
Normal- when people in the hall are talking

Talking- When people in the memories are talking

Dialogue- What is happening in the memoires

Music- What's playing


"Alright. I think after all that, we need a good memory" the voice spoke making everyone nod in agreement "This is a couple months from now" the lights dim and the screen turns back on

A van drives down a dirt road. Inside, Stephen, Penny, sit in the passenger and driver seat, Pepper, MJ, Morgan, sit in the second row and Ned and Happy sit in the back

"You doing okay sweetie?" Pepper asked. Penny turns around with a smile "Yeah, I just can't wait to see them, and thank you for coming with"

"Anything for you" pepper kisses her head and leans back watching Morgan and MJ play rock-paper-scissor

"See them? Who would I be seeing?" Penny questioned the rest of the world would still forget that she existed. Only her family would remember and the only people she could think of are-

Penny sits up looking at the screen with hope that it's the people she thinks it is

Stephen pulls up to a farm house. Two people exit the house

Penny immediately unbuckle her seatbelt and throws the door open rushing towards the man and woman "Daniel, Enid!" she runs towards the house, her hair flying behind her

Penny and May look at the screen with smiles seeing Daniel and Enid "They remember" Pen whispers "They remember! Yes!" She cheers jumping up from her seat

May stands up and hugs her niece knowing how close she is the the Stacy's "I told you everything would work out" she whispered in Penny ear. Pen laughs nodding "Yeah you did"

May kisses her head before sitting back down. Penny sits back with Stephen a smile lighting up her face, happy that the people she thinks as her second parents remember her

Daniel and Enid immediately wrapped Penny into a tight hug "Oh, Pen" Enid whispered holding the girl she thought of as her daughter "I am so sorry for what you went through" Penny stepped back tears in her eyes "We are so proud of you, red" he lays his hand on the back of her neck "Gwen would be proud of you"

Penny smiles at them when she hears footsteps behind her, moving to the side she lets Daniel and Enid see who came with her "Daniel, Enid this is my family. Pepper and Morgan Stark" Pepper waves to them as Morgan runs over to Penny hugging her waist "My best friends you already know Ned and this is MJ" Ned hugs both Daniel and Enid while MJ waves at them 

"That is Happy, bodyguard for Pepper and Morgan and also an uncle figure to me" Happy smiled at Penny before shaking hands with them 

"And I think of you as my niece as well Pen" Happy smiled at the girl. Even though it's only been a week at most since Penny fight happened at her dance, he has started to care for the young girl way before that

"And this is my boyfriend Stephen Strange" Stephen wraps his arm around Penny shoulder laying a hand on Morgan head smiling at Daniel and Enid "Nice to meet you. Penny has told us a lot about you two" he shook their hands

"Boyfriend!" Tony, Rhodey, Happy and James yelled before glaring at Stephen "No! No! No!" Tony got up and swopped Penny into his arms "No! Penny come sit with us" she walked over to the coach and dropped her in-between him and Rhodey. Happy nodded happy with this arrangement while James glared at the three. He is Rose father 

Daniel looked him up and down while Enid smiled at him "It is so nice to meet you guys as well" a loud sound coming from the barn. Daniel looked back at the barn before looking back at his daughter "Red, there is someone who wants to see you" They watch confused as he walks over to the barn

"Who wants to see me?" She turned to Enid "As far as I know everyone else still doesn't remember me"

"That is true" Enid nodded "But one day, he just started acting wild, acting out whenever someone got close to him. It was the day we forgot about you" Penny goes to ask more when hooves on stone catch their attention 

"It can't be" Penny whispered. She would know those hooves sounds anywhere

The group turns to the barn and sees Daniel leading out a beautiful black horse 

The hall look at the horse in awe of it's beauty. Penny smiles widely seeing Midnight 

The group gasp in awe at the horse "Midnight" Penny gasp as Daniel stops in front of the barn "Midnight!" she yells. The horse turns towards the sound of her voice and Neighs and rears up. Daniel lets go of the line and Midnight takes off towards the group 

Penny passes Morgan to Stephen before she takes off run speed running towards her horse. The two meet in the middle of the house and the barn, Midnight neighing and rearing up "Hey boy" Penny laughs as she holds her hands in front of her. Midnight comes back down "Hey mid" Pen wraps her arms around his neck hugging him. Midnight bends his head down and wraps it around her back 

"Oh, I missed you" She whispers. The group stands back and watches with smiles on their face, seeing Penny happy, not many things make her happy these days but in moments like these...It's the best thing to happen
