
Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


"Alright one last memory than Lunch" The voice said, everyone agreed, but Penny bit her lip, she hasn't been eating as much as she should even though she doesn't have to worry about money since she started selling some of her technology she has gotten a lot of money but eating is hard "This memory is 3 years in the future"

Penny is shown sleeping in a king size bed silk sheets over her body and someone next to her

"Penny, you are to young to be sleeping next to someone" Tony told her glaring at the body next to his daughter "If it's three years in the future than I'm 21. I think old enough to sleep next to someone" 

"You should wait until your married to sleep with anyone" Steve suddenly spoke getting many looks "Aren't you like 90 or something? You aren't married so either you had sex and not married, or your still a virgin. That's sad" Penny shot back without missing a beat making Steve blush red as everyone laughed  

The bedroom door is suddenly thrown open, two kids run in. One girl had beautiful raven black hair that fell down to her back, brown doe eyes, with tan skin. The other girl has light brown hair that falls to her shoulders, with blue-grey eyes with little hints of brown and pale skin. Both girls look around 2 year's old, they jump on the bed "MOM! DAD! Wake up! It's Christmas! Wake up!" the girl with brown hair shakes her mom as the girl with raven black hair shakes her dad 

The hall is silent as they look between Penny and the screen "I'm a mother!" Penny exclaimed staring at the screen "Wait, if the girls are 2 and this is 3 years in the future than that means...." Pepper trails off as Tony and Rhodey look like their going to have an heart attack "I get pregnant in less than a year!" Stephen looks at the little girls feeling a connection between them  

Penny groans as she sits up grabbing her daughter "May it's 6 in the morning" she tells the brown hair girl as their father pulls the blanket over his head "Dad come on!" the raven black haired girl pulls down the blanket making the man groan. He sits up rubbing his eyes "Beverly we don't open presents until 7" he moves his hands away showing the face of Stephen Strange 

"What. The. Hell!" Rhodey yelled as Tony got up and picked Penny up moving her away from Stephen "Tony!" Penny yells grabbing onto him as he throws her over his shoulder walking back to his and Rhodey sofa setting her in between them "No! You will not get in 20 feet of my niece" Rhodey said pointing at Stephen as Tony and Ned nodded in agreement. MJ, May and Pepper try and fail to hide their laughter 

James and Lily are glaring at Stephen, they wanted Rose to marry a pureblood not a muggle, never minding the fact that Lily herself is a muggle and Rose and Harry are half-blood themselves "Don't worry mom, dad. Once we get Rose back she will marry who we pick" Harry told them making them nod in agreement. Srirus and Remus look between the three of them before sharing a look as Ginny looks at Harry confused, this wasn't her boyfriend 

"But we're hungry and we want your pancakes" May told him as Beverly uses her doe eyes she got from her mother. Stephen sighs, if he couldn't say no to those eyes on his Fiancée he couldn't say no to them on his daughter

"Fiancée!" Penny looked to Stephen who was already looking at her, the hall looks at the two and can see that they clearly care about each other. Rhodey turns Penny head back to the screen as Tony glares at Stephen, Pepper and May shake their heads at them as Happy and Ned share a look

"Alright, come on" The girls cheer and scramble off the bed heading to the kitchen "Get some more sleep baby, you worked late" Stephen kisses Penny softly before tucking her into bed and heading to the kitchen to make pancakes with his daughter 

"Where's mommy?" May asked when she sees her mom not with her father "Mommy is going to get some more sleep, princess. She stayed up late working" Beverly and May share a look they know their mother works hard, ever since her company took off she's been busy. That doesn't mean she doesn't make time for them but she always overworks herself so she can spend time with her daughter 

"People actually want my tech" Penny gasped. Tony wraps his arm around Penny smiling like a proud parent something that ticked Lily and James off, "I told you Pen. All you had to do was wait" Stephen sent her a smile making her beam back

"Can we bring mommy breakfast in bed?" They asked freaking Stephen out a little but he smiled knowing they wanted Penny to take it easy today "Of course we can, now let's get started" May and Beverly smiled holding out their hand, pink magic flew from May hands as Beverly used the Mystic arts both bringing out what they need to make pancakes 

"Looks like they got more than just our looks" Stephen said staring at Beverly, he never heard of someone being born with the Mystical arts, they need to be taught but it seems his powers got passed down to his and Penny daughter while their other daughter got Penny magic "You think they have my spider abilities?" Penny asked 

Tony looked at her and Stephen "It could be both girls have it. The bite did change your DNA it's a 80% possibility May and Beverly also have some of your spider power. They might get more the older they get" Stephen and Penny nod in understanding, if they do than they will have powerful children 

Stephen smiled seeing them using their magic before he started working on the pancakes, along with bacon while the girls work on a fruit salad for everyone. 30 minutes later, Stephen sets three plates on the table all three having two pancakes and 3 bacon and some fruit before he sets a plate on 4 pancakes, 8 pieces of bacon and a bowl of fruit and coffee on a tray 

"That is a lot of food" Someone commented making Penny shrug "I burn food off faster than normal people so I have to eat a lot to keep me healthy." 

"But don't you worry about your weight?" Lily asked making girls scoff as the teachers look at Lily shocked that she could say that to her daughter "Do I look worried about my weight?" Penny asked back with a raised eyebrow "I don't gain weight, no matter how much I eat, it burns off itself" Lily goes to say something but the looks she's getting keeps her silent  

"Alright come on, let's bring this to mommy then we can eat and open presents" The girls jump up and run to their parents bedroom as Stephen follows after them. They open the door and jump on the bed once again waking Penny up "Hey guy" she sits up rubbing her eyes as Stephen lays the tray on her lap "The girls wanted to bring you breakfast" he told her, kissing her lips as the girls kiss her cheeks 

"Thank you guys" Penny kisses her daughter cheeks as they run off to eat their own breakfast, she kisses Stephen again "Thank you for the breakfast" Stephen smiles holding her face in his hand "Your welcome, eat then we open presents. Wong is coming at 9 to take the girls for the night" Penny nodded as she started eating    

"Awe that was a cute memory" Someone commented "Alright, Lunch then we can see more after" the seats turn back into tables along with two extra tables. Team Iron Man, Bruce, Thor, MJ, May, Pepper, Happy and Stephen sit at the table close to the Slytherins as Team Captain America take the table close to Gryffindor   

