Ha" Penny stuck her tongue out at him as James looked at the two in Jealousy. It should be him and Penny acting like that, no his daughter and some man

Penny and Tony are in his lab working together on Penny new suit "This should be strong enough if a building falls on me again" Penny said tightening a screw on her new iron-spider suit "What!" Tony yelled, since he wasn't paying attention he connected the wrong wires in the suit 

"A building fell on you!" Lily yelled looking towards her daughter "That's it Rose come sit with us. These people are bad for you" Lily marched up and grabbed her daughter arm pulling her up but before she could even try to pull her away from Stephen and her family Penny grabbed Lily arm before twisting it behind her back and kicking her toward James who caught her before she could fall to the floor

Lily held her arm looking at her daughter like she was a stranger (Which she is, she never met you) "Don't touch me Mrs. Potter!" Penny snarled she hates when people just grab her, ever since Mysterio she hates when they grab her like she was nothing more than a piece of meat. Stephen gently grabbed her hand and brought her back down 

Penny looked up, she senses going haywire "Mr. Stark, get down" Penny jumped from her seat and tackled Tony to the floor just as the suit blew up. Penny quickly got up and looked around, the suit blew up the table and part of the floor but nothing to bad, Pen helped Tony off the floor when the lab door open and Pepper walked in

She took one look at the table and floor before looking at Penny and Tony who stared at her wide eyed. "Who did this?" Penny side eyed Tony before blurting out "Mr. Stark did" Tony turned to her in betrayal as Pepper looked at her boyfriend 

"Penny!" Tony wailed out "You betrayed me! Pepper, my own protégé betrayed me" Tony pretended to faint in Pepper arms making Penny giggle. Stephen smiles at the sound, Penny doesn't really laugh anymore, it's nice to hear it again 

Pepper and Penny are sitting in the living room as Tony is in the kitchen making dinner "So when is May coming?" Pepper asked looking up from her laptop to see Penny working on homework "5 minutes, she said she was picking up some cup cakes from the apartment" Pepper stopped typing "She didn't make them, right?" Penny burst out laughing "No, she bought them" Pepper gave a sigh of relief 

"What's wrong with my cooking?" May asked making everyone who had her food freeze "Nothing!" "It's wonderful!" "Amazing food!" Penny, Tony and Ned yelled out. They did not want an anger May after them, May smiled turning back to the screen "Her food isn't good" Penny whispered to Stephen who sent her a smile 

Penny got up "I'm going to get some water, want anything?" Pepper shakes her head. Penny walked into the kitchen to see Tony adding some cut up carrots into a pot "Hey Pen, dinner is almost ready" Penny nodded grabbing a glass from the cumber 

"You cook?" Natasha asked, Tony never cooked for any of them when they lived together "Of course I cook. My mom taught me" Steve looked down as Tony glared at him. He might not blame Bucky for his parents deaths but Steve kept it from him for two years 

"What are you making?" Penny asked looking at Tony as she grabs what she thinks is the water "Chicken soup with dumplings" Penny nodded and poured what she thinks is water in a cup, before she could take a sip Tony smacks the cup out of her hand making it smash to the floor. The cup broken and a small expulsion knocks them off their feet

"What was that?!" May yelled running into the kitchen holding cupcakes with Pepper behind her "Uh, that was something I am working on, it needed to be cooled for 24 hours" Tony scratched the back of his head "You should have put a label on it!" Penny exclaimed "Alright who fault is it?" May asked with what Penny called her no bullshit face "He/She did it" Tony and Penny said pointing to the other

"What!" They yelled turning to each other "You knocked the cup out of my hand! It's your fault" Penny yelled turning to Pepper and May "It wasn't me!" she yelled running out the room. The two woman turned to Tony who looked scared out of his mind  

"You left me!" Tony yelped seeing the glares from May and Pepper "I am not getting in between those two! They're scary" Penny shrugged. She might be a hero but she knows she can't win between Pepper and May 

Penny, Ned and Tony are in Tony lab. Penny and Ned are on one side working on some headphones for them when their not together as Tony works on his Iron Man suit "Alright, we made them" Penny said holding up two headphones, "Want to test them out" Ned nods 

Penny and Ned put on the headphones and the noise is canceled out, Penny presses a button on the side "Can you hear me?" She asked Ned nodded pressing the button on his "Yep! This is so cool" Penny nods with a smile, while in the background, Tony Iron Man suit started going haywire. Penny and Ned continue talking as Tony tries to get their attention as he runs away from the suit 

Tony is running around the lab as the suit chases him, setting things on fire when it aims at Penny and Ned, out of nowhere Penny grabs the box opener and throws it right at the helmet of the suit making it fall to the ground right when Pepper walks in

She takes in the scene seeing, a suit with a box opener on the floor dead, Tony next to her hands on his knees trying to catch his breath and Penny and Ned taking off the headphones and looking around. Pepper clears her throat making the two kids spin around to look at her, she raises an eyebrow "Uh...It wasn't me" they both said together making Pepper look at Tony who smiles at her 

The hall burst out laughing. It was funny seeing Tony running around his lab trying to get Penny and Ned attention while they continued talking not knowing what was going on "Tony" Pepper sighed making him smile before sending a playful glare to Ned and Penny who were both laughing   

